Newcastle United

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 10.09.2007.
Poruka: 2.557
27. svibnja 2009. u 14:02

normalno da nece niko u drugu ligu ko vrijedi, nego kad NUFC izbori prvu onda da pokupuju sve s reda..

joSO valčiĆ superstar..Ja sam rođen na jugu Hrvatske,u dolini pokraj plavog mora,budili me žabe i komari,milovali neretvanski vali..
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.10.2004.
Poruka: 9.948
27. svibnja 2009. u 15:57
prvo slediprodaja kluba. navodno su se pojavili neki zainteresovani koji ce u klub svakako puno uloziti, ali pre svega se moraju otarasati visokih ugovora i igraca koji sigurno nece hteti da igraju Championship (Owen, Martins, Collocini, Jose Enrique, Burton i mnogi drugi) jedino je od poznatijih Stephen Taylor dete kluba izjavio da ostaje, a verovatno i Duff koji je pre desetak godina sa Blackburnom vec ispao iz lige i igrao Championship

koliko god da imaju para, kakve god igrace da dovedu, Championship je vrlo teska liga i imace puno muka dogodinem pogotovu sto se ocekuje da budu prvi favoriti da se vrate odmah u PL

takodje, mislim da Shearer nista nije pokazao i da samo zbog igracke slave veruju u njega i da Toonsima treba novi menadzer

isto kao i u Garetha Southgatea, koji je sa igracima tipa Downing, Alfonso Alves, Tuncay, Mido (u prvom delu sezone), Huth, Weather i jos nekoliko solidnih mladih i iskusnih igraca (Pogatetz, O Neal, Diggard, Johsnon) uspeo da osvoji svega nesto vise od 30 bodova, to je sramotno malo
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.05.2009.
Poruka: 100
28. svibnja 2009. u 13:03
Evo da se i ja uključim u raspravu...Andolinho mi je na blogu postavio link na ovaj topic.

Da se malo reklamiram, naš blog je:
Trenutno uređujemo igrački kadar i multimediju, a u planu imamo još puno toga...

Lijep pozdrav Smile
[uredio Philips - 28. svibnja 2009. u 13:06]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.11.2007.
Poruka: 1.418
28. svibnja 2009. u 16:46
svaka castClap
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 10.09.2007.
Poruka: 2.557
28. svibnja 2009. u 19:38
mogli bi pokrenit pravi fan web a domena bi mogla biti
a da web bude po uzoru na i da bude svakodnevno osvjezavan..
jeli se ikome od vas cini to izvedivim? cijena je simbolicnih 90kn..
joSO valčiĆ superstar..Ja sam rođen na jugu Hrvatske,u dolini pokraj plavog mora,budili me žabe i komari,milovali neretvanski vali..
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.12.2007.
Poruka: 4.267
28. svibnja 2009. u 19:42

They all went down to Birmingham
On the 24th of May
Hoping God would smile on them
Upon the Sabbath day
Proud as punch in stripey shirts
Cream of the Geordie nation
Ganning along to Villa Park
To see the relegation


Oh me lads, you should've seen them crying
Watching the shambles on the pitch
Premier dreams a'dying
All the lads and lasses there
All had gloomy faces
Ganning doon to the Championship
With aal of Shearer's aces

Now way back in September
They told a different tale
Old King Kev was back in charge
How could the buggers fail?
But then along came Dennis Wise
Who dared to travel norf
Kevin didn't like the tw*t
And quickly buggered orf!

Oh me lads! I think they need a genie
Owen unfit, Xisco's sh*t and what of Collocini?
Given was a great keeper but left the sinking ship
And Harper will be canny good
Doon in the Championship

Now after Keegan scarpered
They all cried in their beer
But fear not, up next they got good old Joe Kinnear
He fecking came and fecking got the tw*ts to play their best
Then who'd a fecking thought it, fecking cardiac arrest

Oh me lads, the bugger’s in the Freeman
Ashley's scared to watch a game
The fans are all a steamin'
And I will not apologise for nasty tasteless quips
It'll do the buggers good to be doon in the championship

With poor Joe confined to bed
For his recuperation
They wondered who could be the man
To save the 'Geordie Nation'
Who could turn this team around
Before they turned to violence?
Hughton got the nod and came out
To the sound of silence

Oh me lads!
I'm ganna chuck me seat
The mackems beat us at their place
And now we've had to cheat
Then aal the toon went on the hoy
And got themselves all plastered
And raised a glass to Taylor who’s
A cheating diving b*stard!

Ashley looked around and saw the damage that they’d done
He’d lost a couple of hundred mill
For every game they’d won
He sank another pint in one
And had a revelation
Mary Poppins is the one
To save the Geordie Nation

Oh me lads!
The Toon are aal but dead
Obafemi’s injured (or at least that’s what he said)
Ah can’t believe with Alan boss
We haven’t got much higher
Or is he just like Keegan
Just another false messiah

Oh me lads!
The Toon are in the clarts
No more trips to Anfield
Now it’s off to foreign parts
Tell aal the cheeky mackems
That this story isn’t over
Follow the Toon Army AND……
We’ll watch Doncaster Rovers
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.12.2007.
Poruka: 4.267
28. svibnja 2009. u 19:44


[uredio HOTSPUR - 28. svibnja 2009. u 19:46]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.05.2009.
Poruka: 46
28. svibnja 2009. u 20:10
Pozdrav svima!
I ja sam jedan od osnivaca bloga NUFC-Balkan, pa se osjecam prozvanim da odgovorim Tongue.
Namjeravali smo i da predjemo na novu domenu, ali za sada nam je ovako lakse a i vec je uhodan sistem. Ali sigurno da nam je to naredni korak, nista se ne brinite. Svi pravi navijaci su dobrodosli na blogu! 
[uredio TOON SA - 28. svibnja 2009. u 20:11]
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.10.2004.
Poruka: 9.948
28. svibnja 2009. u 20:58
ako Arsenal hoce Bassonga mora da plati 15 miliona funti...jaka cena, Venger je slab na sunarodnike, a ovaj nije los, moguce je da se transfer realizuje, posto Arsenalu ocajnicki treba stoper, a Brede Hangeland iz Fulhama ih je odbio
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 28.05.2009.
Poruka: 46
28. svibnja 2009. u 21:54
Sve se nadam da ce im biti previse skup pa da  mozemo da ga zadrzimo. Mnogo nam moze pomoci a cijena mi moze jos i porasti ako se vratimo u Premiership.

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