Premiership, 28.kolo i dalje

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
04. ožujka 2006. u 20:20

 kao prvo zakasnio je izac sa momcadi na pocetak 2.poluvremena ,pravila se znaju

kao drugo je seljak jer nemoze podnijet poraz

to nije samo sad vec je uvijek,ponasa se ko neki ulicni balavac,pobjedio si dobro i to slavi na civilizirani nacin bez provociranja porazenog i adio

budi gospodin trener a ne seljak trener

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.12.2005.
Poruka: 1.267
04. ožujka 2006. u 20:45
  Ma daj nemoj zajebavat, kaj se još možda trebo ispričat zato kaj je pobjedio, da se nebi neko slučajno uvrijedio. Čovjek je sretan kad pobjeđuje i ima pravo skakat i veselit se kolko hoće, a Robson je onda taj koji ne zna gubit. Kako bi ti slavio da upravo daješ gol protivniku s kojim si se upravo verbalno zakačio? Normalno da ćeš ga malo cimnut. Nemoj mi tu glumit nekog gospodinčića i curicu, do sad bar nisi bio takav. Da me ne razumiješ krivo, činjenica je da je prepotentan, ali ima pravo bit takav jer iza njega stoji rezultat (pri tome ne mislim samo na rezultat sa Chelseaem). Lagano ga boli ona stvar.....
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 13.06.2004.
Poruka: 2.607
04. ožujka 2006. u 20:56

barichello je napisao/la:
 Pas mater propustio sam prognozu, ne mogu vjerovat da mi se to dogodilo....
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imaš još 3 para neodigrana ak ti to šta znači, možda skineš koji

@ Frenkie,

hvala, hvala... dobar si ovo kolo kao i većina nas, al nisi smio propustit ona 2 kola, sad bismo vodili grčevitu borbu za prvaka 

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
04. ožujka 2006. u 21:29

barichello je napisao/la:
  Ma daj nemoj zajebavat, kaj se jo¹ mo¾da trebo isprièat zato kaj je pobjedio, da se nebi neko sluèajno uvrijedio. Èovjek je sretan kad pobjeðuje i ima pravo skakat i veselit se kolko hoæe, a Robson je onda taj koji ne zna gubit. Kako bi ti slavio da upravo daje¹ gol protivniku s kojim si se upravo verbalno zakaèio? Normalno da æe¹ ga malo cimnut. Nemoj mi tu glumit nekog gospodinèiæa i curicu, do sad bar nisi bio takav. Da me ne razumije¹ krivo, èinjenica je da je prepotentan, ali ima pravo bit takav jer iza njega stoji rezultat (pri tome ne mislim samo na rezultat sa Chelseaem). Lagano ga boli ona stvar.....
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gle kao trenera je najbolji sa capellom,tu nema dvojbe

ali sjeti se lani kad je ispo od barce i napao suca kojeg su englezi smrcu prijetili i napustio je nogomet.sved frisk

posvadjao se sa rijkaardom,isto kao i ove sezone

lani opet,pokazuje srednji na old traffordu nakon manu-porto

pa sad ti reci to je to normalno :da on svojim ponasanjem i provokacijama ugrozava zivot covjeka suca,a isto je bilo i ove sezone nakon tekme kad je opet napao suca za poraz vs barce,a uefa sve to gleda..u italiji je svaka takva 'akcija'kaznjiva


ako je to tebi sve show i zajebancija onda ok

znas sta kazu strani mediji za to ponasanje:covjek ima komplekse

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.12.2005.
Poruka: 1.267
04. ožujka 2006. u 22:01

 Ma pusti strane medije, ti isti su napisali da je drugi gol za Hrvatsku protiv Argentine zabio Šimić, tako da nije sve što oni kažu Bogom dano..........

Ko je kome prijetio smrću i dali je uopće ja ne znam, a ne znaš ni ti tako da mi je o tome malo blesavo pričat jer zbilja ne znam niti jednu činjenicu, a siguran sam da ne znaš ni ti (jedino aku si u rodu sa Friskom).....

Činjenica je da je čovjek ekscentričan, svadljiv i prepotentan i to sve stoji. Tebi se to ne sviđa i tu ti ne mogu ništa zamjerit, ali nije ti baš neka fora prozivat tu seljakom jednog od najboljih trenera na svijetu (uvažavam dijelom ovo za Capella). A inače za svađu je potrebno dvojica........kuiš

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
04. ožujka 2006. u 23:02

 ma boli me za njega ,njegove su pare i zivot,iznosim svoje misljenje i sto mi se ne svidja kod njega a on nek osvoji sve titule ovog svijeta pod svaku cijenu ako treba

za friska znas ,nije napustio sudjenje da bi prodavo krompire na pijacijedino ak ti je murinjo ujak

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
05. ožujka 2006. u 01:47
 I'm off!

Top referee Anders Frisk quits after death threats from Chelsea supporters - proving once again that it's the loneliest job in football

Sunday March 13, 2005

Given the abuse and loathing dished out by highly paid but foul-mouthed stars, managers seeking excuses for defeat and fans who see injustice every time the whistle blows, it is already the loneliest job in football.

But yesterday's sudden retirement by one of the world's top referees after receiving death threats from Chelsea supporters leaves the task of keeping order in the increasingly ugly 'beautiful game' bordering on anarchy,

Anders Frisk, who has officiated at scores of vital matches, has reluctantly put away his notebook, whistle and yellow and red cards for the last time.

The respected 42-year-old Swede made the dramatic announcement after he and his family were inundated with threats from followers of the London club who had been victimising them ever since he refereed their Champions' League game in Barcelona in February.

'I have been subjected to things that I couldn't even imagine,' said Frisk, who describes himself as 'a Chelsea fan since boyhood', yesterday. 'I love to referee and I have done it since 1978, but what has happened to me over the last 16 days means it is not worth continuing.

'I won't ever go out on a football pitch again. I am too scared. It is not worth it. Unfortunately that is the way football looks in 2005.'I've had enough. I don't know if I even dare let my kids go to the post office.

'These past 16 days have been the worst in my life as a soccer referee,' added Frisk.

Detailing a growing catalogue of harassment, Frisk said the campaign of intimidation against him had 'escalated day by day' since his performance on 23 February during Barcelona's 2-1 win in their Camp Nou stadium led to accusations of poor judgment and favouritism towards the home side from Chelsea's temperamental and controversial Portuguese boss, José Mourinho.

'There have been threats on the telephone and via email and post, and my family have also been threatened. I have a big family and I have been worried - anything can apparently happen'.

The threats, most of which had come from England, 'unfortunately' included direct threats to his life, Frisk said. He identified Chelsea fans - who were upset that he had sent off their star striker Didier Drogba - as the chief tormentors, and added that some threats had come from Chelsea supporters in other countries.

Frisk's enforced retirement after 27 years as a referee has brought renewed shame on a sport which is already struggling to defend itself against claims of corruption, hooliganism and misbehaviour by big-name players.

'This is outrageous, and this abuse of referees is getting worse and worse and worse', said a shocked senior official of Uefa, European football's governing body. 'This is getting out of hand. It's disgraceful.'

The Chelsea fans' persecution of Frisk echoes the harassment of the Swiss referee, Urs Meier, by England fans at last year's Euro 2004 tournament after he disallowed a late Sol Campbell goal against Portugal that would have seen England progress to the semi-finals.

For weeks afterwards, Meier received thousands of abusive phone calls and emails after his contact details were published in British tabloid newspapers. He had to be given police protection and was advised by Swiss detectives to go into hiding.

Bo Karlsson, head of referees at the Swedish Football Association, said it was a sad day for football.

'It's terrible that this kind of thing should have to make one of the world's best referees quit. It is a damn shame that it is possible for it to go this far. Anders will have to talk about the details, but the threats have been serious enough for him to decide to quit. We have reached a limit now. We had Urs Meier ... and now we have a similar case. Now it has to end', said Karlsson.

Karlsson launched a thinly veiled attack on Mourinho, implicitly blaming him for needlessly raising the temperature between Chelsea and Barcelona in the weeks between the game in Spain and last Tuesday's second leg, which the Premiership side won 4-2 to go through.

'Managers and the rest of the staff have got to act a lot more responsibly than the players. The players behave just like their leaders.'

After the first match, the Chelsea boss accused Frisk of meeting Barcelona coach Frank Rijkaard in his dressing-room at half-time - a clear breach of footballing protocol - but has failed to produce any proof.

The vilification of Frisk marks a new low point for the reputation of English fans, who have recently been casting off their image as troublemakers and receiving plaudits for their conduct abroad.

Officials at the Football Association are already worried that high-profile incidents of Premiership stars verbally abusing referees are encouraging young players to follow suit, and producing a climate in which large numbers of amateur referees and linesmen give up officiating every year because they are fed up with being the whipping-boys for angry, sometimes violent, players, managers and spectators.

Last week the Secondary Heads' Association said that football matches should be shown after the 9pm watershed because the language was so bad. The Premier League is now planning to come down far harder on abusive players, showing red cards to professionals who abuse referees.

Abuse of referees is a global phenomenon which appears to be on the rise, and often involves amateurs as well as professional players. Last December an amateur footballer in Belfast was banned from playing for 30 years for headbutting a referee after a match between two teams of Boys' Brigade veterans. In 2001, Claudio Jerez, a player with a fifth division team in Sweden, was jailed for two years after attacking the referee who had sent him off.

In 2000, referees in Bermuda went on strike after a player in a league match, dismissed for making an obscene gesture to the referee, ran back on to the pitch and punched the official in the face. And in 1999 a referee in South Africa shot dead a player who had produced a knife and lunged at him during a game between rival township sides.

'My daughter said a few days ago that I shouldn't let the bad guys win, but we have talked about it and they understand it', said Frisk yesterday. 'My family is pleased that I am quitting football after this. I haven't slept well for two weeks; hopefully I will now. I love Chelsea and have done since I was a kid. That is why this is especially sad.'

Clashes with the men in black

October 1998
Paul Alcock became the first referee to be pushed to the ground by a player when he was attacked by Sheffield Wednesday's Paolo Di Canio. Di Canio - who had been sent off before assaulting Alcock - was banned for eight games and fined £10,000. Alcock said the incident made him consider giving up the game, but he did continue after that.

November 2003
Graeme Souness, then Blackburn Rovers' manager, was banned from the touchline and fined £10,000 after accusing referee Graham Poll of being 'a Spurs fan' after a series of controversial decisions.

June 2004
Referee Urs Meier dashed England's hopes of an appearance in the Euro 2004 semi-finals when he disallowed a late goal from Sol Campbell. He was subjected to a media-fuelled hate campaign, receiving 16,000 emails, 5,000 abusive phone calls, tabloid humiliation and even death threats. He later quit the game and now sells washing machines.

March 2005
Southampton midfielder David Prutton is serving a record 10-match ban for pushing referee Alan Wiley moments after he had been sent off against Arsenal last month. Prutton pushed Wiley in an attempt to reach the linesman Paul Norman.'It was one of those moments when you seem to lose all control. I was heading for him, shouting and swearing,' said Prutton in an abject apology.



slicno se desilo hiddinku kad je u psv-u dobio kuci kovertu sa metkom u njemu

a kezman je za vrijeme igranja u psv skoro bio kidnapiran navodno od mafije

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.12.2005.
Poruka: 1.267
05. ožujka 2006. u 11:00
d je napisao/la:

 ma boli me za njega ,njegove su pare i zivot,iznosim svoje misljenje i sto mi se ne svidja kod njega a on nek osvoji sve titule ovog svijeta pod svaku cijenu ako treba

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To je tvoje pravo i tu skidam kapu, pa na kraju krajeva tu smo da diskutiramo i iznosimo svoja mišljenja.

Ti ga ne voliš, ja ga volim i sve 5. To ti je ko kod žena - ti voliš jednu, ja drugu, a prava pi**arija nastaje kad obadvojica volimo jednu.

Sve 5 majstore, kužim ja sve kaj pričaš, samo nemoj se držat svega kaj piše ko pijan plota, znaš kakvi su novinari, taj bi napuho mamu svoju na veličinu nosoroga samo da proda novine. A ima i ona narodna: "Pisalo na plotu "p.i.č.k.a", pa Mujo slomio k.u.r.a.c". Ne velim ja da nema ni malo istine u tome kaj pišu, ali bogme ne vjerujem im baš sve.


Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.01.2006.
Poruka: 4.063
05. ožujka 2006. u 15:10
@ vlado11
   statistika (tablice tipera) su ti za pohvalu, samo tako nastavi
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 24.02.2005.
Poruka: 3.351
05. ožujka 2006. u 17:56

Bravo Vladi za zbrajanje svih rezultata i objavljivanje statistike. Čovjek se stvarno potrudio

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