Zdravko Mamić

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.12.2005.
Poruka: 11.280
04. listopada 2007. u 13:21

citam,citam...i onda bum..covek je osvojio svetLOL


Another rant in the life of Mamic

Dinamo Zagreb fans are starting to grow tired of Zdravko Mamic, the fiery executive vice-president whose latest antics have been captured on YouTube

Jonathan Wilson
Wednesday October 3, 2007
Guardian Unlimited

Another week, another scandal involving Zdravko Mamic, the executive vice-president of Dinamo Zagreb. It began, as incidents involving Mamic so often do, with a press conference. The particular flashpoint this time came when he was asked about newspaper reports suggesting the club were poised to appoint the Italian Nevio Scala to replace Branko Ivankovic.

Now any logic other than football logic would suggest the stories are nonsensical. Ivankovic replaced Josip Kuze as coach in September 2006, and led them to the double without losing a game. This season, although the unbeaten record has gone, Dinamo are seven points clear at the top of the Croatian league having taken 27 points from 10 games. Ivankovic is hugely popular with the fans.

Then again, Kuze had just won a title and was also popular, and he was jettisoned for his failings in Europe, a defeat to Arsenal in the third qualifying round of the Champions League was followed by a defeat to Auxerre in the Uefa Cup. This season Dinamo lost an epic to Werder Bremen in the third qualifying round of the Champions League and were unfortunate to draw Ajax in the first round of the Uefa Cup.

They lost the first leg at the Maksimir 1-0, so unless something remarkable happens in Amsterdam on Thursday, Dinamo will be in exactly the same position they were last season when Ivankovic was appointed. And when investment from Milan Bandic, the mayor of Zagreb, has made the league all but a walkover, Europe becomes the only measure of success.

Mamic could simply have denied the rumours about Scala. He could simply have said that Ivankovic's position is safe and that this season's European failure is down to an unfortunate draw. Initially, that is what he did, albeit in his characteristically aggressive way, attacking the newspaper that had printed the story. He then listed Ivankovic's successes, before lapsing into a foul-mouthed rant against journalists, the media in general, and finally YouTube, ending with the words "I'm going to stick YouTube on my dick".

By Mamic's standards, this latest indiscretion is small beer. His rise has been both remarkable and remarkably turbulent. Born in Bjelovar near Zagreb in 1959, he was initially a youth player at Dinamo and then, when it turned out he wasn't good enough, a fan. When he was 15, he started in business, selling Styrofoam cushions outside the Maksimir. His great leap forwards, though, came amid the gangster capitalism of the war years as he made lucrative investments in a forestry company and a drinks manufacturer, before selling his shares to an arms dealer.

He has since become an agent, and worked on the transfers that took Bosko Balaban to Aston Villa, Eduardo da Silva to Arsenal and Vedran Corluka to Manchester City. He claims that he and his brother Zoran, who is sporting director at the club, have a combined fortune of around £30m.

His career has been swaddled in controversy. He has admitted match-fixing on numerous occasions, was censured by Uefa last season after celebrating Dinamo's victory over the Lithuanian side Ekranes in the second qualifying round of the Champions League with a Nazi salute, and created a stir earlier this year for an inappropriate advance to a belly-dancer in Azerbaijan.

He was suspended from football for life 15 years ago after assaulting a director of the Croatian FA; the ban was swiftly forgotten, and the physical violence has continued. After missing out on the position of sports director, Mamic attacked the former Dinamo director Josip Soic, who only escaped by scaling a fence. He struck the NK Zagreb player Niko Ceka in 1995, and that same year almost knocked down a traffic policeman as the authorities attempted to tow away his illegally parked Jaguar. It took nine years for that case to come to court, by which time the policeman in question had conveniently forgotten the exact details of the incident.

In 2003, on crutches after a knee operation, he went to a meeting at the office of Vlasta Pavic, the then-mayor of Zagreb, and was told by Miljenko Mesic, the director of the city planning authority, that his plans for a city-centre skyscraper had been rejected. He set about Mesic with his crutches, and received in return a blow to the head so hard it broke a bone in Mesic's hand. Mysteriously, no charges were pressed, and planning permission was later granted.

Mamic's favourite target, though, has been the press. The journalist Kristijan Toplaja was forced to flee and hide in some nearby bushes as Mamic took exception to his line of questioning. He hit a journalist from 24 Sata with a salt-cellar, and issued death treats to journalists from Jutarnji List.

So why the recent rant against YouTube? The problem with citizen journalism is that citizens tend to say what they think, and much of what has been posted on YouTube about Mamic has not been positive. There have been countless clips of fans calling for his resignation (the presidency, held by Mirko Barisic, is largely an honorific role), some simply abusive, others listing in some details his supposed crimes.

For all Dinamo's recent success, Mamic is widely distrusted. The Bad Blue Boys, the hard-core of the Dinamo fans, have made clear that they feel his frequent outbursts are beginning to undermine the club, and questions are being asked about just how much of the money recouped in transfer fees is being reinvested. In the summer, the Croatian public ombudsman Jurica Malcic sent a letter to the minister of science, education and sport, Dragan Primorac, asking whether Mamic's position as both an agent and the vice-president of what is, after all, a body still in part publicly funded didn't represent a conflict of interest.

No action has, as yet, been taken, and Mamic has come through worse crises before, but you do wonder how hostile the atmosphere around Dinamo could become if they are, as expected, knocked out of the Uefa Cup on Thursday.

haha..ovaj boldiran deo sam propustioLOL
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
04. listopada 2007. u 13:29
legendinho je napisao/la:
a juce sam s enasmijao.. pola sata Mamic objasnjava kako je on pomogao ovome ili onome..ma koga briga za to..pa Bog ce ti to naplatit..a o Dinamu ni rijeci..osim d aje Balaban i Mandukc bolji od Dudu-a i Vugrineca..s tom recenicom mi je sve rekao o svom znanju o nogometu i filozofiji!!!
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da, ovo sam zaboravio. Mandjukic i Balaban bolji tandem od Vugrinec-Eduardo tandema.

Ja ne znam kako vi, ali meni su Ciro, Mamic, Stimac do kosti ogadili hrvatski klupski nogomet. Pa to je nevjerojatno kakvi su to idioti, kakve oni gluposti lupetaju, dodje ti da se ispovracas.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.09.2007.
Poruka: 7
04. listopada 2007. u 13:41
A šta bi Dinamo molim vas da nema Mamića, daj ne budite smješni da nema njega imali bi rasulo u klubu kakav god da je tip je CAR.
To što ga jebe da previše voli dinamo i nemože suzdržati emocije to je druga priča.
Koliko je čovjek para uložio i svojih veza povukao zaslužio je da uzme love koliko želi.
Šta ostali magarci nisu dali lovu ili financirali neke igrače on zna šta radi.
To je biznis,čovjek to jedino zna raditi i to radi.
Svaka mu čast!!!
Di bi Dinamo bio da nema njega,znaš kad bi Boysi vidjeli Werder i Amsterdam za jedno 10 godina.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 27.07.2006.
Poruka: 8.431
04. listopada 2007. u 13:43
crni ratnik je napisao/la:
Koliko je čovjek para uložio i svojih veza povukao zaslužio je da uzme love koliko želi.

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Zorane, jesi to ti?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.09.2007.
Poruka: 7
04. listopada 2007. u 13:46
A vi dole ste posebna priča!!!
Te nije malo sram da pišeš j**o te i Zdravko i Zoran ja pišem svoje mišljenje!!!
Šta bi dinamo da nema mamića!????
Koliko za sebe toliko i za Dinamo!!!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.12.2005.
Poruka: 5.608
04. listopada 2007. u 13:47
Ma dajte pogledajte komentare ispod txta u Guardianu, ti Englezi stvarno nisu normalni, Hrvatska ispada nacistička tvorevina, Partizan je iz ZG . . .
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 02.04.2007.
Poruka: 706
04. listopada 2007. u 13:58
crni ratnik je napisao/la:
A vi dole ste posebna priča!!!
Te nije malo sram da pišeš j**o te i Zdravko i Zoran ja pišem svoje mišljenje!!!
Šta bi dinamo da nema mamića!????
Koliko za sebe toliko i za Dinamo!!!
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ak tog "čovjeka" nije onak sram na televiziji nastupit ;kak da onda bude nas na forumu napisat tak neš
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 27.07.2006.
Poruka: 8.431
04. listopada 2007. u 14:05
crni, pa ako je Dinamo onda prije šerifa?

i ja nisam ˝dole˝
[uredio Goran22 - 04. listopada 2007. u 14:06]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 20.01.2004.
Poruka: 7.354
04. listopada 2007. u 15:41
reakcija engliskih novina je sasvim logična, ako se netko vrati na moj post prije par stranica tamo sam objasnio kako mamić ruši ono SVETO, a to je Brand " Dinamo" i istaknuo da je ovakvo ponašanje Mamića uzrokovalo višestruko više pažnje u svjetskoj nogometnoj javnosti nego svi dosadašnji pozitivni nastuoi Dinama.
Dakle na sceni je totalno urušavanje Dinama kao simbola kulture i građanstva, nitko ništa ne poduzima, svi njemo promatraju, šteta će biti dugoročna i ako mene pitate puno veča nego neke trenerske krize koje zanimaju navijače, ova dva napada na novinare su itekako zainteresirali svjetsku javnost, pogotovo napad na žene je visoko osjetljiva tema, mamić neče lako proči sa ovim stvarima, ali dok on troši tuđe pare jednakom brzinom srozava dugoo godina stvarani ugled Dinama, ovo je žalosno da žalosnije nemože biti pravi navijač Dinama nemože se pomiriti sa ovim nije u pitanju rezultat kojeg nema u pitanju je kompromitiranje čitave jedne povijesne koncepcije zagrebačkog simbola, neki još uvijek to opravdavaju, što dokazuje koliko su umiješani u svu priču, a u isto vrijeme podrška jednog dijela navijača koja je očigledna zapravo govori o nedostatku istinskih navijačkih vođa koji su u stanju prepoznati havariju, rezultat sa Ajaxom ništa tu nemože promijeniti dapače mislim da slučajni prolaz samo bi odveo Dinamo u daljnju eskalaciju. na kraju priče citiram Milanovića " SDP- Nema šanse da Zagreb u ovolikoj mjeri financijski podržava ovakav Dinamo, i bandić je na ledu opasno, dakle prava priča tek slijedi, Mamić and company u akciji.
my favorite:Nash,Wade,Ginobili,Nowitzki,Duncan
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.249
04. listopada 2007. u 16:07
ultras VK je napisao/la:
Ma dajte pogledajte komentare ispod txta u Guardianu, ti Englezi stvarno nisu normalni, Hrvatska ispada nacistička tvorevina, Partizan je iz ZG . . .
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Ništa čudno tako Englezi vide cijeli balkan, najjača je žena na kraju koja ne želi kupiti Dunamov dres jer je fašistički a Hrvatski jer je ustaški LOL

Kao kada je neki Rom osvojio ono smeće na rtl-u (BB), došli Engleski novinari u Hrvatsku koji nisu mogli vjerovati da je to istina, čovjek još kaže nešto kao "pa u Engleskoj kruže glasine da su Romi ovdje omaložavani i da nemaju prava ovo je stvarno ugodno iznenađenje" ukratko čovjek je doputovao iz Engleske samo zato što nije mogao vjerovati da kod nas Rom može osvojiti BB znači da su ljudi glasali sa njega umjesto za Hrvate, valjda misle da ih držimo u logorima i kampovima DeadDead strašno..
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨