Regionalna liga

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 15.02.2011.
Poruka: 24.770
30. kolovoza 2020. u 11:18

krokodilkaca je napisao/la:

Kao sto sam napisala prije tjedan dana, Nexe sa ovim trenerom nece naprijed, to je i vrapcima na grani jasno!

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koga bi ti?

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 12.022
30. kolovoza 2020. u 12:16

jaganjac kaze da nexe se uplasio pobedu


horvat kaze da vardar dokazao da moze se vratiti iz neugodna situacje


mene samo nie jasno sta rade odbrane nexe kod taj 25 - 26 gol eve snimak


jasno je da cupic nema da shutira iz desna bek pozicije zasto igrac izleze na cupic i ostavlja pivota sam toa je losa intelegencija taj igrac u odbrane. a em kada se odlucio da ode po cupic zasto ga nie faulirao vreme bi istekao


pobedili su se sami sebe nexe, 20 - 24 a em tako jeftino primiti gol za prolaz vardar

Pristupio: 08.08.2009.
Poruka: 17.241
30. kolovoza 2020. u 12:32

Mrđenović reagirao loše u toj zadnjoj obrani, cijelo vrijeme se bori s pivotom, zna da mu je iza leđa i onda bezveze izleti na (izvana) bezopasnog Čupića koji je bio na 9-10 metara.

"A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals." - Larry Bird
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 12.022
30. kolovoza 2020. u 18:11

Dalmacijooooo, mojo ruza procvela. Trebao je biti nekakav rukomet spektakal u Zadar ali nista od to. Rukomet bez publika nie isto vidili sinoc u Skopje tuzno je to. Tuzna slika kojoj cemo gledati i u LP i EL ova jesen. Poseban problem za autsajderi protv favorita kojoj im potrebna publika u ledja.


Imao bi najmanje 1000 madzare kao u Varazdin pred nekoliko godine. steta

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 31.07.2012.
Poruka: 1.479
30. kolovoza 2020. u 19:44

“Nismo uspjeli dodatno povećati razliku u prvom dijelu drugog poluvremena koja bi nas dovela do ulaska u Final Four SEHA Gazprom lige. Nažalost, kasnije smo napravili neke početničke pogreške dopuštajući im da se vrate u susret. To se već dogodilo 3 ili 4 puta i stvarno ne znam što bih rekao.” – rakao je Halil Jaganjac.

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 03.07.2020.
Poruka: 310
31. kolovoza 2020. u 00:29

krokodilkaca je napisao/la:

njamnjam je napisao/la:

ovako Nexe stalno ispada iz nekog takmicenja! EHF grupa ili EHF kvalifikacije ili SEHA samo pogledaj zadnje tri godine unazad!

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Stalno dolaze pojacanja, a rezultati sve gori, nejasno je kako ne vide problem ...

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Ja isto ne shvaćam.

Ali bit će da je problem u meni

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 12.022
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 12.022
02. rujna 2020. u 18:07

Meet the host: Zadar waves bring the HANDBALL BACK!




Zadar is the city that, according to Alfred Hitchcock, has the most beautiful sunsets in the world, which will sunbathe the handball court in Kresimir Cosic Hall. The city of basketball will for the first time host the 9th edition of SEHA – Gazprom League Final 4 tournament. This Adriatic pearl offers you an incredible sea experience, so here are a few things you should definitely know about this beautiful city. Sea Organ Except for its famous sunsets, Zadar is most recognized for its unique attractions such as Sea Organ and The Greeting to the Sun. Sea Organ is situated at the famous Riva, and while, at first looks like a lot of stairs just leading into the sea, it actually hides a very beautiful sea song beneath the surface. The brilliant mind of the architect Nikola Basic merged human and nature resources and blended it into a beautiful song that plays 7 chords of 5 tones. It works so that water and air flow into the resonant pipes under the steps and then are pushed out through the channels on the upper stairs. That produces unique sounds and enables the visitors to enjoy the song of the sea! The Greeting to the Sun Right next to the Sea Organ, there is a monument dedicated to the Sun which is also a creation of Nikola Basic. The installation is made of three hundred multi-layered glass plates put in the shape of the Sun, with little installations right by it, representing our main solar system. Right underneath the glass are photo-voltage solar modules that work based on its connection to the light. These photo-voltage solar modules absorb the light, meaning the sun’s energy, which then transforms it into the electrical energy seen as the multicolor light show. An interesting fact is that The Greeting to the Sun is also connected to the Sea Organ whose sound contributes to the light show mentioned above. So even when the sun goes down, Zadar offers you to experience another version of it! Kalelarga Italians would call it Cale Larga, tourist Wide Street, but trust the locals when they say there is only one name for the main and most famous street in the Adriatic pearl, and it’s Kalelarga! There is even a song dedicated to the street and it carries the same name as the street itself. Kalelarga sang by one and only Tomislav Ivcic, became the anthem of the city and the anthem of the people's souls. It spreads in the west-east and connects People’s Square, which is also the main square, with the city’s famous Forum. The Forum Kalelarga street naturally leads to another famous sight – The Forum, the square from the Roman era. It is one of the most important architectural monuments from ancient times and its beauty will impress you to the bone. There is also the church of Saint Donat and the Bell Tower of Saint Anastasia, while the Cathedral of St. Anastasia is situated behind it. These are all historically important sights you should visit while in Zadar and enjoy the 21st-century version of Antique! Feel Zadar Beautiful architecture, famous sights, and lovely people are not everything that makes the Zadar experience special. The City of Zadar offers delicious flavors of Mediterranean and Adriatic cuisine which can be found at every corner, especially in the peninsula. Top local chefs will satisfy everyone’s palate with a variety of menus. To be able to Feel Zadar in its core, one should make an errand through the Varos at night, find a seat in one of many bars there and get to know the people, their stories, and listen to the Dalmatian music. Zadar is our safety harbor these days and we cannot hide our excitement! Thank you Zadar for hosting the ninth SEHA - Gazprom League Final 4 tournament!



turisticka reklama na webstrana seha i poput sta ce se igra bez publika tko navivac ce dojde ako nemoze karta kupiti

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 12.022
03. rujna 2020. u 00:45

Vardar i Zagreb stignao prvi u Zadar stignao sinoc pa imaju vrema za aklimatizacije.




jedino sta nie jasno je to da vardar i zagreb patuvao od skopje u isti avion za zadar


mozda zagreb izad zatvorena dvorana igrao test tekma u skopje protiv metalurg




Nedokazan i sumnjiv
Pristupio: 28.06.2020.
Poruka: 3
03. rujna 2020. u 09:21

Stevo šta ti pričaš


Vardar išao  busom preko zagreba, sigurno nitko nije išao skupa. I sigurno nisu išli avionom. Šta ljudi sve seru ovdje to nisu istine


Edit: Još nisu ni stigli, Vardar noćas došao do Zagreba i spavao tamo, Zagreb još nije ni krenuo.

[uredio hajdukzivivjecno - 03. rujna 2020. u 10:06]