Hrvatska - Poljska

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 16.06.2003.
Poruka: 18.025
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:15
"Pakleni", šta reći? Fenomenalno, uz sve čestitke i svu sreću u finalu (mada, sumnjam da vam je ona uopšte potrebna)!
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 04.09.2007.
Poruka: 12.063
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:19
Pa dobro - da bas nijedna nasa reprezentacija nema takav kult - nije tocno. Nogometna ima taj KULT - samo nema takve rezultate - ali kad se izjednaci s konkurencijom u pojedinim sportovima - tu je negdje na vagi. (ja sam zadovoljan i s cetvrtfinalima, iako se uvijek nadam vise - naravno Big%20smile).

Ja samo cekam jos kosarku koja se vraca i onda smo taman. U odbojci smo ionako uvijek imali vrhunske rezultate samo sa zenama.

Ali da ne skrecem bezveze s teme.

Shvacam neke ljude koji su bijesni na odluke CokoLina - ali ne izmisljajte sad sve sto se moze protiv Hrvatina samo zato jer je (i tu se slazem) Sprem bolje rjesenje za finale.

Martin Liewski i Jurasik su ionako najbolje karike poljske reprezentacije - bile kroz cijeli ovaj turnir - ako ste pratili tekme.

Hrvatska košarka - Povratak u budućnost...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:22
sad se sjetih i kakvu smo im akciju odigrali s igracem manje... fantazija...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.01.2009.
Poruka: 3
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:23
Svatko cast Hrvatska. You were simply better today. In fact here is nothing to compare at the moment, you have the best team all over the world, especially if we are talking about defence. It was incredible. Dunno how much influence had fact that we were extremly poor in attack, but i suposse it was caused by your amazing defence play Shocked For sure you deserved to grab a WC gold medal and i wish you that with all my heart. We'll have now important game and hope will take 3rd place, but will be no doubt hard. Harder than in 2nd stage with Denmark, i'm sure.

By the way, last year i was in Hrvatska, and have to underline that all my feelings connected with your country are no doubt good, maybe even better than good. Whole comunity is really friendly, beautiful girls (almost as pretty as polish ones Tongue) and a lot of ppl understand in Polish LOL Great beaches, and climate. Likewise have a lot of friends from Srpska and Hrvatska who are really nice guys ! BEST REGARDS FOR YOU, and wish you luck once again ! Ajde Hrvatska Ajde !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ajde Slav !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 30.10.2008.
Poruka: 493
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:24
režiser je napisao/la:
Avenger_1 je napisao/la:
Katastrofalno navijanje......predobra igra za kazališnu publiku...
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kak volim ove pametne LOLiz fotelja što su škrti izdvojit kunu za ulaznice i poderat glasnice za HRVATSKU.Cry
Upravo sam se vratio iz dvorane koja je bila veličanstvena!ClapClap
bravo za sve igrače koji su odigrali fenomenalno a i bravo za publiku koja je bila odlična
i TORNADU koji je došao u zg sa budnjevima i uspio 3-4 puta povesti cijelu dvoranu na navijanje
brav svima i vidimo se u finalu!
pozdrav pametnim foteljašima LOLLOL
samo sjedite doma i kritizirajteClap
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ClapClap ja im to več tri dana pokušavam objasniti nemate pojma kakvo je navijanje ako nsite bili tamo

a bio sam 20 metara od tornada Thumbs%20Up svaka čast nadam se da se vidimo i u finalu

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 04.09.2007.
Poruka: 12.063
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:27
ElPolacco je napisao/la:
Svatko cast Hrvatska. You were simply better today. In fact here is nothing to compare at the moment, you have the best team all over the world, especially if we are talking about defence. It was incredible. Dunno how much influence had fact that we were extremly poor in attack, but i suposse it was caused by your amazing defence play Shocked For sure you deserved to grab a WC gold medal and i wish you that with all my heart. We'll have now important game and hope will take 3rd place, but will be no doubt hard. Harder than in 2nd stage with Denmark, i'm sure.

By the way, last year i was in Hrvatska, and have to underline that all my feelings connected with your country are no doubt good, maybe even better than good. Whole comunity is really friendly, beautiful girls (almost as pretty as polish ones Tongue) and a lot of ppl understand in Polish LOL Great beaches, and climate. Likewise have a lot of friends from Srpska and Hrvatska who are really nice guys ! BEST REGARDS FOR YOU, and wish you luck once again ! Ajde Hrvatska Ajde !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ajde Slav !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you - this was very sportman-like of you.

We wish you the bronze medal. Personally I would ask of your team to - PLEASE, PLEASE make that little weasel Wilbeck CRY! Big%20smile
Hrvatska košarka - Povratak u budućnost...
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 29.01.2009.
Poruka: 3
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:32
Dropshotski je napisao/la:
ElPolacco je napisao/la:
Svatko cast Hrvatska. You were simply better today. In fact here is nothing to compare at the moment, you have the best team all over the world, especially if we are talking about defence. It was incredible. Dunno how much influence had fact that we were extremly poor in attack, but i suposse it was caused by your amazing defence play Shocked For sure you deserved to grab a WC gold medal and i wish you that with all my heart. We'll have now important game and hope will take 3rd place, but will be no doubt hard. Harder than in 2nd stage with Denmark, i'm sure.

By the way, last year i was in Hrvatska, and have to underline that all my feelings connected with your country are no doubt good, maybe even better than good. Whole comunity is really friendly, beautiful girls (almost as pretty as polish ones Tongue) and a lot of ppl understand in Polish LOL Great beaches, and climate. Likewise have a lot of friends from Srpska and Hrvatska who are really nice guys ! BEST REGARDS FOR YOU, and wish you luck once again ! Ajde Hrvatska Ajde !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ajde Slav !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank you - this was very sportman-like of you.

We wish you the bronze medal. Personally I would ask of your team to - PLEASE, PLEASE make that little weasel Wilbeck CRY! Big%20smile
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They will try with all theirs hearts, you can be sure Tongue Still rukomet here is less popular than volleyball or football so this is a big success in my opinion. Pozzzzzzzzz
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 04.09.2007.
Poruka: 12.063
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:40
Still, dude - you should be doing better in sports with 40 million people than just volleyball!

Take care.
Hrvatska košarka - Povratak u budućnost...
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.249
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:40

Ovo bi kao trebao biti Balić, iako to ste vjerojatno i sami primijetili sličnost je zapanjujuća LOL
[uredio madmax17 - 31. siječnja 2009. u 00:41]
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 04.09.2007.
Poruka: 12.063
31. siječnja 2009. u 00:42
madmax17 je napisao/la:

Ovo bi kao trebao biti Balić, iako to ste vjerojatno i sami primijetili sličnost je zapanjujuća LOL
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Zaboravili su cigaretu - inace bi bio ISTI, PLJUNUTI ON! LOL
Hrvatska košarka - Povratak u budućnost...
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