NK Dinamo 07/08

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.06.2006.
Poruka: 4.162
09. veljače 2008. u 22:59
  ovo sa ozljedama mi se nikako ne sviđa ,dvojica zalijeće ozljede( Sammir ,Biščan) ...trojica  se ozlede...(Guela ,Koch ,Etto) u ovom ciklusu previše ozlijeđenih.
[uredio antuntun - 10. veljače 2008. u 07:14]
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.05.2007.
Poruka: 14.434
10. veljače 2008. u 00:00

Chelsea sights on Luka Modric as Avram Grant plans summer spree

Chelsea are planning a renewed effort to sign Luka Modric, the Croatia midfield player, in the summer as the centrepiece of Avram Grant’s attempt to reshape the squad. It is understood that Chelsea made a late bid to sign Modric during the final days of the transfer window last month, but were deterred by Dynamo Zagreb’s asking price of £20 million.

Chelsea value Modric at less than half that and are confident of completing his signing at the second attempt because his value will diminish drastically in 12 months’ time because of the so-called Webster ruling, which enables players under the age of 28 to buy their way out of the remainder of their contracts when they enter their fourth year.

Modric took the extraordinary step of signing a ten-year contract at Zagreb in December 2005, which has inflated his value to enable the club to keep hold of him in the short term but not much longer. Under the terms of Fifa article 17, first exploited by Andy Webster, the Rangers defender, Modric will be able to buy himself out of his contract for as little as £1.5 million during next January’s transfer window, giving Zagreb little option but to cash in or risk losing as much as £10 million this summer.

Modric’s situation is further complicated by his relationship with Zdravko Mamic, the Zagreb executive vice-president who also acts as his agent. Mamic held talks with several Barclays Premier League clubs in London last month about a transfer, including Tottenham Hotspur, Manchester City and Newcastle United, before announcing, strangely, that Modric was not for sale.

Modric  is aware of his increased options postWebster and has been increasingly vocal in recent weeks, saying that he plans to leave Croatia in the summer and giving Zagreb little option but to cash in at the end of the season.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 21.10.2006.
Poruka: 2.523
10. veljače 2008. u 00:56
Nisam odvjetnik, ali nije to lako, naime napravi li to bio bi govno samo takvo, jer klub (Chelsi) nemre pregovarat s igračem bez znanja Dinama, tako da mu ne mogu službeno dat 2,5 milje da si kupi ugovor, a s druge strane sudeć po njegovoj "crkavici" sam si ga nemre kupit!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.10.2006.
Poruka: 699
10. veljače 2008. u 01:43
Ma nema sanse da se tako sto desi...

Vjerojatno ima par miliona igraca na svjetu koji su odradili 3 godine ugovora pa ne odlaze za sicu...

Mislim, teoretski je moguce kao sto je moguce da ja sutra ili bilo tko sa foruma nagovori starce da na njih prepiseju kucu a potom starce izbace iz kuce...
Moguce al se nece nikada desit...

Stvar je u tome da nase novinarstvo pada na sve nize grane...
Nije niti cudo da gotovo niti jedan nogometas sto vrijedi ne zeli razgovarat za nase novine.
Novinari su jednostavno malo zedni krvi i onda forsiraju gluposti na naslovnicama. I ljudi to onda prihvate

Modric nikada nije niti jednu rijec rekao protiv Dinama niti protiv Mamica a novinari upravo forsiraju pricu da je Modric zarobljenik Mamica.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 02.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.328
10. veljače 2008. u 01:47
nije tema, al kad ste se već dotaknuli novinara... jutarnji sa sanaderom dogovara intervju sms-om, pa ja se ni za malo ozbiljniju pijanku ne dogovaram sms-om, koja sramota.... i onda pošalju sms na krivi broj i neko ih prevari... loooooooooolo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
volim slepičku!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.05.2007.
Poruka: 14.434
10. veljače 2008. u 06:32

Boško Balaban. Tongue
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.11.2006.
Poruka: 6.892
10. veljače 2008. u 10:35
Kaj je zaspao u solariju?LOL
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.06.2006.
Poruka: 4.162
10. veljače 2008. u 21:07
Soldo sve posložio ...čeka utakmicu s Varteksom kao napeta puška...i kaže da su Pokrivač i Šifo prodani s njegovim "amenom",,
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 26.10.2006.
Poruka: 699
10. veljače 2008. u 21:12
ako je tako, tada mogu samo rec:

Soldo cigane!

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 25.06.2006.
Poruka: 4.162
10. veljače 2008. u 21:15
Magico_Vento je napisao/la:
ako je tako, tada mogu samo rec:

Soldo cigane!

Vidi cijeli citat
..možeš samo, Soldo  švabo!LOL
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