danchy je napisao/la:
Ma da, Alzirci su velika prijetnja Rusima, kao i Tajvanci, pa su ih Rusi, iliti savez izbacili sa svjetskog prvenstva bas zbog te velike prijetnje za rusku drzavu...
Zvuci jako vjerojatno.
Vidi cijeli citat
savezu koji grca u korupciji, objavljuje izjave o testovima bez ikakvih dodatnih informacija, jer su »povjerljivi«, sam sebi proturiječi na održanoj konferenciji za medije u parizu koje dodatno uljepšava s nebuloznim trabunjanjem o svemu i svačemu, je dovoljna jedna jedina stvar da bude u očima nekih korisnika ovdje (a i šire) vjerodostojan: upiranje prsta u nekoga i izazivanje sumnje oko njihovog spola.
ovo je s racionalnog stajališta teško probabljivo, ali razumljivo: svakojake nesigurnosti i animoziteti se tako daju lakše projicirati i usredotočiti na netkog drugog.
malo o savezu:
»In the wake of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, several damning investigation uncovered widespread evidence of corruption, bribery and match-fixing in amateur boxing. IBA president Wu Ching-kuo was found to have been directly responsible for allowing corruption to flourish and was subsequently banned for life from the sport in 2018.
In January 2018, IBA—then known as AIBA—named Gafur Rakhimov as its interim president, an alleged heroin trafficker who was placed under U.S. sanctions for providing “material support” to the Thieves-in-Laws, a notorious Eurasian criminal syndicate linked to illegal activity around the world.«
»Der Box-Weltverband IBA bleibt aus dem olympischen Kreis ausgeschlossen. Der Internationale Sportgerichtshof (CAS) in Lausanne wies am Dienstag (02.04.2024) die Berufung der IBA gegen eine entsprechende Entscheidung des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees aus dem Sommer vergangenen Jahres zurück.«
« L’une des plus hallucinantes sagas de l’histoire du sport olympique a pris fin jeudi. Réuni en session extraordinaire par visioconférence, le CIO a tout simplement expulsé l’Association internationale de boxe (IBA) en raison du haut niveau de corruption qui persistait au sein de cette organisation.
C’est la toute première fois qu’une fédération internationale est expulsée du mouvement olympique. Cependant, la situation de l’IBA était tellement irrécupérable qu’on peut se demander comment il se fait que le CIO ait mis autant de temps à pousser ces voyous vers la sortie. »
malo o objavi saveza u odnosu na boksačice:
»Point to note, the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination but were subject to a separate and recognized test, whereby the specifics remain confidential.«
malo o njegovoj konferenciji za medije:
»Kremlev said the testing showed testosterone levels as high as those for men but that he could not give any proof. The comment contradicted IBA’s official statement last Thursday, in which it stated that “the athletes did not undergo a testosterone examination.” But, repeatedly, IBA officials referred to high testosterone levels at Monday’s news conference.«
»[Filippatos] and Kremlev both implied that Khelif and Yu-Ting could be transgender athletes, despite assertions from both athletes’ camps that they are not, that they were born as women and grew up as women.
“It may be transgender women,” said Kremlev through an interpreter. “Maybe not.” Kremlev said it was up to Khelif and Tu-Ting to prove that they were women, saying that he, for example, could produce documents to “prove I was a real man, not a woman.”«
dakle, objavljuju da nije testirana razina testosterona, a na medijskoj konferenciji tvrde da je testosteron bio previsok? i nitko ne štuca kad to pročita? 🤣
nekim korisnicima je dovoljno prozivanje bez dokaza ili predloženih podataka/činjenica koje takve optužbe potkrijepljuju ili čine plauzibilnima, što je dosta degutantno.
isto tako, kao gore navedeno, izvor takvih optužba nije bitan, kao ni njegova vjerodstojnost, dok god se degutantna poruka poklapa s određenim mišljenjem ili svjetonazorom koje u tom odnosu imaju, takozvani »inherent bias« koji svi imamo.
da zaključimo:
jedan savez, kao prvi uopće isključen od strane međunarodnog olimpijskog komiteta, i to davno prije olimpijskih igara nakon dugogodišnje borbe s potonjim, objavljuje da su dvije boksačice diskvalificirane zbog natjecateljskih prednosti na osnovi jednog testa o kojem se ne zna na čemu se osnuje, što je testirano, kakvi su rezultati i tako dalje.
optužba takve težine - lažiranje spola s ciljem sportskog uspjeha - MORA imati u pratnji dokaze koji se mogu provjeriti, inače kod mene kao odvjetnika/pravnika to ne bi imalo šanse, nego bi se lako moglo ocijeniti kao kleveta, što je samo po sebi u njemačkoj kazneno djelo.
nema veze, vidi se da su khelif i lin muškarci, zašto? jer su ružni kao noć, nemaju sise i boksaju dobro - to ne mogu biti žene, i koga briga sljedeće:
»Khelif has never identified as a man, as transgender, or as intersex—which refers to people with both male and female sex characteristics.) She is also from Algeria, where it is illegal to transition. The International Olympic Committee has also come to the athlete’s defence, with IOC President Thomas Bach stating that Khelif’s status as a woman was “never in doubt.”
“Let’s be very clear here: We are talking about women’s boxing,” Bach said on Saturday. “We have two boxers who are born as a woman, who have been raised a woman, who have a passport as a woman, and who have competed for many years as women. And this is the clear definition of a woman. There was never any doubt about them being a woman.”«
odvratno je pratiti taj mobbing, a kamoli čitati njegovo pravdanje.
esse quam videri. (marcus tullius cicero)