NFL sezona 2005.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.06.2003.
Poruka: 16.042
16. siječnja 2006. u 20:00

 prvak je seatle.evo pitajte mileta i kauboja jesam li skoro sve pogodio a tek sam poceo pratit.inace za sve ljubitelje ovog sporta svake subote i endelje u z&m birtiji se gleda i komentarisu tekme sa strucnim komentatorima miletom i kaubojem(kad mu mali kauboj dopusti prisustvo).ja sma od njih zaista puno naucio o ovom sjajnom sportu koji je svi ljepotu pokazao sinoc na meci indijana:pitsburg.

dakle sledeci vikend finala u birtiji.prvo pice bna racun kuce.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 17.08.2004.
Poruka: 55.231
16. siječnja 2006. u 20:08
je, vikend je bio odlican....utakmice su jos jednom pokazale da favoriti i regularni dio sezone malo znace kada se igra samo na pobjedu u jednoj utakmici.

pittsburgh je protiv indianapolisa koristio nesto sto jos nisu pokazali do sada - odlicne kratke pasove za 5-7 jardi koji su razrjedili obranu i onda su running backs kao bettis mogli slobodno probijati.

new england - denver - denver je bio bolji i zasluzili su pobjedu. brady nije bio onako standardno dobar kao u regularnoj sezoni i adio branioci super bowla.

od ovih sto su ostali, svako moze svakoga dobit - carolina je stalno gost u play-offu, a ima 2 pobjede i ide na seattle koji je favorit - ALI, ALI, ALI - nek QB Hasselbeck ima neki prosjecan dan i gotvo je Seattle. To otprilike zvuci i za off je je.ben...kome jedan dan ne ide (ka Patsima), taj je naj.ebo.

Moja prognoza finala Seattle - Pittsburgh - navijam za Pittsburgh zbog trenera Cowhera.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.06.2003.
Poruka: 16.042
16. siječnja 2006. u 20:31
 imali su 11 dodavanja za redom u trecoj cetvrtini.u neko donba niko nije cuvao krajeve.svi branili bettisa i onog drugog rb.i zamalo da bettis na kraj zezne.da onaj nije promasio slobodan udarac vjerovatno u produzecima bi indijana dobila jer se i onj qb pitsburga povrijedio.mislim da je i to uticalo da ikraju kratka dodoavanja jer su ih u prvoj cetvrtini i donekle drugoj ubijali pasovima.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.264
17. siječnja 2006. u 07:16

Prosto je nemoguce da su Stellersi imali samo dva trenera u zadnjih 37 godina. 

1969-1991 Chuck Noll

1992- Bill Cowher

Ako ne igraju protiv Seattle u finalu, onda bih kao i Mile bas zbog Cowhera volio da Steelersi uzmu.  Ne znam, mislim da sva cetiri tima imaju podjednake sanse mada bi Denver onako mogao iz potaje osvojiti.  O njima  se ne prica toliko a i nervira me ono nije Denver dobio nego je New England izgubio zbog svojih gresaka.  Pa to se moze reci za svaku utakmicu u ovome play-offu.  Jos uvijek ljudi misli i da je Seattle zalutao ovde (posebno na istocnoj obali) mada je dobio Washington i bez Shaun Alexandra, MVP ove godine. U ostalim susretima,  Manning  je opet pokazao da je 'veliki' u porazu kriveci sve osim sebe mada je on izgubio utakmicu.  Da nije bilo cudnih sudackih odluka, Steelersi bi dobili mnogo ranije.  Carolina je samo pokazala zasto je smatrana jednim od favorita prije pocetka prvenstva. 

Malo zanimljivosti iz Seattle: (Preuzeto sa

"For the first 48 hours I was in Seattle, each time I stepped outside it was raining. Around 10 a.m. Saturday, there was nothing. The sky was actually light. And it didn't rain for a couple of hours. And for 17 minutes during the game, the sky lightened, and there was a faint shadow of sun on the east stands at Qwest Field. Then it started raining again. Leaving the stadium two hours after the game, it was raining hard.  On KOMO news that night, they showed the seven-day forecast: rain every day.  There's something bad about the weather everywhere, and there will always be a part of me sad that I never lived in Seattle because it's one of the greatest, most enjoyable cities in the world. But how are you not depressed in the winter in Seattle?"

P.S. Juce nije padalo nakon 28 dana uzastopne kise (bilo je i suncanih intervala u tom vremenu) a danas je poceo novi niz.  Ipak, vise volim da je kisa i da nije hladno nego da lopatam snijeg. 

“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.01.2005.
Poruka: 16.414
17. siječnja 2006. u 09:38
 po prognozama Chris Cartera na Yahoo Sports očekuje se prvo wild card finale u povijesti Superbowla ,Carolina vs Pittsburgh a ja sam nekako indiferentan prema sve 4 preostale momčadi. 
Because of a few songs wherein I spoke of their mystery-women have been exceptionally kind to my old age
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.06.2003.
Poruka: 16.042
17. siječnja 2006. u 15:09
 nema sanse.seatle u finale garant.
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 29.05.2004.
Poruka: 9.264
17. siječnja 2006. u 16:22
 ako chris carter bude "uspjesan" u svojim prognazama kao dosad, onda je finale sigurno Seattle - Denver
“Kam hit this tight end SO HARD, I swear I saw that TE’s soul leave Qwest Field right on that 35 yard line.”
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 16.03.2005.
Poruka: 3.798
17. siječnja 2006. u 20:56

 izravno sa službene nfl stranice:

Today I rise to defend New England as victim of bum calls. The Patriots leading 3-0 with 1:51 remaining in the first half, Ashley Lelie went deep, covered by Asante Samuel. The two players brushed against each other slightly in the end zone as the ball sailed over Lelie's head. (The video section has an excellent view of the play; click the Patriots-Broncos score). No flag was thrown. When no yellow appeared, the crowd groaned loudly, and then an official flagged New England for pass interference: ball spotted on the Pats' 1, Denver scored to take a 7-3 lead. Samuel and Lelie brushed each other an equal amount and each was looking back for the ball; the situation seemed exactly what is described in the incidental-contact rule. Rule 8.2.5: "Actions that do not constitute defensive pass interference include but are not limited to incidental contact by a defender's hands, arms or body when both players are competing for the ball… if there is any question whether contact is incidental, the ruling shall be no interference." Watch the replay and try to find the pass interference. But what really frosted me about the call was that the official seemed to throw the flag in response to the crowd, not the play. If the official thought it was interference, okay, then he reaches for yellow as soon as he sees the foul. Instead the ball sailed by, the players ran out of the end zone, and only after the crowd groaned did a flag sail. Officials should never react to the crowd. Note that with 31 seconds remaining in the Colts-Steelers game, there was a nearly identical play in the Pittsburgh end zone and officials properly ruled it incidental contact.

Bonus defense of New England: when Champ Bailey fumbled near the Pats' goal line, it sure looked like the ball rolled into the end zone and out of bounds, rather than going out at the Pats' 1 as zebras ruled. Instead of New England ball on the 20, Denver had possession on the 1 and scored on the next snap. No one expects a middle-aged side judge to keep pace with an NFL cornerback as he sprints 100 yards, so the fact that the official who made the call on the field didn't have a good view was not his fault. But replay showed the fumble rolling into the end zone. Alter these two calls, and right now we might be getting ready for a Pittsburgh at New England AFC championship.

za one koji ne znaju engleski ukratko:

suci su u dva navrata teško pogriješili na štetu patsa i svojim greškama doveli do 14 poena denvera.

kad se tome dodaju sve pogreške patsa (dovele do 24 od 27 poena denvera) patsi su izgubili utakmicu koju su trebali dobiti. neću reći da denver nije igrao dobro i zaslužio pobjedu, ali me nitko ne može uvjeriti da bi denver dobio da patsi nisu učinili toliko pogrešaka.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 16.03.2005.
Poruka: 3.798
17. siječnja 2006. u 20:59

 dat ću i svoju prognozu finala: stellersi - panthersi

NE will be back next year
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 16.03.2005.
Poruka: 3.798
18. siječnja 2006. u 19:26
 znam da je još jako rano, ali me zanima kad će biti poznat raspored utakmica za sljedeću sezonu.
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