EP Juniora Austrija

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.04.2004.
Poruka: 136
18. kolovoza 2006. u 21:17
Slowenien – Kroatien 25:26 (13:12)
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 3.354
18. kolovoza 2006. u 23:04
Handbol je napisao/la:
zasto ga sada nema po novinama vec alvara gura
prokleti muslic kako vjetar dune tak se okrece...eto vam razlog zasto je lino maknuo pipeta uz prve selekcije

sutra ce isati u novinama da je falio duvnjak i slicno...samo to cekam
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1. nauči se kulturi
2. nauči vrednovati veličine hrvatskog rukometa a Irfan to sigurno je..
3. potraži pomoć
® Picek
Inati se Slavonijo!

Život leti kapetane...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 18.07.2006.
Poruka: 267
19. kolovoza 2006. u 13:21

I u komentaru utakmice sa Slovenijom spominju bolan poraz od SiCG. Neka, tako se kali, na bolnim porazima koje dugo ne zaboravljaš, na kojima se hrani inat i žudnja za pobjedom. Nadam se da će im to ipak koristit, kad tad.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 11.06.2006.
Poruka: 1.116
20. kolovoza 2006. u 09:21

Germany – Sweden 24:19 (11:8)

Referees: Gjeding Martin, Hansen Mads (beide DEN)

Team Germany:
Müller Jürgen (GK), Vortmann Jens (GK), Haller Robin (5), Lindt Hannes (5), Gensheimer Uwe (4), Dietrich Gunnar (3), Salzer Thorsten (2), Strobel Martin (2), Hafner Marc (2), Allendorf Michael (1), Kählke Robert, Krause Dennis, Kneule Tim, Pflugfelder Julian

Team Sweden:
Sjöstrand Johan (GK), Palicka Andreas (GK), Johanson Patrik (6), Båverud Daniel (5), Torstensson Charlie (3), Hallberg Anders (2), Nordmark Björn (1), Friden Victor (1), Elf Johan (1), Svensson Alexander, Blank Richard, Bächström Joakim, Berg Johan, Ungesson Andreas

Best Players:
Müller Jürgen (GER), Johanson Patrik (SWE)

In today’s big final of the Men’s 20 European Championship in Innsbruck Germany met Sweden in a filled up Olympiaworld. In a hard but fair played initial phase both strong defences dominated the game.

Moreover the performance of German’s goalkeeper Jürgen Müller, who could stop the Swedish offence over and over again, was outstanding, too. Sweden thus went into the half-time break with only 8 goals. On the other side the German offence could find a mean against the athletic and manoeuvrable defence of the Swedes more often and scored 11 goals within the first half. With their high back players, Hannes Lindt and Gunnar Dietrich, the German team had two jokers, who scored there goals with strong shots over the adverse defence. The second period started like the first one ended: elaborate tactic which avoided an offence spectacle with numbers of goals. Martin Heuberger, head coach of the Germans, managed it once again to prepare his team perfectly for their rivals and they thanked it for him with an outstanding performance. Germany extended their lead and finally won clearly with 24:19.

Müller Jürgen (GER): “We’ve analysed the strength of the Swedish team very well and could thus adjust to their fast game.”

Martin Heuberger (head coach, GER): “The fans were backing us all the way and sustaining us when we were down. We had 10 great days in Innsbruck, which will certainly stay in our remembrance.”


Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 11.06.2006.
Poruka: 1.116
20. kolovoza 2006. u 09:22

 Za treće mjesto:

Denmark – Serbia and Montenegro 33:32 (16:18)

Referees: Helbig Markus, Geipel Lars (GER)

Team Denmark:
Winkler Tim (GK), Pedersen Søren (GK); Hansen Mikkel (12), Bagersted Jacob (4), Irming Andersen Kasper (4), Kjeldgaard Claus (4), Christiansen Mads (3), Nielsen Stefan (2), Poulsen Rune (1), Østergaard Jacob (1), Bertelsen Rasmus (1), Hundstrup Stefan (1), Jørgensen Chris, Mazur Jannick, Westphal Søren

Team Serbia and Montenegro:
Perišić Vladimir (GK), Abadžić Vladimir (GK), Pejčinović Aleksandar (GK); Marković Dobrivoje (9), Beljanski Bojan (5), Šešum Žarko (5), Marković Žarko (4), Rasic David (4), Prodanovic Rajko (3), Rnić Momir (1), Milošević Mirko (1), Kostelac Goran, Ivančev Milan, Cupkovic Vladimir

Best Players:
Marković Dobrivoje (SCG), Hansen Mikkel (DEN)

Experts thought that the duel between Serbia and Montenegro and Denmark will be the final in this Men’s 20 European Championship. But on Sunday these both teams met for the bronze medal match, where the Scandinavians stood up to Serbia and Montenegro with 33:32.

The Serbs have been more awake right from the start and by and by they came to the fore (17:12, 23). The Northern Europeans had - mainly caused by the loss of their injured player Henrik Toft Hansen – big problems in their defence. In the last minutes of the first period the Danes finally got going and turned their top-class chances to account. So they reduced the arrears to 16:18. Only some minutes after the changeover, it wasn’t sure which of the teams will finally be the winner (18:18). The match became an open exchange of blows – but only till the 45th minute. Then the team from head coach Søren Hildebrand, which was cheered by its fans, broke away and gained a 5 goal lead (29:24, 50). Serbia and Montenegro could reduce the arrears, but this didn’t last for a victory anymore.

Mikkel Hansen (DEN): “We have an awesome team and I’m very happy that we’ve won. Thanks to our fans for the great support! ”

Šešum Žarko (SCG): “Due to the injuries we only had 10 players available today. Thus it was very hard. Denmark is a very good team. Congratulations!”

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 3.354
21. kolovoza 2006. u 08:47
Najbolja sedmorka Prvenstva:
Golman - Johan Sjöstrand (Švedska)
Lijevo krilo - Uwe Gensheimer (Njemačka)
Lijevi vanjski - Mikkel Hansen (Danska)
Srednji vanjski - Martin Strobel (Njemačka)
Desni vanjski - Sarhei Shylovich (Bjelorusija)
Desno krilo - Ivan Čupić (Hrvatska
Pivot - Henrik Toft Hansen (Danska) 

Šešum je proglašen kao MVP prvenstva ali nije u najboljoj sedmorci, e svašta
® Picek
Inati se Slavonijo!

Život leti kapetane...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.07.2006.
Poruka: 210
21. kolovoza 2006. u 22:01

 Svaka čast Čupiću!

Nego, malo sam razmišljala o tome koji je uzrok takvog gubljenja razlike u našoj repki, i došla do zaključka, svojeg, a baš me zanima kaj vi ostali mislite o tome...

Naime, mišljenja sam da ovoj našoj ekipi ne nedostaje iskustva jer imaju srebro sa prošlog EP-a, nego smatram da nemaju pravog vođu...,pritom mislim na nekog tko će ih držati, voditi kad stanu kao npr. Balić ili Duvnjak..., oni su svi dobri, zato i jesu u repki, ali treba im netko za koga će znati da je spreman povući kad svi ostali stanu i ne znaju šta će...imam dojam da se oni SVI totalno izgube kad im ne ide, a nemaju igrača koji će znati kako se vratiti.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 10.01.2006.
Poruka: 1.980
22. kolovoza 2006. u 15:58
 Jos jedan igrac(treci po redu ,Rnic))se vraca sa ovog EP sa istom povredom kao Nenadic i Vujacic,dakle,ukrsteni ligamenti,pauza oko 6 meseci.

Samo da napomenem da je nekoliko dana pred odlazak na ovo EP,Ivan Djurkovic slomio kost u stopalu.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 23.01.2005.
Poruka: 3.833
22. kolovoza 2006. u 16:22

DzoniPFC je napisao/la:
 Jos jedan igrac(treci po redu ,Rnic))se vraca sa ovog EP sa istom povredom kao Nenadic i Vujacic,dakle,ukrsteni ligamenti,pauza oko 6 meseci.

Samo da napomenem da je nekoliko dana pred odlazak na ovo EP,Ivan Djurkovic slomio kost u stopalu.
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greška u konstrukciji i proizvodnji dakle
