NFL 2010

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.06.2010.
Poruka: 412
12. ožujka 2011. u 02:32
Ok, ova udruga se raspala ili šta već...i koji je sada postupak? šta sada?

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 30.12.2003.
Poruka: 22.210
12. ožujka 2011. u 05:29
Sada svaki igrač sam pregovara o svom ugovoru.  Teoretski.  Što vlasnike ljuti, naravno, jer NFL je jedan od rijetkih biznisa gdje postojanje sindikata odgovara poslodavcima skoro više nego igračima.  I stoga će, najvjerojatnije, "zaključati" trenutne igrače iz budućih ugovora.
I am going to space, and when I come back I have to pick up poodle crap.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 14.01.2010.
Poruka: 5.575
12. ožujka 2011. u 10:05
sunce im kalajsano...

oke, kužim da su pohlepni, da svako hoće viš kaj nije logika - bolje da uzmemo tih 9 BILIJUNA dolara (kolko se godišnje okrene) i podijelimo to na neki odgovarajući način (kompromis), nego da propadne cijela sezona i ne zaradimo ništa?

da ne govorim o dugoročnijim posljedicama...trenutno je gledanost lige enormna i raste, zakaj to usrat sa lockoutom?
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 20.11.2004.
Poruka: 23.609
12. ožujka 2011. u 10:51
Liga naravno pere ruke i pokušava privući fanove na svoju stranu, noćas mi doletio ovaj mail

Dear NFL Fan,

When I wrote to you last on behalf of the NFL, we promised you that we would work tirelessly to find a collectively bargained solution to our differences with the players' union. Subsequent to that letter to you, we agreed that the fastest way to a fair agreement was for everyone to work together through a mediation process. For the last three weeks I have personally attended every session of mediation, which is a process our clubs sincerely believe in.

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that earlier today the players' union walked away from mediation and collective bargaining and has initiated litigation against the clubs. In an effort to get a fair agreement now, our clubs offered a deal today that was, among other things, designed to have no adverse financial impact on veteran players in the early years, and would have met the players’ financial demands in the latter years of the agreement.

The proposal we made included an offer to narrow the player compensation gap that existed in the negotiations by splitting the difference; guarantee a reallocation of savings from first-round rookies to veterans and retirees without negatively affecting compensation for rounds 2-7; no compensation reduction for veterans; implement new year-round health and safety rules; retain the current 16-4 season format for at least two years with any subsequent changes subject to the approval of the league and union; and establish a new legacy fund for retired players ($82 million contributed by the owners over the next two years).

It was a deal that offered compromise, and would have ensured the well-being of our players and guaranteed the long-term future for the fans of the great game we all love so much. It was a deal where everyone would prosper.

We remain committed to collective bargaining and the federal mediation process until an agreement is reached, and call on the union to return to negotiations immediately. NFL players, clubs, and fans want an agreement. The only place it can be reached is at the bargaining table.

While we are disappointed with the union's actions, we remain steadfastly committed to reaching an agreement that serves the best interest of NFL players, clubs and fans, and thank you for your continued support of our League. First and foremost it is your passion for the game that drives us all, and we will not lose sight of this as we continue to work for a deal that works for everyone.


Roger Goodell
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 14.11.2009.
Poruka: 1.658
12. ožujka 2011. u 12:05
jel sad nece bit sezone ili ima jos sanse za dogovor  
Šta me tako gledaš, nisam forumaš.
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 23.07.2009.
Poruka: 10.259
12. ožujka 2011. u 12:20
ma bit ce dogovara, daleko od tog, ali pitanje je koliko će bit kraća i hoće li bit kraća
žene častim kurom, a ne manikurom
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.421
12. ožujka 2011. u 15:27
NBA će biti u takvoj situaciji i Stern je rekao da će vjerojatno doći do dogovora u zadnji čas kada ih sve stisne šupak (čitaj novčanik) jer načeta sezona je već gubitak i novčani i povjerenja te strpljenja navijača a gubitak cijele sezone je teško zamisliv, igračima se više isplati igrati za 1000$ nego za ništa, vlasnicima isto, kada im dođe voda do grla doći će i kompromisi.

Ustvari mislim da je to rekao neki novinar a ne Stern, ne sjećam se.
[uredio madmax17 - 12. ožujka 2011. u 15:31]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Pristupio: 05.02.2003.
Poruka: 7.826
12. ožujka 2011. u 15:32
kolko pratim i ak sam dobro pohvatao, u NBA dosta vlasnika klubova ima gubitke pa je tu lockout još izgledniji... i nešto duže trajanje lockouta...

NFL-ovci navodno dobro stoje i posluju, a valjda će im doć iz guzica do glave da to tako možda više i neće biti ako ugroze sezonu...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
12. ožujka 2011. u 15:56
We more than split the economic difference between us, increasing our proposed cap for 2011 significantly and accepting the Union’s proposed cap number for 2014 ($161 million per club).

An entry level compensation system based on the Union’s “rookie cap” proposal, rather than the wage scale proposed by the clubs. Under the NFL proposal, players drafted in rounds 2-7 would be paid the same or more than they are paid today. Savings from the first round would be reallocated to veteran players and benefits.

A guarantee of up to $1 million of a player’s salary for the contract year after his injury – the first time that the clubs have offered a standard multi-year injury guarantee.

Immediate implementation of changes to promote player health and safety by
Reducing the off-season program by five weeks, reducing OTAs from 14 to 10, and limiting on-field practice time and contact;
Limiting full-contact practices in the preseason and regular season; and
Increasing number of days off for players.

Commit that any change to an 18-game season will be made only by agreement and that the 2011 and 2012 seasons will be played under the current 16-game format.

Owner funding of $82 million in 2011-12 to support additional benefits to former players, which would increase retirement benefits for more than 2000 former players by nearly 60 percent.

Offer current players the opportunity to remain in the player medical plan for life.

Third party arbitration for appeals in the drug and steroid programs.

Improvements in the Mackey plan, disability plan, and degree completion bonus program.

A per-club cash minimum spend of 90 percent of the salary cap over three seasons.


a sto igraci hoce? koji je njihov problem s ovim?

cap se povecao za 40ak mil u odnosu na prije. koliko bi oni vise para?

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 14.01.2010.
Poruka: 5.575
12. ožujka 2011. u 17:43
Marko Marušić je napisao/la:

a sto igraci hoce? koji je njihov problem s ovim?

cap se povecao za 40ak mil u odnosu na prije. koliko bi oni vise para?

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nemam pojma u čemu je problem...meni se ovo činilo kao da čitam zahtjeve igrača

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