Nogometni stadioni

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 20.11.2010.
Poruka: 2.010
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:02
burek1983 je napisao/la:
allen je napisao/la:
Captain Jack je napisao/la:
Mene samo zanima kaj Poljaci budu s tolkim stadionima nakon Eura?? Ne samo ovim koje grade za potrebe Eura,već uz to obnavljaju i stadion na kojem zadnjih godina repka igra svoje tekme,a uz to su u zadnje 2-3 godine izgradili čitav niz manjih stadiona (10-20 tisuća kapacitet)...A nije da im je liga nešto atraktivna pa da stadioni budu puni
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pa dobro nije im bas tako mala gledanost lige


Orange Ekstraklasa

No. Club Average Games vs '10 Highest
1 KKS Lech Poznan 19.493 10 152,3% 23.792
2 KP Legia Warszawa 18.945 10 485,9% 22.894
3 Wisla Kraków SA 13.908 10 373,1% 18.000
4 Korona Kielce 10.120 10 -0,6% 14.479
5 RTS Widzew Lódz 8.911 10 25,6% 9.600
6 SSA Górnik Zabrze 8.807 11 -13,2% 12.500
7 KS Cracovia 8.482 10 386,5% 14.300
8 WKS Slask Wroclaw 7.971 9 30,5% 8.500
9 Zaglebie Lubin SA 7.390 11 -7,2% 10.217
10 KS Lechia Gdansk 6.959 10 -20,4% 11.811
11 KS Ruch Chorzów 6.078 10 -25,5% 9.800
12 Jagiellonia Bialystok 5.903 9 14,7% 6.000
13 MZS Arka Gdynia 4.704 10 19,2% 10.500
14 KSP Polonia Warszawa 4.543 10 51,8% 6.000
15 SKK Polonia Bytom 3.677 10 -27,1% 6.000
16 GKS Belchatów 3.623 10 13,7% 5.300
. Total 8.734   66,5% 23.792

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Jeli netko prati ovu ligu?
Koje je objašnjenje za ovako velik rast gledanosti?
Mislim neke od ovih brojki su stvarno drastično velike...Jeli to mozda do novih stadiona ili ?
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Pratio ovu ligu do 2008 (zivio u varsavi). Do tada liga je bila kao sada HNL, los nogomet, slaba posjeta, problemi s navijacima, ali od kada su dobili euro 2012 infrastruktura se pocela razvijati, sve vise ljudi se pocelo zanimati za nogomet i sto je najbitnije, liga je uzasno izjednacena ove sezone. Poljaci imaju veliki potencijal i vec su postali bolji od nas, iako 2008 smo bili na istoj razini.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.919
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:04
eh kad bi se bar tako ensto kod nas promjenilo nabolje...
iako nikako nemozemo ocekivati toliku posjetu jer ipak nasi gradovi su manji od poljskih pa... NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:17

NEWS on Swiss Foootball League stadia

Geneva - soon hosting both Swiss and French 2nd Division?

Most probably next season, there will be an exceptional situation in European football. Professional teams from two different countries playing their home games in the same stadium.

Stade de Geneve in Lancy at the periphery of Geneva has opened in 2003 and was one of the eight venues of Euro 2008. It is home of the Swiss 2nd Division team and 17x champion Servette.

This weekend, the team Evian/Thonon/Gaillard from the French territory on Lake Geneva has reached the promotion to the 2nd Division of French football.

Their current home stadium is not eligible for the 2nd Division, so they would like to play in closeby Stade de Geneve. The stadium management and the French league seem to be positive about it. Of course, calendars of the two leagues need to be coordinated, but this should not be a major issue. The club Evian/Thonon/Gaillard has evolved from mergers of several teams from small French towns around Geneva and is co-owned by Zinedine Zidane, Bixente Lizarazu and Alain Boghossian.

Thun - construction of the new stadium has started

While the team has the opportunity to reach promotion to the 1st Division already this season, the construction for the new stadium has meanwhile started on schedule. The opening is predicted for next summer.

Luzern - Swisspor Arena under construction

The construction of the Swisspor Arena is already more advanced. Opening is scheduled for this winter, while the team is reaching for an Europa League spot this season.

Bellinzona - new site for the stadium project chosen

Current 1st Division team (currently fighting against relegation) has chosen a new site for its stadium project in Castione in the north of Bellinzona. The previous considered sites were in the south and in the center, respectively.

Schaffhausen - looking for partners

The new stadium in Schaffhausen has taken all the necessary legal and political steps. The stadium management is now working on finding commercial tenants and partners. If the search is successful, the construction can start.

Biel - successful vote for the 2nd time

Because of changes to the project, a 2nd public vote has been necessary. The population of Biel has been positive about the renewed version of the project, so the lights are on green for the new duplex-stadium (hockey/football). The project covers an area of 800 x 100 meters.

Zürich - security measures in Letzigrund

During the annual security check, tiny cracks have been discovered in the steal construction. As an immediate measure, the roof has been temporarily supported by columns in order to guarantee the security for the visitors and continue with the game calendar. An accurate analysis until summer will suggest the next steps. The renewal of the Letzigrund stadium with the new roof had been planned since the 90-ies, but was then implemented short-term in 2006 as a replacement for the planned Hardturm stadium for Euro 2008. The speedy and complex construction within one year with football games still being played in the old Letzigrund at the same time is mentioned by some rumours as a reason for possible construction mistakes. Home teams FC Zurich and Grasshopper-Club (who are tenants in the stadium) have reduced the price on their tickets and refund their season ticket holders for the partially worse view. They are pondering a regress on the owner (the city) once all the costs and opportunity costs are known.

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 24.02.2009.
Poruka: 5.810
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:23
Jack, šta je s ovim starim stadionima u Njemačkoj šta si stavio, još postoje ili su srušeni kad su sagrađeni novi stadioni za te klubove?
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.919
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:23
jbt život....svi grade a kod nas ni stolice ni krov nemogu stavit jbt NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.919
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:24
diplomat je napisao/la:
Jack, šta je s ovim starim stadionima u Njemačkoj šta si stavio, još postoje ili su srušeni kad su sagrađeni novi stadioni za te klubove?
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neki su samo preuređeni
kao hamburgov,kolnov,frankfurtov.... NOVI VIDEO!
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:26
diplomat je napisao/la:
Jack, šta je s ovim starim stadionima u Njemačkoj šta si stavio, još postoje ili su srušeni kad su sagrađeni novi stadioni za te klubove?
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nije đek, ali da ja probam.

Olimpijski u Munchenu je i dalje u funkciji, atletika, koncerti... Koln je srušen, mislim da je novi napravljen na ruševinama starog, kao i Hamburg, Frankfurt. Duseldorf isto. Gladbach je ostao, Schalke onaj svoj koristi za treninge...

[uredio riki_mo - 23. svibnja 2011. u 21:29]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 14.01.2011.
Poruka: 3.529
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:26
allen je napisao/la:
jbt život....svi grade a kod nas ni stolice ni krov nemogu stavit jbt
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Kad vidim ovaj u thunu ili schaufhausenu srce mi puče...majku im korumpiranu svima
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 29.08.2006.
Poruka: 54.919
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:28
pre pre pre jebeno NOVI VIDEO!
Captain Jack
Captain Jack
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 21.09.2008.
Poruka: 25.364
23. svibnja 2011. u 21:29
diplomat je napisao/la:
Jack, šta je s ovim starim stadionima u Njemačkoj šta si stavio, još postoje ili su srušeni kad su sagrađeni novi stadioni za te klubove?
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Ovaj u Dusseldorfu je srušen,ovaj u Munchenu je još na mjestu,ostala 3 su renovirana..
nek i Krušlin vidi Rija, al Hrvatsku sine voli
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