Hrvatski igrači u inozemstvu - sezona 2013/14

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.10.2010.
Poruka: 16.896
14. lipnja 2013. u 23:27
arcturus je napisao/la:
Koliku pinku bi trebali dobiti Dinamo i Inter od ovog transfera?
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Dinamo 400, a Inter 100 tisuća eura.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
14. lipnja 2013. u 23:31
sky00 je napisao/la:
arcturus je napisao/la:
Koliku pinku bi trebali dobiti Dinamo i Inter od ovog transfera?
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Dinamo 400, a Inter 100 tisuća eura.
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Dejan Lovren. The gift that keeps on giving.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 05.11.2012.
Poruka: 7.574
14. lipnja 2013. u 23:36
Dinamo je ove godine ubrao valjda 2-3 milijona samo od sekundarnih transfera, bubam bezveze, ali tako nekako mi se čini.
Deda is back to stay.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 04.09.2006.
Poruka: 8.577
15. lipnja 2013. u 01:57
ja vjerujem da će se Lovren pokazati u premierligi i da će ubrzo potpisati za neki bolji klub.... mislim da će njegova "agresivnija" igra bolje prolaziti u premijerligi nego što je to u francuskoj....ipak smo se svi nadali da će potpisati za neki "bolji klub" ... Mislim da je ovo dobar potez i da će se on ipak izboriti na kraju na "teži način" za jače  klubove.. (ako ne za Manu, Chelea, City... barem za Everton, Newcastle, Totty ....)
[uredio tom0 - 15. lipnja 2013. u 02:02]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 01.05.2008.
Poruka: 8.592
15. lipnja 2013. u 02:20
sky00 je napisao/la:
arcturus je napisao/la:
Koliku pinku bi trebali dobiti Dinamo i Inter od ovog transfera?
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Dinamo 400, a Inter 100 tisuća eura.
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a Karlovac?
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 17.12.2005.
Poruka: 8.704
15. lipnja 2013. u 02:53
inače zanimljivo, a vezano uz našeg "bad boya", saintsi su momčad s najmanje žutih kartona u EPL..samo 43 (+2 crvena)

usporedbe radi stoke ih ima 78 (+4).. newcastle, wh i villa po 74
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.07.2010.
Poruka: 777
15. lipnja 2013. u 07:29
listajući malo komentare engleza.. dakle 99.9% pišu koje fantastično pojačanje za soton.. neočekivano.. kako su uspjeli dovest ovakvog internacionalca kojeg traži pola europe..

čudim se da nisam naišao na nekog ogorčenog lyonovca, ali opet dobili su finu lovu, pa može se reći da su svi sretni..

a vidit ćemo za lovrena.. ne znam što očekivati od njega.. možda nastavi sa svojom kikser tradicijom, pa zapne u ovim 'slabijim' klubovima čitavu karijeru, a možda eksplodira, a to će samo izazvat interes velikana.. kako god nek mu je sa srećom
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 61.106
15. lipnja 2013. u 09:19
Lovren ima odlican pedigre: jos zapravo mlad, a ima hrpu iskustva... reprezentativac, miljon europskih utakmica iza sebe... ocito Englezi racunaju da ce ga za sezonu-dvije nekome uvalit za veci iznos
inace, svaka cast za transfer, jer Southampton stvarno nije uobicajena destinacija... to se zove povjerenje u klub 
a i oni su se malo razbahatili kad daju 10 mil. € za stopera

mozda ce i njemu engleska liga vise odgovarat: manje gladnih, a brzih Afrikanaca koji zuje oko njega i koje je tesko uloviti, a vise zracnih dvoboja s letecim tvrdjavama... Lovren nije ni los u napadu
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 10.06.2013.
Poruka: 4.223
15. lipnja 2013. u 12:03

Lovren was born on 5th July 1989 in Zenica in what is now Croatia.

Eto, i Saintsi znaju! 

Bit ćemo prvaci ako nam dopuste
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.09.2010.
Poruka: 2.286
15. lipnja 2013. u 12:05
Lynx17 je napisao/la:

FM Info: Croatian nugget proposed Lyon and Lille

11/06/2013 - 20 h 31 French Foot »Transfers 3 Comments

Besart Abdurahimi a proposed multi-talented French clubs Besart Abdurahimi a proposed several French clubs © Maxppp talent

While Dejan Lovren is leaving Lyon, a fellow could make the leap to the Ligue 1 this summer.
His name? Besart Abdurahimi. Presentation.

If Dinamo Zagreb is a factory of talent, his rival NK Zagreb also has a few nuggets stock image Besart Abdurahimi. A 22-year-old striker to complicated path. After the death of his parents, he was raised by his grandfather, the only family he has left. Quiet and introverted, this nugget Eastern lets his talent speak for her once on the ground. This season, the original Albanian player scored 12 goals and delivered eight assists in 30 starts for the club. Bringing his total to 24 goals in 210 matches in the Croatian first division. Under contract until 2014, this support striker, who can also play on the sides, has never played in European club competitions, but is now ready to find a new league.

Mandated by the NK Zagreb Mayor Jean-Pierre is responsible for finding a club Besart Abdurahimi. One element that we present: "It goes very fast and has magic feet. It has a crazy acceleration and incredibly easy to hit. He moves well in small spaces. Besart was international hope (note, seven selections). He played in a friendly against France in 2010. Erick Mombaerts who was coach of the French Hopes had seen him play in a friendly match in Reims. He said besides the greater good. (...) As he turns 23 in July, it will be selectable with A. But it has not yet been selected with A for the 2014 World Cup. "

Formed NK Zagreb, he is ready to find a new league as we told Mayor Jean-Pierre: "He is a player that I had already met two years ago. He lacked safe. But since the end of last year, he really took the volume and thickness. He developed his finishing qualities. Like most Croatian footballers playing in Ligue 1 would be a dream for him. L1, he knows he will be the general public as it is affordable. His club request 1 million transfer fee. The club is open to discussion and through me includes the current requirements of French clubs. However, the player leaves a great season and is attracting interest. "

Reportedly, some Ligue 1 clubs including Olympique Lyonnais LOSC, Evian Thonon Gaillard and Valenciennes had the file in his hands. Interesting avenues for this talented element we have perhaps the pleasure of seeing change on the grounds of France and Navarre next season. Besart Abdurahimi: a name to remember who might make sparks L1.

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nk zagreb - jedini klub koji sa zadnjeg mjesta na ljestvici može stopera prodat u werder bremen, i jedini klub koji iz hrvatske druge lige može igrača prodat u lyon :)
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