Sigurni off topic- osim ako nije varijanta- koliko koja rep. može na SP sa sloganom... - nego sviđa mi se ova naša ''NA SVJETSKO SA VATROM U SRCIMA!'' - nabrijavajuće... Ali ima i stvarno provala...
The winning slogans:
Angola - "Angola lead the way – our team is our people"
Argentina - "Get up, Argentina are on the move"
Australia - "Australia Socceroos – Bound for glory"
Brazil - "Vehicle monitored by 180 million Brazilian hearts"
Costa Rica- "Our army is the team, our weapon is the ball. Let's go to Germany and give it our all"
Côte d'Ivoire - "Come on the Elephants! Win the cup in style"
Croatia – "To the finals with fire in our hearts"
Czech Republic – "Belief and a lion's strength, for victory and our fans"
Ecuador – "Ecuador my life, football my passion, the cup my goal"
England - "One Nation, One Trophy, Eleven Lions"
France – "Liberté, egalité, Jules Rimet"
Germany - "We are football"
Iran - "Stars of Persia"
Italy – "Blue pride, Italy in our hearts"
Japan - "Light up your Samurai spirit!"
Korea Republic - "Never-ending legend, united Korea"
Ghana – "Go Black Stars, the stars of our world"
Mexico - "Aztec passion across the world"
Netherlands – "Oranje on the road to gold"
Paraguay – "From the heart of America... this is the Guarani spirit"
Poland – "White and red, dangerous and brave"
Portugal – "With a flag in the window and a nation on the pitch. Força Portugal"
Saudi Arabia - "The Green Hawks cannot be stopped"
Serbia and Montenegro - "For the love of the game"
Spain – "Spain. One country, one goal"
Switzerland – "2006, it's Swiss o'clock"
Sweden – "Fight! Show spirit! Come on! You have the support of everyone"
Togo – "A passion to win and a thirst to succeed"
Trinidad and Tobago - "Here come the Soca Warriors – the fighting spirit of the Caribbean"
Tunisia – "The Carthage Eagles... higher and stronger than ever"
Ukraine – "With our support, Ukraine cannot fail to win!"
USA - "United we play, United we win
Najbahatija je definitivno njemačka - da We are football! - pa ni da ste Brazil! A ono što im rep. pokazuje u zadnje vrijeme je We are NOT football!...
Španjolska - Jedna zemlja, jedan gol - to se vidi da su realni i da znaju koliko će im golova zabit rep. u Njemačkoj...
Costa Rica je totalno zabrijala sa militarizmom - ono u prekidima će bacat u šesnaest ''kinder jaja''...
Brazil je umjesto ovog slogana mogao staviti ili CRUSH TEST DUMMIES ili 180 milijuna razloga za paranoju...
Portugalska malo naginje na akciju tipa BALONE NA BALKONE...
Sviđa mi se ova Saudijske Arabije zbog auto-ironije...
Švicarci su ono srebrna medalja za navijačku neinventivnost i marketinšku domišljatost - mislim - 'IT'S SWISS O'CLOCK'' - e nije nego '' IT'S MILKA TIME! '' -
SiCG slogan ne bi bio loš, ali malo podsjeća na NBAovsku - I LOVE THIS GAME! - možda je bilo namjerno - ha? uvijek ta košarka...
Zlatna medalja za neinventivnost definitivno pripada Šveđanima... Mogli su stavit samo COME ON! WIN SOMETHING, GOD DAMN IT! - bilo bi smiješnije...