exGulag je napisao/la:
Samo da nam ne natabalače navijače Rdeče Zvezde...

Who knows how long Russia is going to wait to produce such players like Mostovoy, Kharpin, or Bestkchanikh (boktemazo)... A na SP2002 they had još uvijek sasvim OK team...
I remember season 1995/96 (or it was the previous one) when Spartak won all of their group stage matches (against Legia Varšava, Blackburn i can't remember tko else?) in Champions League... They had Nikiforov, Tikhonenko, Sergey Yuran, Ilya Tsimbalar, Onopko... As the knockout stage begun, they sold all of their star players i lost in the first the round...
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You probably had in view of Tikhonov? By the way it till now plays to the Russian league for Khimki. Yuran already on trainer's to a post also has deduced Shinnik in Primer-league.
Ты наверное имел ввиду Тихонова?Кстати он до сих пор играет в Российской лиге за Химки.Юран уже на тренерском посту и вывел Шинник в Премьер-лигу.
[uredio DIMON(Russia) - 24. studenog 2007. u 11:13]