Odgovor IHF-a

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.06.2004.
Poruka: 12
28. rujna 2004. u 10:42
Dobio sam maloprije:

"Basle, 28 September 2004

Athens 2004 Olympic Handball Tournaments - Men's final: CRO-GER -

Dear Friend in Handball, Thank you for your letter, in which you express disapproval of German player Florian Kehrmann's behaviour towards Croatia's head coach Lino Cervar during the men's final at the Athens 2004 Games. Herewith we would like to inform you that we have meanwhile gone further into the incident and interrogated all parties involved. All those stressed the fact that the clash resulted from an accidental scene during the match neither of those involved had deliberately provoked. The Croatian Handball Federation shared this point of view by stating the following. "(.) During past weeks lot of dust has been raised concerning the "incident" that took place after final whistle of the finals on the Olympic handball tournament in Athens. Indeed, there was a contact between Croatian head coach, Mr Lino Cervar and German player Mr Kehrmann but it was an accidental contact. Mr Cervar informed us that he shook his hand with Mr Kehrmann just a second after contact. He is certain that there were not any kind of bad intention of Mr Kehrmann. For him the "case" is closed, or in other words, it should have never been raised from the beginning because it never existed. We feel free to express our congratulations to German national team on a fair play that they have shown during the final match with our national team. Croatian handball federation always had a good and healthy mutual cooperation with German federation, which we intend to keep in the future. Hope this letter has answered to questions that were raised worldwide. (.)"
Hoping that we could contribute to clarify the matter we send our best sporting regards, INTERNATIONAL HANDBALL FEDERATION
Frank Birkefeld Managing Director

cc. CRO, GER, EHF "
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 06.06.2004.
Poruka: 250
28. rujna 2004. u 10:43
neznam sto bih odgovorio,ali mislim da je najbolje stati na ovome,jer ako hrvatski rukometni savez ne zeli da se stvari dalje pokrenu protiv kehrmanna i njemackog saveza,onda ne bi trebali vise ici dalje. Sve u svemu mi smo sa ovom akcijom ipak digli prasinu oko ovog po meni jos uvjek niza nesportskih akcija njemacke na OI-finalu.
Oni su se morali sa time zabaviti,a i kehrmann sam zajedno sa savezom se morao pnovno suociti sa tim incidentima,tako da je on sigurno ovo dobro zapamtio i zna da su tu organizirani navijaci koji prate sve i koji necu dopustiti da se tako nesto ponovno dogodi-vjerujem da ce to kehrmannu od sada biti na pameti i siguran sam da ce dvaput promisliti ako ikad vise zaigra protiv nas.
Sve u svemu ovo je uspjeh za nasu akciju,jer smo stvarno slozeni i organizirano postavili fokus na nesportski cin.Ja mislim da je ovo sigurno impresioniralo IHF-u i EHF-u,jer su vidili koliko ima hrvatskih rukometnih navijaca i koliko im je stalo do tog sporta-ovo sigurno dize i rating za nas savez; htio bi se svima zahvaliti na ovoj akciji-bili ste super momci!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 03.11.2003.
Poruka: 351
28. rujna 2004. u 10:54

I ja sam dobio odgovor.
Ako ništa drugo bar su vidli da nas ima.
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.907
28. rujna 2004. u 10:55
eto i ja sam isto dobil......čul se je naš glas, bar nekaj........
Samo ja delam!
Pristupio: 10.11.2003.
Poruka: 89.564
02. listopada 2004. u 07:12
dobar glas daleko se luje,makar ne imal nikakvog utjecaja
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