Marko Marušić je napisao/la:
a sto im ga tehnicki znaci ovo 60 garantirano? mislim znam da je to osnovna placa(i eventualni bonus za potpis) a ovo do 130 su valjda neki performance bonusi i slicno...
ali da li to znaci ako sad uzme kurve i drogu pa ga se pozele rijesit, da mu tih 60 moraju isplatit bez obzira na sve?
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Kako je ovo 10 godina staro i bio je novi CBA u međuvremenu možda su se neke stvari promijenile ali generalno bit bi trebala biti vise manje isto
Say, for example, a player wants a seven-year, $60-million contract.
Let's say that the owner decides to give that player an $11-million
signing bonus, which is all paid out in the first year but gets factored
into the cap as prorated over the course of the seven-year contract
($11-million / 7 years = $1.57-million per year). Most NFL contracts are
"back-ended" -- most of the base salary is located in the last two or
three years of the contract. If we suppose that our player's contract is
structured so that he has a base salary of $2-million the first year,
with higher base salaries in the final two years of the contract, the
$13-million (base salary + signing bonus) paid out in the first year
appears as $3.57-million to the cap! The advantage of signing bonuses
for the owner is that he now has more money to spend under the cap. This
is how the Washington Redskins ran up a total payroll of $92.41-million
in the 2000 season when the cap was $67-million. The advantage for the
player is that all signing-bonus money is guaranteed to be paid, whereas
an NFL contract is not guaranteed.
There are drawbacks to signing bonuses for the owner, however. Because
the bonus is guaranteed to the player, if the player is released, traded
or waived, all of the bonus money that was being prorated throughout
the length of the contract is accelerated to the present year. So, if
our team released its star player after the third year of his contract
(before June 1) for whatever reason, the entire remainder of the bonus,
almost $6.3-million, will have to count toward the cap the next year (if
the team releases the player after June 1, only the yearly
$1.57-million will count the next year, and the remainder will count the
subsequent year).
evo jedan link sa novijim pravilima uzetima u obzir koji objasnjava malo vise detalja
[uredio MaidenMadness - 14. ožujka 2012. u 17:55]