my football club

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 25.08.2007.
Poruka: 3.000
30. listopada 2007. u 12:10
oćemo Marsu u ligi prvaka
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2003.
Poruka: 3.593
30. listopada 2007. u 12:36

pise tamo na forumu da su nas vec neki izraelci prestigli, tamo je neka IP firma kupila nizeligaski amaterski klub, pa sastav i strategiju prepusta internet korisnicima. navodno je gazda te IP firme dosao na ideju kad je na proslom SP vascela svjetska nogometna javnost (osim nijemaca i pekermana) htjela vidjet messija u sastavu argentine.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.360
31. listopada 2007. u 04:25
mrkva je napisao/la:

pise tamo na forumu da su nas vec neki izraelci prestigli, tamo je neka IP firma kupila nizeligaski amaterski klub, pa sastav i strategiju prepusta internet korisnicima. navodno je gazda te IP firme dosao na ideju kad je na proslom SP vascela svjetska nogometna javnost (osim nijemaca i pekermana) htjela vidjet messija u sastavu argentine.

Vidi cijeli citat
Pa naletis u kupu na neki veci tim pa ti njegovi navijaci stave napadaca za golmana i obrnuto i sve se ispremijesa i krajnji rezultat 63:0Wink.
“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2003.
Poruka: 3.593
06. studenog 2007. u 08:02

izgleda da cemo seattle et moi uskoro bit ponosni suvlasnici najveceg kluba u povijesti nogometa (pa ma koji to bio). navodno bi mi mogli saznat ime kroz par tjedana, a onda ako budete jako dobri popapate sve povrce, pijete vodice, idete na vrijeme u krevet mozda vam ja i sejo prisapnemo o kojem se gigantu radi. evo vam predzadnji izvjestaj sa web prostora za "odabrane":

It’s been another very busy week. And a fruitful one all round. The email blast went well, leading to an influx of new members and funds. And the article system is beginning to prove its worth.

We also had meetings with two club owners. We know that all the clubs we have spoken to read these web pages, however, it’s nice to be able to report that they are all very understanding of this slightly surreal situation we find ourselves in.

They also know and appreciate the fact that MyFootballClub can only buy one club. Whatever happens, they will remain friends of MyFootballClub and we’ve promised we won’t buy all their best players (joke).

On Thursday it will be three months since MyFootballClub members started to collect funds, and six months from the launch of the phase one website. For those of you who have been with us since 26 April, we hope it hasn’t felt too long.

In this short time together, much has been achieved. Over 53,000 signed up to phase one. A unique Trust with online voting has been registered with the FSA. The forum has amassed 80,000 posts. Over £700,000 has been collected from members in 70 countries. Nine football clubs have come forward, and we’ve sounded out several others.

After many meetings and much travel, we have finally narrowed it down to one. We believe that this football club offers MyFootballClub members the best chance of success.

We’ve agreed terms in principle for the purchase of the football club, and the due diligence process has started. We are doing all we can to ensure an agreement is signed ahead of the January transfer window. And all the indications are that this process will move quickly.

Before the acquisition of the football club, its identity will be revealed and members will be given the opportunity to sanction the purchase.

Everyone reading this is a member and has had a hand in getting MyFootballClub to this stage. After 187 days, it’s great to be able to share news of significant progress


Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2003.
Poruka: 3.593
13. studenog 2007. u 10:49
seattle, imamo klub!!!!
if you can't read this email click here
Dear mrkva

MyFootballClub has agreed a deal in principle to purchase a controlling stake in Ebbsfleet United FC. Placed 9th in the Conference, Ebbsfleet United FC is one promotion from reaching the Football League for the first time in its history.

Own the club, pick the team

Members will own the club through the MyFootballClub Trust. You will vote on team selection, player transfers and on major club decisions. Join thousands of other football fans and take part in the challenge of guiding a club up the football leagues.

The football club selection process

In all, MyFootballClub was approached by nine football club owners, and we approached several others. Getting to know one club and meeting the personalities involved is a process that can take several weeks. In three months, we took a close look at seven clubs. Confidentiality means we cannot disclose details of any of these discussions.

Of the seven football clubs considered, the MyFootballClub team believes that Ebbsfleet United FC present a unique opportunity. Here is some background to the deal and the football club:


We have been able to structure a deal so that the up front payment is relatively small (to allow investment in the squad), with a further staged payment due 12 months after takeover. The club will also have a small amount of debt, which will need to be repaid or refinanced 3 years after takeover.

Only when due diligence is complete can further details be released.

Current Directors and club staff

For continuity, all club staff will remain. Directors will become non-executive Directors and will continue their roles at the club.

The manager

Liam Daish's title will change from Manager to Head Coach, in recognition of the unique role he will perform. Liam's backroom staff, including assistant Alan Kimble, will remain.

Liam Daish commented, "As a football fan, I think the MyFootballClub idea is fantastic. And as the coach, I look forward to the challenge of working with thousands of members to produce a winning team. Alan Kimble and myself are 100% committed to making this work."


Playing in the Conference National, MyFootballClub members across the UK will have the opportunity of going to watch Ebbsfleet United matches. This would not have been the case with a club in a regional division.

Promotion to the Football League is one of the great prizes in English football, and the Conference also has a Wembley play-off final. The division enjoys a similar amount of TV and press coverage as Division Two.


Stonebridge Road was built in 1946 and has a capacity of 5,248 of which approximately 4,000 is standing. The club has a 17-year lease to play there the with a peppercorn rent. Plans are ongoing to build and move to a new stadium in the vicinity.

So as well as offering something for the traditionalist, there is also the prospect of a new stadium in the future.

Club sponsor

Eurostar is the club's main sponsor. The club is in the first season of a three-year deal. The club will receive monies in year two and three.

Location and transport

Ebbsfleet United FC is in northwest Kent and enjoys good transport links. By car it is junction 2 on the M25. And Northfleet station (a 5 minute walk to the ground) is 55 minutes from Charing Cross, London. Gravesend Station is also near by.

Ebbsfleet International Station, on the Eurostar line, opens on 19 November. It's approximately 500m from the Stonebridge Road ground. A high speed 15-minute domestic service from St Pancras will be introduced in 2009.

Come and join MyFootballClub members discussing this news on the forums now.

[uredio mrkva - 13. studenog 2007. u 10:51]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.07.2007.
Poruka: 2.157
13. studenog 2007. u 11:04
hm, ovi igraju u Conference, sto znaci da su 5. liga, prva ispod pravih profesionalaca, sto je poprilicno visoko... ja sam mislio da ce uzet neki manji klub, puno nize lige...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.08.2007.
Poruka: 2.820
13. studenog 2007. u 11:33
Kako vi planirate gledati njihove utakmice? Kakve su reakcije pravih navijača?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2003.
Poruka: 3.593
13. studenog 2007. u 11:53

gledanje utakmica ce bit   streamom, kao i neki treninzi, izjave i intervjui. jos se moramo dogovorit da li ce se to placat neku sitnu lovu ili ne (ja cu glasat da se ipak nesto ubaci u kasu). pravi navijaci jos nisu imali priliku reagirat i to je za sada nepoznanica, cinjenica je da se mogu i oni uclanit.

s obzirom da je u pitanju kent a ne neka centralnije pozicionirana lokacija, da su u regional, bila bi revolucija i opravdano nezadovoljstvo. i ovako se sjevernjaci bune, a da klub ne igra nationwide ligu bio bi kraval. ima nesto dugova, ima sponzorski ugovor sa deloitte (bar nece bit problem skuhat knjige), stadion je lease na jos 17godina za kikiriki, ali due dilligence je u toku. u planu izgradnja novog i cak je u poziciji za borbu za promociju. ja odusevljen, jedva cekam akciju
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 05.08.2007.
Poruka: 2.820
13. studenog 2007. u 12:17
mrkva je napisao/la:

gledanje utakmica ce bit   streamom, kao i neki treninzi, izjave i intervjui. jos se moramo dogovorit da li ce se to placat neku sitnu lovu ili ne (ja cu glasat da se ipak nesto ubaci u kasu). pravi navijaci jos nisu imali priliku reagirat i to je za sada nepoznanica, cinjenica je da se mogu i oni uclanit.

s obzirom da je u pitanju kent a ne neka centralnije pozicionirana lokacija, da su u regional, bila bi revolucija i opravdano nezadovoljstvo. i ovako se sjevernjaci bune, a da klub ne igra nationwide ligu bio bi kraval. ima nesto dugova, ima sponzorski ugovor sa deloitte (bar nece bit problem skuhat knjige), stadion je lease na jos 17godina za kikiriki, ali due dilligence je u toku. u planu izgradnja novog i cak je u poziciji za borbu za promociju. ja odusevljen, jedva cekam akciju
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Koliki je postotak Engleza uopće i koliko oni ozbiljno misle pratit taj klub? Ne mislim preko neta ..
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