Hrvatski treneri

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.07.2009.
Poruka: 13.950
20. siječnja 2011. u 00:15
Vjeran legenda

btw, Srećko Juričić dobija otkaz u Jemenu nakon 3 poraza u 3 utakmice u Zaljevskom kupu
[uredio Dalmatino-1911 - 20. siječnja 2011. u 00:16]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.11.2008.
Poruka: 125
20. siječnja 2011. u 00:38
WHEELER je napisao/la:
srečko čeči bogdan.. jel trenira koju ekipu on?
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Da, preuzeo je prije par dana Savski Marof...
Filip Jicha
Filip Jicha
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.05.2009.
Poruka: 17.696
20. siječnja 2011. u 00:45
bezimeni1 je napisao/la:
WHEELER je napisao/la:
srečko čeči bogdan.. jel trenira koju ekipu on?
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Da, preuzeo je prije par dana Savski Marof...
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a koja je to liga?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.11.2008.
Poruka: 125
20. siječnja 2011. u 00:58
WHEELER je napisao/la:
bezimeni1 je napisao/la:
WHEELER je napisao/la:
srečko čeči bogdan.. jel trenira koju ekipu on?
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Da, preuzeo je prije par dana Savski Marof...
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a koja je to liga?
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4. HNL Središte podskupina B, to je liga zagrebačkog prstena...
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2006.
Poruka: 11.538
20. siječnja 2011. u 01:15
Rubcic je vec postigao lijep uspjeh na klupi Bangladesa, u sedlu je vec 4 mjeseca, a neki njegovi prethodnici su jedva mjesec dana izdrzali

Triba vratit Štimca!!!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
20. siječnja 2011. u 20:45


Thursday 20 January 2011, 19:03
by Andy Lewis @efc_andylewis

For a man renowned for speaking his mind, it is rare you’ll find Slaven Bilic with anything even remotely resembling divided loyalties.

Yet when Everton host West Ham on Saturday, the outspoken 42-year-old – remembered as a quality defender and now the respected coach of the Croatian national team – may just feel a rare pang of confliction.

If pushed he will tell you he is a West Ham supporter. Bilic enjoyed arguably the best years of his career with the Hammers before Joe Royle paid L4.5m to lure him to Goodison Park in 1997.

Subsequently he was unable to transfer the form that made him one of the most coveted centre-halves in the Premier League, but a lingering affection for the Blues has stayed with him and he is glad to see the Club enjoying better times under David Moyes.

In stark contrast, his spell at Goodison saw the Blues embroiled in the type of relegation battle the Hammers currently find themselves in.

And with the beleaguered Londoners hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons and poor displays on the pitch compounded by damaging and sustained speculation regarding the future of manager Avram Grant, Bilic believes the ailing Hammers have it all to do when they visit the North West.

“West Ham are having a bad season,” he told “And now they have a really difficult game because Everton is one of the toughest away trips for anyone in English football. I was speaking to Luka Modric and he said Everton had been Spurs’ toughest away game of the season.

“Everton has a great ground, amazing supporters who get behind the team and make it very difficult for the away team. So it is not a good game for West Ham given their situation.”

At the time of Bilic’s move to Everton, he was one of the finest central defenders in the league, but injury meant Blues fans never saw the best of him.

And Bilic, an unapologetic aficionado of English football, says Everton’s performances in that era were not befitting of a club of its stature.

As far as the current Blues side is concerned, he feels they are in safe hands with Moyes and are probably only a regular goalscorer away from challenging for top honours.

“Everton have had a strange season,” he said. “In the summer I was at the World Cup and I had dinner with David Moyes, who I rate as one of the best managers in England – he has done unbelievably with Everton. He told me at that dinner that this season Everton can do it big time and get right up the league.

“But they have had a strange season, dropping points when you think they should be winning. They have a great squad, a great manager and great fans but the one reason for me is that they don’t have an out and out goalscorer. If you do not have a guy who can score 20 goals then you don’t have the chance to be really consistent.

“Even without Pienaar, who is a great player, they have still got a great midfield – very aggressive but also very sharp, clever and creative. At the back they are solid and they are solid as a team which is a big credit to the manager.

He added: “Everton are a great club and it was only when I went there and after my career I realised how huge the club is. It is a massive club with an amazing history. I want to see them do well.

“They should probably be right at the top given their history and the size of the club, but they are doing as well as they can and they have a great manager in David Moyes.

"The one regret I have about the whole thing is that because of injury I couldn’t give Everton my very best. I am sad about that – I wanted to give them more but the injury stopped me."

As far as the Hammers are concerned, Bilic says the fuss off the pitch needs to be quelled if they are to have any chance of surviving this season. He also backed Avram Grant as the best man to try and salvage their top flight status.

“They are having a bad season and I am upset about it,” he added. “The situation with the manager definitely does not help. It is not good for the manager, it is not good during the games, for the players and for the club.

“He (Avram Grant) is a good manager, I know him well. He was successful in Israel and he has done good work in England, first with Chelsea and then with Portsmouth – particularly in the FA Cup. He is the best choice and should stay at least until the end of the season – he deserves the chance.”
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
01. ožujka 2011. u 20:25

Učio je Xavija i Iniestu, a sad želi biti trener u hrvatskoj ligi

Nikica Milenković (53) godinama je bio desna ruka nizozemskog trenera Johana Cruyffa u velikoj Barceloni. Sad je skaut za Barcu, a trenirao je Xavija i Iniestu...

Piše: Antonio Bevanda

  24sata Nikica je skaut Barcelone  
Prethodna Sljedeca
0 0 0 0 0

Nikica Milenković pet je godina bio trener u Barceloni. Od 1991. do 1996. vodio je kadete i juniore te je bio desna ruka tadašnjeg trenera prve momčadi Johana Cruyffa.

- Godinama sam bio trener Xaviju i golmanu Victoru Valdesu, a nerijetko sam vodio i treninge na kojima su bili Iniesta i Puyol - rekao je Milenković i nastavio:- Kad je Xavi imao 15 godina, mnogi su govorili da će postati velik igrač, ali bilo je i skeptika. Govorili su kako omaleni igrač ne može postati vrhunski, da će imati velikih problema zbog visine.

Sjajni veznjak bio je kapetan kadetske momčadi i s njim nikad nije bilo nikakvih problema.

- Bio je primjer svima. Xavija su svi obožavali. Poslije treninga je često znao ostati i vježbati lijevom nogom. Ona mu je bila slabija, a sad se vidi da jednako dobro igra objema.

U La Masiju, kamenu kuću u kojoj su i danas smješteni mladi igrači Barcelone, često je navraćao sadašnji trener Katalonaca Pep Guardiola, koji je tad bio kapetan Barce.

- Kad bi došao Guardiola, svi bi bili oduševljeni. Izišao bi na trening loptom i klincima pokazivao driblinge i učio ih nogometu. Gledali su ga Xavi i Iniesta. Guardiola je ovu dvojicu veznjaka već kao kadete naučio nekim nogometnim trikovima, koje i danas izvode - kaže Nikica.

Puyol i golman Victor Valdes uvijek su bili posebno motivirani.

- Oni nisu podnosili poraz. Već su kao klinci pokazali da će biti lideri prve momčadi - rekao je 53-godišnji Crikveničanin.

"Volio bih voditi neki klub iz HNL-a"

Nikica je u nogometnoj karijeri igrao za Rijeku, Čelik iz Zenice dok je tamo bio trener Josip Skoblar te za Burgos u Španjoskoj kod Sergija Krešića. I danas je jako dobar prijatelj s velikim Cruyffom. Milenković je već godinama skaut za Barcelonu i Espanyol.

- Barca prati igrače u svim zemljama svijeta. U Hrvatskoj Kataloncima ima nekoliko zanimljivih igrača, ali teško je reći hoće li netko završiti na Nou Campu - kaže Nikica.

Želja mu je da postane trener u Hrvatskoj.

- Volio bih voditi jedan klub, ako je moguće iz HNL-a. Da našu momčad naučim svemu onome što sam naučio u Barceloni. Tamo se sve radi loptom - kazao je Milenković.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
02. ožujka 2011. u 18:23

Hrvatski trener Milan Šašić koji vodi MSV Duisburg, doveo je svoj klub u finale njemačkog kupa. Veliki uspjeh za taj mali klub.
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 60.741
02. ožujka 2011. u 18:44
Sasic je prije dvije-tri sezone vodio Kaiserslautern dok su bili u drugoj ligi... sjecam se kako su na zimskoj pauzi bili drugi, ocito je da im je forma pala kad je morao otici

za proboj na visu razinu trenera u Njemackoj ce morati uvesti neki klub u 1.BL
[uredio ian wright - 02. ožujka 2011. u 18:45]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
24. ožujka 2011. u 16:19

Luka Peruzovic ce biti neki savjetnik za belgijski Charleroi.

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