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Ako on sam ne odluci otkupiti svoj ugovor za 2M, onda ce ga trejdat. Pretpostavljam da od neke ocajne ekipe (Jagsi, Broncosi, Redskinsi...) mogu dobiti pick 2 runde...
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Citam sad ovu sapunicu... on sigurno otkupljuje ugovor, ali cim to napravi Eaglesi gotovo sigurno ga Tagiraju i onda ponovno imaju pravo tradea... ako sam dobro procitao, samo sto ce onda itekako zeznuti Folesa jer je Tag poprilicno skup i netko ce morati uzeti taj iznos kroz trade... a nisam siguran da ce itko to htjeti...
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Nije bas jednostavno. Bice zanimljivo:
If the Eagles wish to trade Foles, they will have to franchise tag him. That will create a salary of up to $25 million to tag Foles, which will count against the 2019 salary cap. Once the Eagles tag Foles, they will go from $1.9 million under the cap to $23 million over the cap.
The Eagles can not complete a trade with Foles until the new league year begins (when the trade becomes official), taking that $25 million off the books. Philadelphia would have to clear that amount of cap space before completing the trade, making dealing Foles even more difficult.
This is the risk the Eagles would take by tagging Nick Foles and him signing the tag. The Eagles won't be able to rescind the tag if Foles signs it, so they could be on the hook for $25 million with Foles for the 2019 season. Not the situation the franchise wants to be in.
Philadelphia would be forced to structure a new deal with Foles, who turned down $20 million himself to become a free agent. With a $25 million salary coming, there's no guarantee Foles will want to rework a one-year tag when he wishes to be a starter elsewhere. Foles could take his $25 million and be one of the richest quarterbacks in the NFL, backing up Carson Wentz (who has a base salary of $4,087,683 million next season).
Foles has the upper hand in getting his free agency, knowing the Eagles would have to give him a $5 million raise in order to trade him. The Eagles and Foles could negotiate a deal together that benefits both parties, but why would Foles want to do that when he can pick his own team in free agency?
This is a business after all. The reality is franchising Foles doesn't appear to work in the Eagles favor, with teams knowing Foles can walk and they have to give up nothing to the Eagles in free agency.
How desperate will a team be to get Foles? That's what the Eagles will find out before February 19, the day the franchise can officially tag Foles. vidim tko je toliko očajan i plus da si može priuštit 25M za vrlo dobrog ali ne odličnog qb...možda Broncosi ili Giantsi ako EM odlazi, a vrijeme mu je...iako je biznis neka puste čovjeka ipak im je donio puno...ili još bolje neka trejdaju Wentza za koga mogu dobit hrpu, i tako Foles bolje funkcionira sa ovim napadom.
Znam da se neće dogodit ali u ovoj situaciji i to je nekakva opcija...