Liverpool F.C.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 08.03.2006.
Poruka: 3.248
15. travnja 2012. u 17:18
O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo,
dar u kom sva blaga višnji nam bog je do...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 13.10.2011.
Poruka: 5.503
15. travnja 2012. u 17:22
Bravo finale EFja
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 12.06.2006.
Poruka: 20.131
16. travnja 2012. u 17:32
Odlična kolumna. Papa Bear bi je trebao pročitat.

Just a cup team...

Question: who scored the goal in 2005-06 that secured their team fourth spot in the Premier League?

Give up?

It was Thierry Henry. A hat-trick for Arsenal against Wigan on the final day as Tottenham – food-poisoned Spurs – lost to West Ham.

Now try this one: which player lifted the FA Cup in the same year?

Too easy, I know.

It was Steven Gerrard, after the most engrossing domestic showpiece of the modern era.

The point being that the Champions League may be football's El Dorado, but nobody remembers a triumphant march to fourth spot.

Financially, entry into Europe's premier club competition is important – of course it is. But why do we follow football? Is it to brag about our team's bank balance, or is it to enjoy days like May 13, 2006?

That's why it irks when the media dispatches the tired smear that Liverpool 'are just a cup team'.

Arsenal have qualified for the Champions League every season since Henry's treble, but what has it led to other than healthy finances?

People talk about attracting top players, but a lack of Champions League football did not deter Luis Suarez, Sami Hyypia, Jari Litmanen nor Didi Hamann from a transfer to Anfield.

Arsenal haven't won a single trophy since 2006, and trophies – not coffers – are what football is about.

The league title is the trophy Liverpool fans crave most, and our league form this season has not been as good as any supporter would have liked.

But did anyone really think this – the first full campaign for our manager and owners, seven new signings bedding into the team – would be the year when our too-long wait for the title would end?

And that being so, which is a better consolation prize: fourth spot and entry into the Champions League or, possibly, two cup wins?

Do Arsenal fans remember what they were doing on the night Henry scored his hat-trick? Some might. But I bet you couldn't find a Liverpool supporter without a story to tell about the evening after the Gerrard final.

Days like these are the apex of life in the stands. Days like Saturday: beating your local rivals in a semi-final at Wembley. Days when your match ticket will be preserved in a shoe box under your bed alongside a stub from your first concert and your childhood bank book. Days that ever so slightly change who you are.

Liverpool may be 'just' a cup team right now but which of the 91 other English league sides have had more of these days since the turn of the century?

A treble in 2001, including the drama of a late comeback against Arsenal and a nine-goal European final; a League Cup win over our fiercest rivals in 2003; the aforementioned FA Cup in 2006; a possible FA and League Cup double this season. And, of course, Istanbul: a fifth European Cup, a night some Liverpool fans would describe as the greatest of their life.

Would you swap all this for Arsenal's cache of two league titles and three FA Cups? No Liverpool fan in my office would.

How about Chelsea's collection of three league titles, four FA Cups and two League Cups? This is tougher – but it was still a toss-up for all those colleagues I questioned.

Which leaves Manchester United - whose 12 major trophies since the turn of the century include seven Premier League triumphs - as the only team to have unquestionably given their supporters more joy than Liverpool over the past dozen years.

There isn't a Liverpool fan alive who is happy that United have been the dominant force in English football during this period, but 90 other clubs would surely love to be seen as a cup team as defined by Liverpool since the Millennium.

Just a cup team? Tell that to those who stood in the Westfalenstadion in 2001. Tell that to those who were in Cardiff when Gerrard felt-tipped memories into our minds. Tell that to anyone who spent a month's wages travelling to Istanbul. Tell that to these people and see if they care.

sve prolazi sve se mijenja, idu dani idu godine, samo Zrinjski ostaje ponos moje Hercegovine
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 08.03.2006.
Poruka: 3.248
16. travnja 2012. u 18:55
Just a cup team ?       
O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo,
dar u kom sva blaga višnji nam bog je do...
Papa Bear
Papa Bear
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 27.07.2008.
Poruka: 16.089
17. travnja 2012. u 02:07

Tko je osvojio Premiership, tko je osvojio LP 2010. a dali se itko sjeća, bez gledanja u nekakve statistike tko je osvojio nebitne trofeje Liga kupa, FA kupa, UEFA kupa, naravno, navijači Liverpoola znaju, jer njihov klub takve trofeje jedino osvaja u zadnje vrijeme.

Ajmo dignut nebitnu kantu i plasirat se u nebitnu Europa ligu iz koje ćemo htjeti ispasti sa drugom ekipom, nije bitno što nismo osvojili Premiership preko 20 godina, što kupujemo preplaćene škart Engleze, što smo 8. u prvenstvu iza jednog Newcastlea koji nam je prodao škarta u vrijednosti 50 milja eura...

[uredio Papa Bear - 17. travnja 2012. u 02:07]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.04.2008.
Poruka: 761
17. travnja 2012. u 08:56
i opet bi taj Newcastle htio dić takvu "nebitnu kantu" i bit na Liverpoolovom mjestu kao što i u tekstu piše
istina, nema osvojenog prvenstva predugo, ali na kraju se ipak broje trofeji a ne treća i četvrta mjesta

ali FA kup i Uefa kup nebitne kante
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 26.01.2011.
Poruka: 1.439
17. travnja 2012. u 12:05
pogotovo kanta lige prvaka iz 2005 :D
Mi ne ovisimo o tome hoće li sutra netko u ovoj zemlji odlučiti početi provoditi zakon,mi zakone kreiramo.Mi ne ovisimo o dobroj volji tajkuna da se igra našim snovima,mi svoje snove sami sanjamo i provodimo u djelo.Jer mi smo Hajduk,a oni su nebitni
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 26.01.2011.
Poruka: 1.439
17. travnja 2012. u 12:07

navodno je smanjio sa 1L dnevno na 0.75L. napredak je očit
Mi ne ovisimo o tome hoće li sutra netko u ovoj zemlji odlučiti početi provoditi zakon,mi zakone kreiramo.Mi ne ovisimo o dobroj volji tajkuna da se igra našim snovima,mi svoje snove sami sanjamo i provodimo u djelo.Jer mi smo Hajduk,a oni su nebitni
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.03.2012.
Poruka: 655
17. travnja 2012. u 12:14
zeljezna zavjesa, samo to imam za reci loserpoolovima navijacima
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 08.03.2006.
Poruka: 3.248
29. travnja 2012. u 11:56
Lijepa pobjeda i  školski primjer genijalnosti u jednostavnosti nogometa,dva tri poteza gol,dva tri poteza gol...
 Treći Suarezov gol je stvarno potrebno spomenuti lob golmana s centra ali isto tako prije toga falio stopostotnu pokušajem loba. To je umijeće i kada fališ zicera igraš kao da se ništa nije desilo (samo rijetki napadači to mogu)
O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo,
dar u kom sva blaga višnji nam bog je do...
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