Premier League 14.kolo

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 01.11.2005.
Poruka: 36.827
26. studenog 2005. u 18:46
  Slabo samo 3/9........
Vidi ti Davidsa ,  poceo opet davat golove , neka neka... zao mi je Wigana  , eto na niza dva poraza za redom...

Trenutno igraju Porsmouth i Chelesea , igra se 30.minuta a rezultat je 0:0...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
26. studenog 2005. u 18:47
  1-0 ljep gol crespa
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 04.11.2005.
Poruka: 1.666
26. studenog 2005. u 20:36

 Porthsmouth-Chelsea 0:2

0:1 Crespo 27.

0:2 Lampard 67.-11m

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 13.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.607
27. studenog 2005. u 11:48
 Evo trenutne tablice
1 Chelsea 14 37
2 Arsenal 13 26
3 Wigan 13 25
4 Man Utd 12 24
5 Tottenham 14 24
6 Bolton 12 23
7 Liverpool 12 22
8 Man City 14 21
9 West Ham 12 19
10 Charlton 13 19
11 M'brough 13 18
12 Newcastle 13 18
13 Blackburn 14 18
14 Aston Villa 14 15
15 Fulham 13 12
16 West Brom 13 11
17 Portsmouth 14 10
18 Everton 12 10
19 Birmingham 13 9
20 Sunderland 14 5
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 13.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.607
27. studenog 2005. u 11:52

 Jedna zanimljivost...

 Frank Lampard: Chelsea midfielder has broken David James' consecutive Premiership appearances record

Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard has been presented with a special Barclays Merit Award after breaking the record for the most consecutive appearances in the Premiership.

Lampard played in Chelsea's defeat of Portsmouth at Fratton Park on Saturday to take his number of unbroken games in the top flight to 160, eclipsing goalkeeper David James' previous mark of 159.

Lampard's phenomenal run for the Blues stretches back to October 13, 2001, when he came on as a 73rd-minute substitute for Jimmy-Floyd Hasselbaink against Leicester City.

James' sequence, set while he was at Liverpool, started in February 1994 and ended when he missed the 28th match of the 1998/99 campaign.

In addition to his remarkable achievement, Lampard also picked up an award and a £1,000 donation to the charity of his choice for being the first player to reach 10 goals in the Barclays Premiership this season.

Nic Gault, from the Barclays Awards panel, said: "Frank is phenomenal. To be leading goalscorer in the Barclays Premiership from midfield is a great achievement, but to play in 160 consecutive games is just incredible. When will this run ever end?"

Lampard also picked up a Barclays award for being the first player to reach 10 goals in the Barclays Premiership this season.

In the race for the Barclays Golden Boot, the first player to reach 10, 20 and 30 goals receives an award and a £1,000 donation to the charity of his choice. The ultimate winner will receive the Barclays Golden Boot Award and a £1,000 charity donation for every goal they have scored.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 13.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.607
27. studenog 2005. u 18:10

 Današnji rezultati:

Everton vs. Newcastle  1-0 (Yobo)

Fulham vs. Bolton 2-1 (McBride 2; Legwinski ag)

Middlesbrough vs. West Bromwich 2-2 (Viduka, Yakubu(11m); Ellington, Kanu)

U 54.oj minuti West Ham vs. Manchester Utd 1-0 (od 1.minute pogotkom Harewooda)

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 01.11.2005.
Poruka: 36.827
27. studenog 2005. u 20:37
  West Ham - Manchester United.......1:2
Dejan NS
Dejan NS
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 26.01.2005.
Poruka: 24.154
28. studenog 2005. u 07:51
 Konačno malo bolja igra Uniteda,ali samo u drugom poluvremenu...Posle ranog vođstva Hammersa,United nikako nije dolazio do igre,ali je ipak imao 2 šanse koje je nesretni Carrol uspao odbraniti...Odličan presing West Hama tokom celog 1. poluvremena...Zanimiljivo je da je Ferguson zamenuo Silvestre-a već u 35 minuti jer ovaj nije dobio nijedan duel sa Harewood-om,pa je prebacio Brown-a na njegovo mesto,a Gary Neville je otišao na desni bok...
U nastavku sasvim drugi United...mnogo veća agresivnost na sredini (kao nekada sa Keanom - konačno i Smith da nešto uradi) i rano izjednačenje golom odličnog Rooney-a je nagoveštavalo konačan ishod,do kojeg je i došlo posle dugo očekivane gluposti Carroll-a posle ubačaja sa strane...Do kraja još nekoliko odličnih šansi za United (sjajan lob Ruud-a završio na prečki)....
Najbolji Rooney,solidni Ruud,Park,OShea,Neville i Smith u 2. poluvremenu...Ostalo: Scholes totaqlno van forme, a očajni Fletcher,Brown,Silvestre....
Ja sam protiv svakog nacionalizma,jer je nacionalizam najnizi oblik drustvene svesti - Koca Popovic
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 01.11.2005.
Poruka: 36.827
28. studenog 2005. u 20:57
  Slijedece kola se igra vec u srijedu , pa dajte Vlado i C.T. stavite to na prognoze !!!
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 13.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.607
29. studenog 2005. u 10:18
 u srijedu se igraju ku utakmice tako da nema žurbe još s prvenstvom
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