Nogomet i novac

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 22.07.2010.
Poruka: 2.739
21. ožujka 2020. u 08:34

moglo se uzet za tv prava ekstra novca da nisu prekinili ligu sad... 

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
25. ožujka 2020. u 10:51

samo jedan od x slucajeva koji vec sad ne znaju kak ce


Aberdeen chairman Dave Cormack has revealed the club are facing £5 million in outgoings during Scottish football’s coronavirus shutdown with no expected income


Three weeks ago we were in a healthy financial position; free of external debt, with £1.5 million in the bank. We had expected income of about £1m from four home league games and the Scottish Cup semi-final and, potentially, £5m in season ticket sales, seasonal hospitality and new shirt sales coming in through mid-July. Our monthly running costs are about £1.2m and it’s only prudent to assume that, realistically, there will be no football until July perhaps, at the earliest.


During this period, we are therefore facing £5m in outgoings with no expected income. No matches are planned and we have no idea when a new season starts, never mind the current season ending, and it is highly unlikely there will be any player sales in the summer.


This situation is clearly unsustainable. No club, whatever their size, scale or level of investment, can withstand a total lack of income over a period of anything between three to six months.



Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
25. ožujka 2020. u 22:45



dinamo 382 mil / 369 mil

hajduk 173 mil / 165 mil

lokomotiva 27 mil / 39 mil

inter 15 mil / 20 mil

savršeni marginalac
savršeni marginalac
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 28.01.2011.
Poruka: 5.209
26. ožujka 2020. u 08:21

Šteta što mi sad ne istječe ugovor kod mog operatera. 

Baš me zanima kako bi sada ucjenjivali sa sportskim paketom.

Make Arsenal Great Again
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
26. ožujka 2020. u 18:33

Assuming a worst-case scenario of a four-month suspension of all sports coverage (British and foreign), with all sports subscribers pausing their contract and wholesale clients being allowed to follow suit, Sky would lose £700m and BT £228m in revenues


Sky and BT are due to pay the Premier League the six-month licence fee for the first half of the 2020-21 season, which amounts to about £530m in total, in July. BT’s annual bill to Uefa for the Champions League rights is £394m.


pad prihoda tv kuća → pad prihoda lige → pad prihoda klubova → pad prihoda igraca 


mogu se igraci pravit blesavi do ne znam kad. no njihove place jedu 60% klupskih prihoda u premiershipu i privremeno ce se to morat jako rezat. i citajuci reakcije, svi su apsolutno za to da place igraca treba i opcenito smanjivat


[uredio ramzes3 - 26. ožujka 2020. u 18:35]
savršeni marginalac
savršeni marginalac
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 28.01.2011.
Poruka: 5.209
26. ožujka 2020. u 18:44

Naravno da treba rezati . Nepojmljivo je da danas mladi igrači imaju po 100k funti tjedno. To će sada morati stati na jedno vrijeme.

Mislim da nećemo dugo vidjeti nekakve astronomske transfere.

Make Arsenal Great Again
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
28. ožujka 2020. u 14:15

Hearts owner Ann Budge has written a letter to the club's players warning them their wages will be suspended from March 31 if they do not accept a 50 per cent wage cut amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.


Hearts' wage bill is on average 140k per year

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
28. ožujka 2020. u 17:18



dinamo 382 mil / 369 mil

hajduk 173 mil / 165 mil

osijek 114 mil / 111 mil

lokomotiva 27 mil / 39 mil

inter 15 mil / 20 mil

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
01. travnja 2020. u 14:46

pošto miško kasni sa izvjescem za rijeku nema podataka



Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 22.04.2018.
Poruka: 6.048
01. travnja 2020. u 17:25

  • Najnovije
  • Najčitanije