HNL Suđenje i suci

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 12.12.2020.
Poruka: 11.675
11. travnja 2022. u 12:50

Casanova je napisao/la:

Ma 500

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Ti si vjer onaj budws. Vec 500 profil otvoren.

"U hrvatskom jezikoslovlju nema atributa kojima se može objasniti veličina Hajduka. Hajduk je ne samo vječan, Hajduk je neuništiv!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.04.2022.
Poruka: 247
11. travnja 2022. u 12:54

odgovornost je napisao/la:

Casanova je napisao/la:

Ma 500

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Ti si vjer onaj budws. Vec 500 profil otvoren.

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Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 12.12.2020.
Poruka: 11.675
11. travnja 2022. u 12:59

Casanova je napisao/la:

odgovornost je napisao/la:

Casanova je napisao/la:

Ma 500

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Ti si vjer onaj budws. Vec 500 profil otvoren.

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Klon si. Ukratko.

"U hrvatskom jezikoslovlju nema atributa kojima se može objasniti veličina Hajduka. Hajduk je ne samo vječan, Hajduk je neuništiv!"
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.04.2022.
Poruka: 247
11. travnja 2022. u 13:02

Ne znam tko je budws ali piše da ovdje ima 47 tisuća članova

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 16.08.2011.
Poruka: 10.238
11. travnja 2022. u 14:29

podolski10 je napisao/la:

Evo iz glave primjer, a ima ih jos ali ovog se bas sjecam. Huszti iz Hannovera u sezoni Bundeslige 2013. dobio dva zuta, jedan za skidanje dresa, jedan jer je preskocio reklame pri slavljenju. Ne mogu stavit link jer ne znam preko mobitela. Uglavnom, Hannover se zalio, i zalba mu je odbijena jer je sve prema pravilima.


nabijanje korner zastavice spada u ovo sto si naveo

  • gesturing or acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory way

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Nemoguće ili su se mjenjala pravila jer izlazak iz terena nije kažnjiv opomenom.

It's my estimation that every man that ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 32.767
11. travnja 2022. u 14:40

Fiume o morte je napisao/la:

Bitan je kriterij kroz cijelu utakmicu a ne to dali Ademi treba dobiti 2 žuta....po meni ne...ako cijelu utakmicu timu A dozvoljavaš mušku igru a timu B za isto to sudiš prekršaje dolazi do nervoze....svaki sudac može faliti jednu situaciju ali kad te lagano jebe cijelu tekmu onda je to za mene pederski....

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Apsolutno se slazem. Posebice prvo poluvrijeme je kriterij blago receno bio nejednak. 

Facts don't care about your feelings!
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 17.07.2021.
Poruka: 701
11. travnja 2022. u 14:43

Srećom pa sa suđenjem ove sezone nema nikih problema...  Da nema Vara koji je isto beskoristan ali bolje je od sudca iza gola većina sudaca zbog nesposobnosti (može se slobodno napisati bilo sto od ne neznanja nesnalazenja do nečeg drugog) donose krivu odluku i da nije tog vara klub iz najhrvatskijog grada bi već imao plus 20... Ovako je tijesno ali opet 95% odluka se nategne za pravi klub svih hrvata...

“Words are living things. They have personality, point of view… agenda.” Hannibal Barca
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 16.08.2011.
Poruka: 10.238
11. travnja 2022. u 14:45

Pa ne bi rekao da se baš tolko navlači za Dragovoljac...

It's my estimation that every man that ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 21.08.2018.
Poruka: 7.060
11. travnja 2022. u 15:29

zwizdan007 je napisao/la:

Drukčija su bila pravila od 11-14 kad je Kralj igra u Italiji  i sada


While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal has been
scored, the celebration must not be excessive.

Reasonable celebrations are allowed, but the practice of choreographed
celebrations is not to be encouraged when it results in excessive time-wasting
and referees are instructed to intervene in such cases.

A player must be cautioned if:

- in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory

 - he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored

- he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shir

- he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item

Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence in itself
but it is essential that players return to the field of play as soon as possible.

Referees are expected to act in a preventative manner and to exercise common
sense in dealing with the celebration of a goal.


Players can celebrate when a goal is scored, but the celebration must not be excessive; choreographed celebrations are not encouraged and must not cause excessive time-wasting.

Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence but players should return as soon as possible.

A player must be cautioned, even if the goal is disallowed, for:

- climbing onto a perimeter fence and/or approaching the spectators in a manner which causes safety and/or security issues

- acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory way

- covering the head or face with a mask or other similar item

- removing the shirt or covering the head with the shirt


Plus, u tadašnjim pravilima nije bilo ove rečenice:

Where two separate cautionable offences are committed (even in close proximity), they should result in two cautions


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Čitam PNI, poglavlje Proslava pogotka  i ne vidim ovo boldano. Otkud ovo ''Where two separate cautionable offences are committed (even in close proximity), they should result in two cautions''?

Edit: Jasno mi je kod puštanja prednosti ali baš za ovaj članak PNI ne vidim tu rečenicu.


[uredio Undertaker123 - 11. travnja 2022. u 15:36]
Aquilla non capit muscas
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 11.04.2013.
Poruka: 11.600
11. travnja 2022. u 15:42

Undertaker123 je napisao/la:

zwizdan007 je napisao/la:

Drukčija su bila pravila od 11-14 kad je Kralj igra u Italiji  i sada


While it is permissible for a player to demonstrate his joy when a goal has been
scored, the celebration must not be excessive.

Reasonable celebrations are allowed, but the practice of choreographed
celebrations is not to be encouraged when it results in excessive time-wasting
and referees are instructed to intervene in such cases.

A player must be cautioned if:

- in the opinion of the referee, he makes gestures which are provocative,
derisory or inflammatory

 - he climbs on to a perimeter fence to celebrate a goal being scored

- he removes his shirt or covers his head with his shir

- he covers his head or face with a mask or other similar item

Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence in itself
but it is essential that players return to the field of play as soon as possible.

Referees are expected to act in a preventative manner and to exercise common
sense in dealing with the celebration of a goal.


Players can celebrate when a goal is scored, but the celebration must not be excessive; choreographed celebrations are not encouraged and must not cause excessive time-wasting.

Leaving the field of play to celebrate a goal is not a cautionable offence but players should return as soon as possible.

A player must be cautioned, even if the goal is disallowed, for:

- climbing onto a perimeter fence and/or approaching the spectators in a manner which causes safety and/or security issues

- acting in a provocative, derisory or inflammatory way

- covering the head or face with a mask or other similar item

- removing the shirt or covering the head with the shirt


Plus, u tadašnjim pravilima nije bilo ove rečenice:

Where two separate cautionable offences are committed (even in close proximity), they should result in two cautions


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Čitam PNI, poglavlje Proslava pogotka  i ne vidim ovo boldano. Otkud ovo ''Where two separate cautionable offences are committed (even in close proximity), they should result in two cautions''?

Edit: Jasno mi je kod puštanja prednosti ali baš za ovaj članak PNI ne vidim tu rečenicu.


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Odma ispod naslova Cautioning players u tom stavku. S obzirom da infractions pri proslavi posli gola spada pod cautioning, meni se podrazumijeva da se odnosi i na to.

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