2012 NFL season

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 06.08.2006.
Poruka: 36.861
21. ožujka 2012. u 22:32

Što je Benjarvus otišao iz NE?

Čitajte http://generalposlijebitke.blogspot.com/BŽV!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2007.
Poruka: 9.843
21. ožujka 2012. u 22:45
Da bio je free agent.
The world is full of Kings and QueensWho blind your eyes and steal your dreams
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 11.11.2009.
Poruka: 1.371
21. ožujka 2012. u 23:08
meni je isto bilo čudno kad sam pročitao za Tebowa, ali pade mi jedna stvar na pamet- možda su ga jednostavno uzeli da malo naprave pritisak na Sancheza, da ovaj prestane klepat manekenke i slikat se za razne style magazine i da se više skoncentrira na football..

ali šta god bilo, i da im ništa ne upali, opet ne gube previše, dali su sitniš za njega.. ali ja vjerujem da će mu iskombinirati neke situacije koje će on odrađivati..
Bol nestane. Komadi vole ožiljke. Slava- traje vječno!!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 10.259
21. ožujka 2012. u 23:53
eo i jaguari se uključili u borbu za tebowa, reko sam vam da će se kauboj veselit, kad raspizde srećka i konjoglave ove godine
žene častim kurom, a ne manikurom
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
22. ožujka 2012. u 00:32
Fans may want to start preparing for an expanded overtime system and more instant replays.

NFL executives will meet in Palm Beach, Fla., beginning this Saturday for the annual owners meetings, and a major part of the summit is to discuss rule changes proposed by the nine-member competition committee. Ravens General Manager Ozzie Newsome is part of that committee.

There are seven changes proposed this year, as well as other bylaw alterations.

Perhaps the most noteworthy proposal came from the Pittsburgh Steelers, who are asking the competition committee to extend the postseason overtime rules to the regular season.

It’s particularly interesting considering the Steelers were beaten on that rule in last year’s playoffs. The playoff overtime rule went into effect last year, giving each team the opportunity to possess the ball unless the team who got it first scored a touchdown.

That’s exactly what happened to the Steelers. On the first play in overtime, Tim Tebow hit Demaryius Thomas for an 80-yard touchdown, sending Pittsburgh home.

The two other more major changes include the use of instant replay.

One is that turnovers could fall under the replay official’s jurisdiction, meaning it could be automatically reviewed just like scoring plays. That could lead to more replays in general.

But another rule, proposed by Buffalo, would speed up the replay process. Under the new rule, the replay official in the booth would review replays and make decisions. That would eliminate the need for the referee to walk to the sideline and go under the hood. That is the process used in college football.

All teams’ owners will vote on the proposed changes next Wednesday, and they need a 75-percent majority to pass (24 of 32 owners in favor).

Other than protecting quarterbacks from horse-collar tackles, there were no other provisions to add to unnecessary roughness or roughing the passer penalties.

“I think we were pretty comfortable,” Competition Committee chairman Rich McKay said. “Quarterbacks, by rule, are very protected.”

McKay was also satisfied with last year’s rule change to move kickoffs up from the 40-yard line to the 35. He said concussions on kickoffs decreased by as much as 40 percent last year.

McKay said it did result in many more touchbacks, but the overall starting field position was not drastically altered and scoring was up. Ravens kicker Billy Cundiff finished tied for sixth in the league with 44 touchbacks.

“That was a rule change that was made for one reason only, and that was player safety,” McCay said. “I think it achieved its objective.”
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.857
22. ožujka 2012. u 00:50
Radije Manninga nego Tebowa, tsk, tsk  Bog će im se osvetiti.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.03.2005.
Poruka: 5.393
22. ožujka 2012. u 09:11
aristotel je napisao/la:

meni je isto bilo čudno kad sam pročitao za Tebowa, ali pade mi jedna stvar na pamet- možda su ga jednostavno uzeli da malo naprave pritisak na Sancheza, da ovaj prestane klepat manekenke i slikat se za razne style magazine i da se više skoncentrira na football..

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bit će prije da su ga uzeli jer netko treba održat misu kad protivnici zgnječe Sančeza.
[uredio dbald - 22. ožujka 2012. u 09:12]
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 30.12.2003.
Poruka: 22.210
22. ožujka 2012. u 14:11
russell je napisao/la:
eo i jaguari se uključili u borbu za tebowa, reko sam vam da će se kauboj veselit, kad raspizde srećka i konjoglave ove godine
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Dolazak Tebowa bi bio odličan marketinški potez, jer je on ipak hometown boy... možda bi se malo pripunio onaj stadion malko, a možda i medije ne bi baš skroz popustila Tebowmania, pa bi onda možda i prestale priče svake godine o preseljenju kluba nekamo.

A što se igre i rezultata tiče, teško reći da bi to nešto pomoglo.  Realno bi i dalje bili (pred)zadnji u diviziji (ovisno o Kolcima).

I am going to space, and when I come back I have to pick up poodle crap.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 10.259
22. ožujka 2012. u 17:16
bearsi dovesli busha iz raidersa, jako zahvalan rb
žene častim kurom, a ne manikurom
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 05.08.2009.
Poruka: 11.666
22. ožujka 2012. u 18:59
russell je napisao/la:
bearsi dovesli busha iz raidersa, jako zahvalan rb
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hahahaha, pa ovo je ludnica, koja će to biti uživancija na jesen, bit će to strašan napad i po zraku a pogotovo po zemlji ... još da je koje pojačanje u O-Lineu