NK Dinamo Zagreb 2012/13

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.05.2009.
Poruka: 3.805
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:03
Što se tiče lijevog beka, ako nitko ne dođe, radije bih na toj poziciji gledao Jedvaja nego Lucha ili Pivarića.
danas mi ni Addy nije ulio povjerenje. nizak je, u sve startove agresivno ulazi i čim to nije 100% precizno na loptu karton je već u zraku.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.05.2009.
Poruka: 3.805
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:08
Haremzg je napisao/la:
Halila ocekuju 1-2 turbo godine. gdje ce se vidjeti dali je ili nije. Kova je isto ovako igrao kao i on toplo hladno, samo sto je Kova od pocetka imao dobru fiziku i  solidnu cvrstinu, i bio tehnicki besporjekoran. Dok je Halil bar sto se seniora tice cesto tehnicki nedotjeran, nedvoljno brz u driblingu, ili jednostavno preslab u duelu. Probelm je dakako i sto je veliki pritisak na njemu i neigra dovoljno opusteno.
Dinamo ce morati od njega stovriti boljeg ateltu, podici mu znacajno eksplozivnost. I naravno mozda ga vise stavljati na poluspicu posto ce mu to mozda i vise lezati.
No mislim da ce te stvari doci sa vremenom. No izuzetno je dobro sto on vec u ovoj dobi ima zajeban udarac, i zna odlicno dodati i stvoriti priliku. Fizika ce doci samo treba vremena i treninga i pametnog doziranja :)
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s cijelim postom se slažem, ali pazi boldani dio. on ima 16 godina, a ti bi mu već s 18 rekao jel je ili nije???
kasnije si napisao da očekuješ dolazak nekih stvari s vremenom i to je ok, ali to vrijeme mora biti duže od 2 godine.

dajmo djetetu povjerenja i imajmo strpljenja, a on nek samo radi na usavršavanju da to ne prokocka.

uostalom, tko sad hara Ligom prvaka, a od nas je otišao s 24?
[uredio plavi9 - 27. svibnja 2013. u 00:09]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.11.2010.
Poruka: 4.445
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:10
Men je drago da su danasnju utakmicu i proslavu naslova zajedno pogledali 3 forumasa a zakljucak je sljedeci!
Prodat/otpisat:Kelavu,Vrsaljka,Pivarica,Brozovica,rukavinu,Krstanovica,Beqiraja,Sammira,Ibaneza,Tomecaka i Mitrovica!
I za sad su dvojica potpisala a ocekujemo iducih dana ostale!
Misic je lijevo krilo a Junior Fernandes desno. Nadamo se dolasku Soudania te El Loca! A svakako nam je u sredini terena potreban novi Kovacic tj. Badelj a pada mi na pamet Pavicic iz lokosa ili Alvir iz juniora.

U svakom slucaju zanimljiv prijelazni rok je pred nama!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2013.
Poruka: 2.870
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:14
prvo sam mislio 2-3 napisati, ali nekako mi je zelja da on kao i Kova napravi znacajan napredak u 2-3 godine. Ipak se radi o velikom talentu, no slazem se treba vremena mu dati kolko treba..
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:15

The goalkeeper wants to leave

The Croatian exile Pablo Migliore

Odds with the hooligans of Boca and San Lorenzo, tried to cover up a hooligan charged with murder, the archer seeks new air to keep playing football.

  • Telam
  • Telam
  • Telam
By: Laureano Barrera

"It is well, looking forward. He is training in a particular way, waiting for the outcome of the case. Not listening to the nonsense they say, "says Oscar Moyano, the lawyer, he told court changed the strategy and got Pablo Migliore, for the moment, leave the jail. That day disbursed 500,000 pesos and left behind forty days of detention in the Federal Criminal Ezeiza. And although it is processed to cover up to No. 2 Boca hooligan in the murder of a man of 58 years, wants to continue playing ball. It seems that your destination is far away: Dinamo Zagreb in Croatia remote.
"We ask permission to leave a few days, for an invitation to negotiate joining the club," said Moyano. The archer expected the judge's decision Manuel De Campos with a plane ticket open for five days.

The fight

The March 31, 2013 was not a good day for the archer. At 36 minutes the first time, the Newells midfielder Maxi Rodriguez, beat him with a cross shot from San Lorenzo his team could not recover. After the game, the police mounted an operation in the stadium parking lot where only players, assistants and leaders can leave their cars. There he hoped a judge with an order and a division of the Federal Police to take custody.

The trouble Migliore, learned at the police station had begun much earlier when the Ernesto dog Cirino, a man of 58 years who lived in slaughterhouses, urinated the sidewalk of another man named Gustavo Petrinelli. It could have been a discussion of neighbors, but, unfortunately for the first-Petrinelli was the brother of the head of the Boca Bar, Mauro Martin. On August 6, 2011, he, his brother Mauro Martin, Maximilian Mazzaro and Daniel Wehbe, another bar's 12 shots attacked to chastise the insolence own dog. Cirino died two days later in a hospital bed.

A few months later, Mauro Martin and his brother Gustavo Petrinelli were arrested. Wehbe Mazzaro and remain at large. By covering up Mazzaro, two years later, in the parking lot of the New Gasometer, Migliore be uploaded in the back of a cell phone. There was a wiretap in which the bar talking to a mechanic to prepare him a car to help you stay in hiding, and mentioned the goalkeeper. Also would have given money, phones and contacts. "I introduced him to a mechanic, not an arms dealer", defended the player.

The San Lorenzo goalkeeper was detained 40 days in jail Ezeiza a maximum security federal prison. There, the prosecutor and the trial judge denied his release. "Even when there was obviously no danger of leakage, if I could hinder the investigation, it seemed that their cover was part of the network that kept Mazzaro fugitive, who remained on good terms," ??recalls a source of research.

A change took his defense lawyers, Oscar Moyano and Gonzalo Oliver Tezanos-brought a shift in legal strategy: argued that Article 277 of the Criminal Code cover, disclaims "criminal responsibility they that have done to the wife, of a relative whose link does not exceed the fourth degree of consanguinity or second degree or a close friend or person you special gratitude was due. "

That assumption close bond, as revealed Infojus News, dates back to Almirante Brown. Migliore-uncle Roberto archer became one of the top scorers of the club in the 80's. They tried to surround the bar Mazzaro last year. When in June 2012, Rafael Di Zeo released from prison, Mauro Martin and Maxi were Mazzaro come a new dispute over the direction of the 12. Mazzaro armed, at that time, a faction of the Brown Bar is known as "Monster Band". Mazzaro bought flags, drums and brought his own people to the 12. Among them, the brother's keeper, Fernando Migliore. The "Monster Band" confronted the leaders of the bar Brown. There were shots and runs, but lost the battle. They could not get into the business. Migliore is said that as a kid going to the court of Brown, could have financed the operation that went wrong for Mazzaro.

However, from other firms by saying passing the file differently. Migliore is that, in its extension declaration, said no Mazzaro knew what worked, what he did, if he was going on vacation, etc.. I did not know if he lived with his wife. "In short, do not seem very intimate," slide.

Now, amid rumors it to court, his lawyer asked for a defense of lack of action because "no crime was committed, and if any, is exempt from criminal liability for his friendship with Mazzaro". In Boca and San Lorenzo, say, problems with bar skirts put him in an uncomfortable situation. And the archer knows he must fly very far short cut to continue.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 01.12.2008.
Poruka: 5.272
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:15
čestitke igračima,trenerima i upravi na novom naslovu.liga nam je slaba al to ne umanjuje ovaj veliki uspjeh,8 god. za redom mi smo prvaci.šteta za rano ispadanje iz kupa al svejedno sezona je bila uspješna.
puno se priča o sammiru,dok ne ode i službeno ja neću vjerovati u raznorazne priče a ako će već ići nek to bude na kraju kvala za ligu prvaka.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.04.2013.
Poruka: 4.051
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:16
Odlazi nam čovjek koji ima više osvojenih hr prvenstava od hajduka...adio Sammire.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.11.2010.
Poruka: 4.445
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:23
I nadam se da je istina da dolazi soudani sutra na ljecnicki i da je cijena 900 000€ a i zabio benfici pa da i drugi klubovi se ne ukljuce u igru!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 02.08.2010.
Poruka: 5.297
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:28
Filijala ispala u treću ligu, vidim da nitko ne spominje..
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.05.2009.
Poruka: 3.805
27. svibnja 2013. u 00:35
namodigrebza je napisao/la:
Filijala ispala u treću ligu, vidim da nitko ne spominje..
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