Sherman stvarno mrzi Wilson. Uvijek mora nekako spustit Wilsonu. Juce ima podcast s Cliff Avril, koji je gost ali mislim da je Sherman prico 90%.
"What Sherman said: “People were like, ‘Let Russ cook, let Russ cook.’ You did not win a Super Bowl letting Russ cook. You have not been anywhere close to a Super Bowl letting Russ cook. And you will not be close to a Super Bowl if you let him throw a 30-40 times a game because you’re stopping the clock. So your defense, your time of possession, your propensity to turn the ball over is going to increase. Your defense is going to be out there longer so they’re going to be more tired, they’re not going to be as effective.And unless you got some Hall of Fame, like, All-Pro player, they’re not gonna be able to stand up because you’re gonna be in shootouts.”"
A jos bolje onda kaze ovo za PC:
What Sherman said: “After one losing season – ‘fire him.’ Like, ‘reset.’ And I don’t think they truly understand what it was like before. I don’t think they remember because it’s been a decade of of greatness. It’s been a decade of winning, of a culture change, and now they’re like ‘Get rid of Pete.’ Like, ‘We’re tired. He’s predictable. We’re tired of the gum chewing.’ … He leaves, you’re gonna be tired of losing – immediately.”
A evo sta je govorio nakon sto je otiso iz Hawks da Pete i njegove metode su samo za college.
“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”