... nego Manchestera!
pitali Mourinha kako gleda na najave Fergusona da ce probati stici Chelsea do kraja sezone:
"For me, pressure is bird flu; I am feeling a lot of pressure with the swan in Scotland," (....)
I am serious. You are laughing but I am serious. I am more scared of the bird flu than football. What is football compared with life? A swan with bird flu, for me, that is the drama of the last two days. I have to buy some masks and stuff. I am serious. Maybe for my team as well."
ma legenda je
(nesluzbeni prijevod: ja sam ozbiljan. Vi se smijete, ali ja sam ozbiljan. Vise sam zabrinut zbog pticje gripe nego zbog nogometa. Sto je nogomet u usporedbi sa zivotom? Labud s pticjom gripom, to je za mene prava drama u zadnja dva dana. Morat cu kupit neke maske i slicno. Ozbiljan sam. Mozda i za moju momcad)
[uredio ostankiewicz]