Lokomotiva Zagreb 2012/13

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2007.
Poruka: 11.698
20. travnja 2013. u 23:05
Čudno kako nema više gledatelja na Maksimiru, valjda zbog stadiona.
Samo vjera, nada i ljubav, a najveća od njih je ljubav. Merčep, Praljak, Prlić, Petković, Ćorić, Pušić, Stojić - velikani hrvatskog naroda
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 24.10.2009.
Poruka: 1.983
20. travnja 2013. u 23:13
Jesu to opet suci pogurali smijesne igrace lokomotive protiv nogometnih carobnjaka iz rijeke???  
Fora bi bila da Dinamo i Lokomotiva igraju LP.....al bit ce i to za par godina, sad kad imamo klub koji osim Dinama moze dici koef Hnl-a....ajmo lokosi...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.04.2013.
Poruka: 2
20. travnja 2013. u 23:34
Jedna zanimljiva priča iz Nizozemske lige:


SBV Excelsior is a professional football club from the Kralingen-Crooswijk district of Rotterdam, Netherlands. It was founded on July 23, 1902 and was formerly known as 'Rotterdamse Voetbal en Atletiek Vereniging Excelsior' (Rotterdam Football and Athletics Union Excelsior). The club was relegated from the top Dutch league, Eredivisie in 2007/08, and promoted back to the Eredivisie at the end of the 2009/10 season.

Excelsior is a satellite club of Feyenoord. As such, Feyenoord gave Excelsior money and players (either on loan or free transfer). In 2005, the link between the two clubs was severed. It was reinstated in 2009, resulting in the loan of several Feyenoord players to Excelsior for the 2009–10 season.


n 1979, Excelsior chairman Jaap Bontenbal and Feyenoord manager Peter Stephan were at the start of the close relationship between the two Rotterdam clubs Excelsior and Feyenoord. The finger tight relationship that existed between the two clubs since then was contractually sealed in 1996 with an official partnership. Excelsior became Feyenoord's feeder club and provided experience and training for young talented Feyenoord players.

On December 20, 2008, Feyenoord announced not to renew the partnership contract with Excelsior due to financial and flexibility reasons.However, only five months later, Feyenoord and Excelsior agreed on an even more extensive partnership. As part of the new agreement, the clubs started a joint regional youth academy called Feyenoord Academy and merged the club's reserve teams. Also, Excelsior continued to be Feyenoord's feeder club. Excelsior's managing director Simon Kelder was pleased with the new extensive partnership: "I already regretted the earlier withdrawal of cooperation from Feyenoord, but now we get something better in return. It doesn't only reduces the costs, but I am also convinced both clubs will benefit on sportive grounds."

A majority of the Excelsior fans have always been against a partnership with Feyenoord. Michel van der Neut, chairman of Excelsior's supporters club, claimed: "Excelsior sold her soul with the extended partnership. Excelsior simply stops existing this way."

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.11.2012.
Poruka: 4.349
20. travnja 2013. u 23:36
football_fan je napisao/la:
Jedna zanimljiva priča iz Nizozemske lige:


SBV Excelsior is a professional football club from the Kralingen-Crooswijk district of Rotterdam, Netherlands. It was founded on July 23, 1902 and was formerly known as 'Rotterdamse Voetbal en Atletiek Vereniging Excelsior' (Rotterdam Football and Athletics Union Excelsior). The club was relegated from the top Dutch league, Eredivisie in 2007/08, and promoted back to the Eredivisie at the end of the 2009/10 season.

Excelsior is a satellite club of Feyenoord. As such, Feyenoord gave Excelsior money and players (either on loan or free transfer). In 2005, the link between the two clubs was severed. It was reinstated in 2009, resulting in the loan of several Feyenoord players to Excelsior for the 2009–10 season.


n 1979, Excelsior chairman Jaap Bontenbal and Feyenoord manager Peter Stephan were at the start of the close relationship between the two Rotterdam clubs Excelsior and Feyenoord. The finger tight relationship that existed between the two clubs since then was contractually sealed in 1996 with an official partnership. Excelsior became Feyenoord's feeder club and provided experience and training for young talented Feyenoord players.

On December 20, 2008, Feyenoord announced not to renew the partnership contract with Excelsior due to financial and flexibility reasons.However, only five months later, Feyenoord and Excelsior agreed on an even more extensive partnership. As part of the new agreement, the clubs started a joint regional youth academy called Feyenoord Academy and merged the club's reserve teams. Also, Excelsior continued to be Feyenoord's feeder club. Excelsior's managing director Simon Kelder was pleased with the new extensive partnership: "I already regretted the earlier withdrawal of cooperation from Feyenoord, but now we get something better in return. It doesn't only reduces the costs, but I am also convinced both clubs will benefit on sportive grounds."

A majority of the Excelsior fans have always been against a partnership with Feyenoord. Michel van der Neut, chairman of Excelsior's supporters club, claimed: "Excelsior sold her soul with the extended partnership. Excelsior simply stops existing this way."

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Ovo je usproedivo sa odnosom koji je Inter svojedobno ima sa Dinamom. Situacija da Excelsior ima istu recepciju, sluzbeni broj telefona, svlacionice ko i Feyenoord ne postoji i nezamisliva je u nogometnom svijetu
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2007.
Poruka: 11.698
20. travnja 2013. u 23:40
Ma... HNS treba biti Hrvatski Nogometni Savez, a ne Reprezentacija i Dinamo Nogometni Servis. To je rješenje svih problema koje muče HR nogomet.
Samo vjera, nada i ljubav, a najveća od njih je ljubav. Merčep, Praljak, Prlić, Petković, Ćorić, Pušić, Stojić - velikani hrvatskog naroda
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.06.2008.
Poruka: 7.381
20. travnja 2013. u 23:41
A majority of the Excelsior fans have always been against a partnership with Feyenoord. Michel van der Neut, chairman of Excelsior's supporters club, claimed: "Excelsior sold her soul with the extended partnership. Excelsior simply stops existing this way."

ovi bar imaju svoje navijače, koji gle čuda, ne podržavaju ovakav odnos?!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 16.08.2011.
Poruka: 10.239
20. travnja 2013. u 23:44
kriticar je napisao/la:

Ovo je usproedivo sa odnosom koji je Inter svojedobno ima sa Dinamom. Situacija da Excelsior ima istu recepciju, sluzbeni broj telefona, svlacionice ko i Feyenoord ne postoji i nezamisliva je u nogometnom svijetu
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hmm, za ovo prvi put čujem, al mislim da piše da imaju zajedničku mladu školu i mlađe momčadi...možda bi bilo zanimljivo vidjeti međusoban skor njih
It's my estimation that every man that ever got a statue made of him was one kind of sommbitch or another.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.07.2008.
Poruka: 761
20. travnja 2013. u 23:45
kad lokosi razvale hajduk u finalu suze ce same kapati iz slobodne dalmacije
zamislite koja bu to razina ocaja i kmecanja, vrh, jedva cekam taj kup
a jos kad onda shate da bu i dogodine lokomotiva u prvoj ligi (i imala bar 15 bodova vise od njih) i
da joj mogu staviti soli na rep... ma to bu sjajno
a ak im bas dozlogrdi, uvijek mogu  istupit iz lige i igrat Serie Ž.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.08.2009.
Poruka: 6.058
20. travnja 2013. u 23:47
galeb75 je napisao/la:
A majority of the Excelsior fans have always been against a partnership with Feyenoord. Michel van der Neut, chairman of Excelsior's supporters club, claimed: "Excelsior sold her soul with the extended partnership. Excelsior simply stops existing this way."

ovi bar imaju svoje navijače, koji gle čuda, ne podržavaju ovakav odnos?!
Vidi cijeli citat

otvoriti si temu Excelsior, pa tamo razmjenjujte dojmove o tom zanimljivom klubu :)

a ovdje možete slobodno čestitati što je Lokomotiva pobijedila Rijeku, koja vam je konkurira za Euro ligu! :)
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.06.2008.
Poruka: 7.381
20. travnja 2013. u 23:50
selektorZG je napisao/la:
galeb75 je napisao/la:
A majority of the Excelsior fans have always been against a partnership with Feyenoord. Michel van der Neut, chairman of Excelsior's supporters club, claimed: "Excelsior sold her soul with the extended partnership. Excelsior simply stops existing this way."

ovi bar imaju svoje navijače, koji gle čuda, ne podržavaju ovakav odnos?!
Vidi cijeli citat

otvoriti si temu Excelsior, pa tamo razmjenjujte dojmove o tom zanimljivom klubu :)

a ovdje možete slobodno čestitati što je Lokomotiva pobijedila Rijeku, koja vam je konkurira za Euro ligu! :)
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