Marko Marušić je napisao/la:
pricalo se o flaccu dosta, pa s obzirom da ionako nema nista pametnoga trenutno, jer combine nije neko mjerilo... You’ve been a vocal fan of Joe Flacco and have taken a lot of heat for it. What is your assessment of his 2010 season?
Clayton: “I think at the end of the season in the Kansas City game, there was some unfair criticism. Even in the Jets game, too, just from the standpoint that there is no speed at the wide receiver position – in certain matchups. When they match up against teams that [use] man press with their cornerbacks, then there’s a big problem. You saw it in the Cincinnati game, the Kansas City game, the Jets game. All of a sudden, he’s standing back there patting the ball waiting for Todd Heap to get open and for Ray Rice to get into some sort of a checkdown position. There are only a couple of options when that happens.
“There are only three to five matchups a year currently like that, but something has to be added at receiver. Now, it looks like he’s going to get a little bit more control over the offense, and that’s good. In the Kansas City game, he was particularly good even though there were only two options, and he had to stand there and wait for those options to try to be open. I still think as he grows and grows and grows, at some point everybody else around the country that is bashing me for saying he’s an elite quarterback will finally get on the bandwagon.
“I’ll stand by the fact that as many playoff games that he’s won on the road, this guy is an elite quarterback.”
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o čemu ovaj lik priča?!?! kaj je frajer na drogama?!?!
...something has to be added at receiver"?!? apsolutno, i ja mislim da bi trebali uzeti još Fitzgeralda, možda i Welkera, dobro bi došo i Andre Johnson! jebeš takvu grupu receivera gdi igraju Boldin, Mason i Houshmenzadah...zbilja nemaš kome loptu bacit!
zajebi match up-ove kad imaš takve igrače...ili receiveri trče pogrešne rute (tj. treneri slažu idiotske akcije) ili QB nije u stanju dodat loptu u pravo vrijeme na pravo mjesto! ostalo sve su isprike kakvih se ni Jadranka Kosor nebi postidjela
P.S. elite QB? are you kiddin me? trenutno nije ni blizu tome...elitni QB bi uzeo Superbowl sa ovakvom ekipom