Blanka Vlašić

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.133
03. rujna 2009. u 19:45
400 m prepone, Spencer (JAM)  u gro planu

virka fun
virka fun
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.04.2007.
Poruka: 2.203
09. rujna 2009. u 14:08
super fotke,moira,bravo!rez hanžeka nema se potrebe detaljnije raščlanjivati,jer svi sve o tome znaju..tek mi je malo zasmetalo kad je brkljačićka rekla da je bio među 3 najjača mitinga na svijetu ove godine..među 15 svakako,ali ne treba pretjerivat..ipak ima jačih i većih mitinga..nije to sramota priznati..njima je jednostavno teško ozbiljnije parirati..i po financijama,broju gledatelja,itd..ono što se zna jest podatak da je hanžek dobio pozivnicu za 2.kategoriju atletskih natjecanja, challenge..u rangu zg mitinga,bili bi npr:melbourne,osaka,dakar,atena,berlin,hengelo,madrid,ostrava,rieti..iznad bi bila samo dijamantna liga..a sad malo o rez unazad 10-ak dana..u celju,kladivaš kozmus je sa 82.58m,postavio novi nacionalni rekord slovenije i rbos..u bruxellesu na posljednjoj stanici zlatne lige,zlatom su se okitili:1.sanya richards(400m-48.83 rbos),2.kenenisa bekele(5000m-12:55.31)i 3.jelena isinbajeva najbolja motkašica svijeta(ako ne računamo berlinsko sp)..od ostalih boljih rez:powell tukao gaya na 100m sa 9.90 sek..bolt 200m-19.57..wr kenijske muške štafete na 4X1500-14:36.23 min,oborili su pritom rekord ddr iz 1977?!(14:38.8) 2000 m za atletičarke nismo vidjeli wr(s o sullivan 5:25.36(1994)),ali jesmo rbos gelete burka-5:30.19...
virka fun
virka fun
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.04.2007.
Poruka: 2.203
09. rujna 2009. u 14:22
u slovačkoj dubnici c.wurth thomas otrčala je rbos na 1000m-2:34.23min ,ni blizu aktualnog wr(2:28.98min)..onda je uslijedilo ono o čemu sam već neko vrijeme pisao,miting u talijanskom rietiju..trkačkoj meki za kvalitetne rez..iz razini prosječnosti iskočilo je nekoliko disciplina..prije svega utrka na 800 m za atletičare..u njoj je kenijac david lekuta rudisha opet potukao mnogo poznatijeg sunarodnjaka alfreda kirwu yega i svjetskog prvaka,ono što je bitnije od toga su postignuti rez..nije nikakvo čudo da mnogi 800-metraši mogu brzo trčati,ali takve utrke u pravilu su,iz samo njima znanih razloga rijetkost..tako da nije nikakvo čudo da aktualni wr 1:41.11(wilson kipketer)stoji netaknut već 12 godina..da stvar bude interesantnija,kipketer je u kolnu rušio rekord sebastiana coea(1:41.73)iz 1981..mislim da bi bilo puno realnije da je rekord na razini 1:40.50min..jer u ovoj disciplini stagnacija traje gotovo 3 desetljeća..da se vratim na rieti,rudisha je otrčao rbos i 4.rez svih vremena(ujedno i afrički rekord)1:42.01 min,2.kirwa 1:42.67,3.mulaudzi 1:42.86..od ostalih rez:melešina u dalju 6.91m,1500m dobriskey je tukla jamal(4:01 min),kubanka barrios u disku je bacila 64.95m..i na 3000m joseph kitur kiplimo otrčao je 7:31 min..iza njega je ostalo mnogo velikih imena(edwin soi,ckerkos i mnogi drugi..)
virka fun
virka fun
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.04.2007.
Poruka: 2.203
09. rujna 2009. u 14:34
sigurno ste već čuli da je diskašica sandra perković u splitu bacila novi državni rekord,hitac je završio nedaleko granice 63 m..obzirom da joj je,podsjetit ću,tek 19 god,vjerujem da ima itekako mnogo prostora za napredak,očekujem da se već nagodinu stabilizira u svjetskom vrhu,čega je već neosporno postala dio..ako se medalje osvajaju sa 65 m,jasno je da je hrvatska dobila novu atletsku zvijezdu..bravo za trenera ivana ivančića..zna napravit pravi posao..što se atletske sezone tiče,ona se polako primiče kraju,mitinga će biti sve manje,a sve više maratona..svjetski atletski kup očekuje nas ovog vikenda u grčkoj(traje 2 dana),bit će tu još mala turneja po aziji(daegu,vjerovatno i shangai)i poenki miting u europi..a 20.rujna je veliki spektakl u berlinu,tamo se naime održava ugledni mjesto sreće vraća se haile gebrselassie(2:03.59h wr berlin 2008),bit će tu i duncan kibet(os 2:04.27,rotterdam)..ako bude sve prema planu,mogli bi se približiti granici 2:03.00h..
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 30.07.2006.
Poruka: 11.538
14. rujna 2009. u 00:40
Blanka u Solunu - 204
Jedan od najboljih njenih pokusaja na 210 do sada, i Usain Bolt je morao to popratiti
Triba vratit Štimca!!!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
14. rujna 2009. u 00:44

gledao sam, nedostaju joj milimetri. samo je pitanje vremena kad ce past rekord. do pobjede je dosla tako "lagano" da je smjesno.

sve iz prve. 202 iz prve. cicerova je preskakala tu visinu, nebi li je prestigla na 204, a onda blanka i 204 skoci iz prve...

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.133
15. rujna 2009. u 15:44
Na službenoj stranici IAAF-a je izašao baš zgodan članak:

Bolt and Vlasic: dancing on the way to new and dizzying heights  

Thessaloniki, Greece - Usain Bolt had been connected to a number of different events in past few weeks: from the Long Jump to the 400m and even a 600m race against Kenenisa Bekele. However in Thessaloniki it appeared that as a spectator he liked watching another one: the women’s High Jump. While preparing for the 200m, which he won comfortably in 19.68 at Thessaloniki’s IAAF/VTB Bank World Athletics Final he found time to follow all three of Blanka Vlasic’s world record attempts.

Shortly before Usain Bolt took the 200m the Jamaican found time to watch Vlasic’s final jump shown on the big screen above the bend where he was to start. And he reacted in agony, grabbing his head, when the Croatian star just missed clearing the height of 2.10m.

But since Vlasic had cleared 2.04m earlier she and Bolt have once more produced great results this season. But they had more in common in Greece on Sunday night. Both called it an end to standout seasons.

Competing at the other end of the stadium from Bolt’s 200 m start Vlasic made no mistake up to and including the height of 2.04m. Then she tried 2.10m three times and she seemed to move closer and closer to clearing the World record from attempt to attempt. If rules would have allowed a fourth jump, she might well have flown over.

“Who knows – maybe yes. But there are only three attempts,” Vlasic said, while her coach Bojan Marinovic analysed: “Blanka was just a couple of centimetres too close to the bar when she jumped off.”

Despite this small “mistake” Vlasic appeared to be happy and optimistic. “It will come one day if I stay healthy and can continue to train well – I have no doubts,” she answered, when asked about the World record. “I don’t have to put myself under pressure with this, I just have to jump relaxed. I know that I had good attempts at 2.10 today.” Despite her great late season form Vlasic did not regret her decision to end her season.

After a strong start to the 2009 season the 25 year-old Croatian seemed to lack form in June and July. But looking back at her great season Vlasic said: “I had bad luck at some events because the weather was not so good. But I was always convinced that I would come back jumping high.” Asked if it may be easier to concentrate on World record attempts next year because it will not be a season with global championships she replied: “ No, that makes no difference for me.”

Despite not clearing 2.10m Vlasic was clearly happy in Thessaloniki which she clearly illustrated by dancing on the track. Still watching on the other side of the stadium, that made Bolt change his pre-race programme. When the camera swept to him during the introduction of the 200m runners and the spectators went crazy, the World record holder did not play bow and arrow – instead he started dancing like Blanka! And taking into account that it was probably his first attempt he did extraordinary well in this non-athletics discipline as well.

Vlasic did not know that Bolt had followed all her world record attempts and even copied her dancing. When told in the mixed zone she just laughed. After producing superb highlights on what may have been the best day of the World Championships in Berlin last month the two again were crowd favourites on Sunday. Meeting directors of the 2010 events should be encouraged to sign both of them for maximum performance and entertainment. Athletics can hardly get any better – except maybe if both break their world records and then dance together!

For Bolt there is more dancing to come soon. And he is looking very forward to it. Not on the track though. “I will not miss running on the track when I am on holiday,” he answered when asked about his break after ending the season. “Now I am really happy that the season is over and I came through it without any injuries. When I will come home I will sleep and relax. I am not so much a beach person, I am staying more indoors. I listen to music and go to clubs sometimes.” But once he arrives in Kingston at the beginning of the week after two and a half months in Europe he probably can expect some welcome by fans and officials. “There will be a press conference with members of the government, but after that I will finally relax.”

After his final competition of the year Bolt was asked what he would choose if his coach would offer him either taking the Long Jump or the 400m. “I would go for the Long Jump,” the Jamaican replied. But regarding next year there are no plans yet. “I will talk with my coach what I will do next year.” There are plenty of options for Usain Bolt in 2010 – including more dancing on the track!

Jörg Wenig for the IAAF
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.133
15. rujna 2009. u 15:49
Inače i Carmeliti Jeter bi vjerujem bilo puno draže da je treće svjetsko vrijeme ikad, 10.67, istrčala malčice ranije u sezoni. Malo nespretno tempirana forma.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
15. rujna 2009. u 17:28
bas sam razmisljao kako ce sad svi pisat da je to neko novo lice atletike, ruse rekorde dok se zayebavaju i plesu...
virka fun
virka fun
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 06.04.2007.
Poruka: 2.203
18. rujna 2009. u 13:46
za jeter sam rekao i ranije da je nevjerovatan potencijal i da ima itekako mnogo prostora za napredak..rekao sam bez problema rez ispod,tu nije kraj..u pravilu je nezahvalno prognozirati,ali onaj svemirski rekord 10.49 flo yo iz daleke 1988 neki dan je mogao biti i srušen..kako?amerikanka je otrčala 10.67 sa slabašnim vjetrom od 0,1 m/s,čistom matematikom(iako sada govorimo hipotetski)da je vjetar bio na granici dozvoljenog  tj. 2,0 m/s imali bi priliku vidjeti ono što su neki smatrali da se neće nikad dogoditi..doduše,postoje neki znanstvenici koji tvrde da bi žene mogle trčati i 10.09?!kako god bilo konkurencija na 100m je sjajna i tu barem 5,6 cura može trčati oko ili ispod 10.70..vjerujem da će nam to i naredne sezone pokazati..