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Footage taken from the UCL quarter final between Arsenal & Barca (1st leg):
Time taken for ball to be regained by Barcelona once lost (full game):
1-6 seconds: 63%
7-12 seconds: 26%
13-18 seconds: 9%
19-24 seconds: 1%
25+ seconds: 1%
1st Half Breakdown:
1-6 seconds: 65%
7-12 seconds: 27%
13-18 seconds: 6%
19-24 seconds: 2%
25+ seconds: 0%
2nd Half Breakdown:
1-6 seconds: 60%
7-12 seconds: 26%
13-18 seconds:11%
19-24 seconds: 0%
25+ seconds: 3%
Overall possession: Arsenal 38%- 62% Barca
1st Half possession: Arsenal 31% - 69% Barca
2nd half possession: Arsenal 43% - 57% Barca
Barca won the ball back 63% of the time within the first 6 seconds of
losing it. Impressive given the attacking quality of the opposition.