Dominiković dopingiran!!!???

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
18. siječnja 2007. u 16:20
Vjerojatno nije namjestaljka u smislu podmetanja rezultata testa, ali sigurno nisu slucajno cekali mjesec dana sa objavljivanjem rezultata.

Da su rezultate objavili ne onda kad su trebali, dakle jos prosle godine, vec samo par dana ranije, sve bi bilo ok.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.03.2006.
Poruka: 1.568
18. siječnja 2007. u 16:36

mislim da moraju u roku od 7 dana objaviti rezultate.kako je onda davor mogao igrati 1/2 finale copa asobal u leonu

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.03.2006.
Poruka: 1.568
18. siječnja 2007. u 16:36

a spanjoslci su cigani sami po sebi

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.10.2006.
Poruka: 105
18. siječnja 2007. u 17:49
 da, i meni nekak ne stoji ova prica da su od svih nasih igraca koji igraju u asobalu isli dominikovicu podmetat... a da su mogli ranije objavit rezultate, mogli su...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 09.12.2006.
Poruka: 2.750
18. siječnja 2007. u 18:03
ma kad se dokaze da je nevin on se vraca,a takodjer je bolje da je ispao za prvi krug jer ce sada doci jaci nego nego ikad,a i zar ne mozemo i bez njega svladati Maroko?! 
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.04.2004.
Poruka: 16.903
18. siječnja 2007. u 18:12
  a ko veli da bude prosel B test? Ne znam zakaj su svi tak uvjereni da bude prosel. Pa nije nemoguce da ga je neko dopingiral...
Mi gradimo prugu, pruga gradi nas!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 30.03.2006.
Poruka: 1.568
18. siječnja 2007. u 18:51

a gledaj san antonio balica ne smije dirati bas,barca je pak prevelika institucija da si stavi na vrat anti doping komisiju,da recimo dopingira vorija ili loserta dok ciuda bi jos i mogao,ali nije

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.01.2004.
Poruka: 4.919
18. siječnja 2007. u 18:55
mislim da nakon ovog nasi ce imat jebeni motiv,mozda najveci ikad i da cemo ih opet docekivat na trgu

o spanjolcima necu previse trosit rjeci,gdje ima dima ima i vatre,moguce je da imaju tu svoje prste,ciganska nacija bili,ciganska nacija i ostali
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.01.2005.
Poruka: 42.430
18. siječnja 2007. u 19:09
Pa dobro, nemojmo pretjerivati sa tim ciganska nacija, nisu bas svi cigani. Pratim njihove rukometne forume, sa hvalospjevima pisu o nasoj ekipi, kao rukometnom dream teamu i slicno.

Istina je da su skloni mutljavinama u sportu, primjera je bezbroj, a ni ovaj potez im ne sluzi na cast. Mislim na njihov rukometni savez ili tko je vec "zakasnio" sa rezultatima.

Ali budimo realni, mislite da se Gobac nebi posluzio istim oruzjem da ima priliku?
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 19.10.2004.
Poruka: 11.758
18. siječnja 2007. u 19:44
The president of the Portland, Jose Ignacio San Miguel, showed his “tremendous surprise” when knowing that the Croatian Davor Dominikovic gave to positive in a control antidopaje which was put under the 20 of December, in the semifinal of the Asobal Glass disputed in Leon, although it has shown his support “until death”. In addition, the leader expressed his confidence in that demonstrates “error” of this first analysis, that has caused that Dominikovic does not travel, at the moment, with the Croatian selection to Germany disputing the World-wide one. Total support to Davor “For us it has been a tremendous surprise and an enormous crash. At this moment we are collecting data because it is a subject that there are to deal with extreme gentleness since the player is not here but, on the part of the club, we supported until death to Davor and we are convinced that it has not taken anything and, while the opposite does not demonstrate itself, anybody he is guilty and it has all our support”, asserted. San Miguel has been able to speak these days with the defender, who is in his country concentrated with the selection of the Croatia to dispute the World-wide one of Germany and, according to commented, Dominikovic is “badly and very affected frankly”. “He swears that he has not taken anything and we create to him. From there, Maxima prudence to the delay of events and to see if the player asks for the con analysis because he is in all his right”, said. “I think that everything is going away to clarify and will be able to demonstrate that it has not taken anything but, until then, it has all our support because at the moment he is presumed and it can have dealed with an error”, emphasized San Miguel. The antoniano president kept awake that the prohibited substance found to Dominikovic in the control antidopaje is “a very smooth diurético and not a stimulant”. “The truth is that nobody understands how has been able to appear that, but I believe that today they were going to him to make analyses in the Croatia to see if it also confirmed or it were negative and others in Vienna”, it explained. Next section of the World-wide one of Germany Apparently, the Croatian Federation of Handball has decided to possibly separate to next Dominikovic from the World-wide one from Germany after knowing the presumed dopaje, a decision that San Miguel censured because it understands that “it has not made any good to the player, since him they have considered guilty beforehand. It is necessary to leave it is defended and it been able to demonstrate that it has not taken anything”, said. “It was the own Davor who communicated to the Croatian Federation the subject because they did not know anything. In addition, the positive has taken place in Spain and for anything it prevents him to play with its selection and to go to the World-wide one”, clarified. “On the contrary, it is the Spanish Federation of Handball the one that must notify to the player the positive in the control but, as it is in the Croatia, have not been able to do it. When Davor has the notification can ask for the con analysis but, until then, all the prudence of the world because he says that he has not taken anything. We create to him and in the club he is not going to find more than supports”, reiterated the antoniano agent chief executive. At the moment, in the Portland San Antonio they are to the delay of which it happens in the next days and to see if Dominikovic disputes, finally, the World-wide one of Germany or returns to the Navarrese capital: “We have never had in the club a case of these, but we will do what the Spanish Federation says. Meanwhile, it prevents and total support to the player”, concluded San Miguel.  
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