Nogometni stadioni

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.06.2006.
Poruka: 881
18. lipnja 2008. u 12:23
Krasan stadion u Puli. Ova Vostokova ruševina tužno djeluje, ali ima neki duh
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 23.11.2005.
Poruka: 18.423
18. lipnja 2008. u 12:27
Veruda je napisao/la:
Već kad vam se sviđa da stavim još koju sliku, zanimljivo je da će imati i prostor za slijetanje helikoptera jer je to uvjet UEFE za igranje euro kupova za budućnost...
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Drago mi je da se svima sviđa stadion, nadam se samo da će rokovi gradnje biti poštivani te da će se dovršiti do sljedeće sezone....
[uredio Veruda - 18. lipnja 2008. u 12:34]
Samo Istra
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2003.
Poruka: 3.593
18. lipnja 2008. u 12:46

MOJ stadion

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.12.2005.
Poruka: 24.571
18. lipnja 2008. u 16:10


Pompey and Sellar Property Group have unveiled the stunning designs for a new waterfront stadium on Horsea Island.

The development will create a superb 36,000 all-seater stadium as well as a stand-alone indoor exhibition centre/arena with an all-seater capacity of 10,000.

The stadium will be on a ‘gateway site’ to the city on the south side of Horsea Island, adjacent to the M275 and M27 motorway junction overlooking the Harbour, Naval Dockyards and out to the Solent.

The development is being designed by Swiss-based leading international architects, Herzog & de Meuron. The firm is responsible for both the Beijing National Stadium, centrepiece of this year’s Beijing Olympics, and the Allianz Arena football stadium in Munich.

A new Naval diving and training facility is also planned which will be supported by a mixture of complementary low-rise residential, retail and leisure uses.

The project, together with future redevelopment of Fratton Park, will generate several thousand jobs during the construction period and many hundreds of permanent jobs post completion.

Peter Storrie, Chief Executive of Pompey, said: “We only have one word to describe this stadium. Perfection.

“The club will be playing a big part in the regeneration of the city and our fans will have the very best in terms of facilities and amenities as well as an excellent viewing experience.

“Portsmouth Football Club has moved into a new era with the backing of owner Alexandre Gaydamak and these are very exciting times for the club both on and off the field. The new stadium, along with plans for the club’s new training ground at the Alver Valley in Gosport, are proof of where we want Pompey to be – playing at the highest level and in a stadium befitting a top Premier League side.”

Pompey and Sellar also announce proposals for the redevelopment of the club’s historic 17-acre Fratton Park site for a mix of low-rise residential and retail uses.

A phased development of Fratton Park will create a low-rise scheme in keeping with its environment. Part of the site, including the current car park and adjacent land, will be developed while the club continues to play at Fratton Park.

The club and Sellar have formed a joint venture company in which both Fratton Park and the new waterfront development will be held, enabling appropriate development finance to be secured to complete the overall project. The creation of the residential and commercial elements of both schemes will contribute to the development.

Subject to receipt of the necessary consents, work could get underway in 2009 and construction of the new stadium the following year.

James Sellar, Chief Executive of Sellar, said: “‘Cutting edge’ solutions to stadia require an owner who personally identifies with the project and is willing to embrace a scheme within a masterplan, which is outside of the ‘accepted rules of technique’.

“Our challenge is to deliver a solution that coordinates the needs for user comfort, sustainable access and cost effectiveness while keeping input of materials and energy to run the facility as low as possible.

“We are delighted to be working with Alexandre Gaydamak in deep confidence and believe this would be an extraordinary collaboration in an era where the club is going through rapid change. Quality of experience is all important.”

David Williams, Chief Executive of Portsmouth City Council, said: "I think the plans for the new stadium and arena are very exciting, and the stadium in that location would look stunning.

“I really do hope that satisfactory solutions to accessing the site can be achieved and I look forward to seeing proposals for this.

“The club and their developer partners are aware of concerns about the location and impact of so much shopping, both at Port Solent and Fratton, which could be damaging to the rest of the city – this will need to be assessed. Also, the proposed concentration of all the affordable housing in one location conflicts with current policy.

“However, whilst it will be for the planning committee to determine the application, the City Council will continue to do its utmost to help the club produce a workable and acceptable scheme to achieve a fitting new stadium for the FA Cup holders."

Commodore David Steel, Portsmouth Naval Base Commander, said: "The Royal Navy is delighted to be working with Portsmouth City Council and other authorities to find a solution that will allow the Football Club to build its exciting new stadium.

“I am sure that all Service personnel in Portsmouth recognise that the club deserves a fabulous new home in this unique maritime city of such tremendous potential."

Supporters will be encouraged to use all forms of transport: bus, car, park-and-ride, pedestrian and train services. A comprehensive package of transport measures aimed at providing efficient access to all the facilities on Horsea Island will be introduced.

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.05.2007.
Poruka: 14.434
18. lipnja 2008. u 17:49
mrkva je napisao/la:
MOJ stadion
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Kupio dionice, jeli? Kako ide? Koja ste liga?
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
23. lipnja 2008. u 17:04
pri kraju je famozna O2 World arena u Berlinu (15,500 mjesta).
Dvorana koja je po svojim unutrasnjim karakteristikama trebala biti slicna zg areni ili se bar tako nagađalo.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.08.2004.
Poruka: 55.231
23. lipnja 2008. u 17:07

ovaj od istre ce lijepo izgledati, ako se ikada dovrsi.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
23. lipnja 2008. u 17:28
čuj, ako se ikad dovrši :) hajmo malo vjere u infrastrukturne sportske projekte kod nas na zapadnom balkanu :))
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.08.2004.
Poruka: 55.231
23. lipnja 2008. u 17:30
prvo treba nesto izgraditi da se "izgradi" i vjera....ovako, s razno-raznim pricicama, sve je to samo mlacenje prazne slame. nazalost. Unhappy
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
23. lipnja 2008. u 17:35
ma gradimo mi Mile, gradimo, samo ne ovdje Big%20smileDead iz pouzdanih izvora znam da je ovo zdanje iznad O2World djelo balkanskih ruku eheheheh bauštelaca
priča mi isto neki dan čovjek (rođak od mog prijatelja): znaš koliko je nas radilo Schalke arenu, dvjesta, sve mujo, ante, ivo, slobodan... pa kad se počnemo dovikivati hahahah LOL valjo sam se od smjeha. Ponosam čovjek činjenicom da je svaki radnik koji je gradio Auf Schalke arenu dobio ulaznicu za prvu utakmicu na njoj :)
[uredio riki_mo - 23. lipnja 2008. u 17:36]
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