The current iteration of the plan would see two 20-team divisions, composed almost exclusively of clubs from Europe’s five biggest leagues: England, Spain, France, Germany and Italy. Some clubs have been told that, according to projections, they could expect to double their revenues by leaving their domestic leagues to join. The concept of promotion and relegation — a fixture of world soccer that rewards success and punishes failure — would be retained, but only between the two divisions.
Ako baš i krene u tom smjeru (Superliga), barem nek zadrže promotion/relegation. A nek ta "druga" divizija bude onda neki koncept danasnje Lige prvaka u koju se ulazi kroz nacionalna prvenstva.
Iako, tu je sve oko love, ako ne odrede kako će dijeliti novac (% od elitne divizije koji ce ici klubovima ispod) tesko ce to sve funkcionirati.
Only last week, for example, he (Infantino) pushed the idea of investing hundreds of millions of dollars in a new pan-African league, as a means to increase quality there and also slow the global talent drain to Europe. The FIFA president has also had talks with national associations in Asia about the possibility of creating regional or subregional leagues there, and conversations with President Trump about the quality of soccer in the top United States league.
Čak ne bi bilo loše da ta druga divizija bude nesto kao divizije, 5 divizije po 6-8 klubova iz Europe, plus po još jedna afrička, azijska divizija i juznomaericka divizija. Pa ako je netko stvarno toliko dobar da prodje kroz tu ligu i bude u top3 na kraju sezone, nek igra sezonu nakon u Elitnoj diviziji.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.