Regionalna liga

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 31.03.2019.
Poruka: 795
06. studenog 2023. u 15:28

Treba promjeniti format LP svakako..ovo u te dve grupe je glupo, eto i u vatwrpolu se ove godine odustalo.

Meni osobno zadnji dobar format bio 2008./2009., a i onaj koji se igrao do koju godinu prije bez novih dodatnih grupa, ali svakako grupe od 4, kao sta je u EL ove godine.

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.452
06. studenog 2023. u 22:02

kakve grupi kakve bakraci.rukomet je potrebno klubski premium produkt jer takav trenutno mema. kosarke ima svoi premium produkt euroliga a takav ima zato sta u Grcka nikoj ne zanimava grcka liga sem atinsko derbi, isto u Rusija nema ni 500 gledaca u VTB ligu, itd.


bundesliga u rukomet kakva god bila nemoze biti premium produkt, bez razlika sve puni arene taj liga prate samo njemci.


ovoj lige prvaka je sve samo ne premium produkt. a sistem katastrofalan. za najmanje 10 ekipi LP krece drugi deo sezona kada doigruvanje startuje razlika kvaliteta izmedju 10 najbolji i ostale je ogromna u LP pa zato nemoze biti ni zanimljivo. ovi 14 utakmice u skupine se nebitne za 10.11 ekipi (Barca ima publika smao u osminafinale i ctvarrtfinale) a bitne samo za 4-5 ekipi. U EL kosarke ipak ekipi se bori za prvi 8 mesta u liga.


Premium produkt Nantes, PSG, Montpellier, Barca, Kiel, Berlin, Magdeburg, Kielce, Veszprem, Aalborg, GOG, Dinamo Bucuresti, Kolstad mozda i Zagreb i Vardar ako se vrati Samsonenko.


pa zasto da ne i globalna super liga sa jos 2 ekipi iz Saudia Arabia, edna ekipa iz Japan Tokyo i San Francisco iz USA ! 10 milion eura nikakav problema za Amerikanci. Saudici bi ko shala kreirao 2 ekipi sa po 20-30 milion eura budgeti, postao bi i sponzor lige.


Ako se ne kreirao ovakva liga rukomet ce ostane sport koj se prate 3 sedmice godishno. rasprodani areni samo na SP-EP i OI.

[uredio Stefan84 - 06. studenog 2023. u 22:13]
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 31.03.2019.
Poruka: 795
07. studenog 2023. u 09:32

Svatko svoje misljenje ima.. Meni je to k... kakva superliga, takve stvari i unistavaju sport, kakav S. Francisco... I koja je korist od kluba koji do juce ne postoji, upumpa se lova skupi ekipa i onda za par godina ide u zaborav... postoji u sportu nesto sto se zove tradicija...Liga prvaka je svi znamo sto.. Nek si naprave ti klubovi koje navodes ligu..ali ako pricamo o ligi prvaka,  to je onda sasvim druga stvar... Njemci, Francuzi, Danci imaju svoje lige, kvalitetne lige..

I treba raditi na globalizaciji, sirenju rukometa, a ne na zatvaranju tog sustava na te koje ti navodis " privilegirane i bogate"... Pa i u nogometu LP igra npr. Zvezda, Dinamo, Ludogorec i takvi..koliko su oni milja udaljeni od M. City...i sta sada oni ne bi trebali igrati... Po tvom sistemu rukomet treba igrati u 5 ostale bomba.. pa onda ce biti sport kao vaterpolo...

Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.452
13. studenog 2023. u 16:37

123istrani je napisao/la:

Svatko svoje misljenje ima.. Meni je to k... kakva superliga, takve stvari i unistavaju sport, kakav S. Francisco... I koja je korist od kluba koji do juce ne postoji, upumpa se lova skupi ekipa i onda za par godina ide u zaborav... postoji u sportu nesto sto se zove tradicija...Liga prvaka je svi znamo sto.. Nek si naprave ti klubovi koje navodes ligu..ali ako pricamo o ligi prvaka,  to je onda sasvim druga stvar... Njemci, Francuzi, Danci imaju svoje lige, kvalitetne lige..

I treba raditi na globalizaciji, sirenju rukometa, a ne na zatvaranju tog sustava na te koje ti navodis " privilegirane i bogate"... Pa i u nogometu LP igra npr. Zvezda, Dinamo, Ludogorec i takvi..koliko su oni milja udaljeni od M. City...i sta sada oni ne bi trebali igrati... Po tvom sistemu rukomet treba igrati u 5 ostale bomba.. pa onda ce biti sport kao vaterpolo...

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Nemozes nikada globalizirati ovaj sport preku trenutni LP a kamoli Bundesliga. PHL je bio planiran startuati u 2019 godina no za zal i rukometanema covek sa mozak. Njemci nezele unistiti bundesliga ? pa savez ne im da igrati PHL. a EHF lopova ce se bori protiv PHL.. Istinski razlog zasto EHF je protiv PHL je zasto sta PHL ce postane po popluran od EP-SP i OI a to EHF nezele oni zala zacuvati svoi premium produkt EP.


A gledaj brate, nemozes preziviti kao sport ako tebe ima samo 3 sedmice godishno (EP). EHF to zna ali nezele prifatiti jer oni zarade novac od taj EP, prodaje karte, TV prava, itd.


A Njemci nerazume da svijet globalizira (iako globalizacija je samo drugi rijec za amerikanizacija) a da ce novi generaci Njemci pratiti NFL.


Ili Njemacki savez i EHF nema grama mozak ili pa se piuni neki drugi interesa koj nezele popularizirati rukometa van evropa, suprotno zele cak i unistiti rukomet u evropa jer jaki regionalni sportova ocigledno neki globalisti smeta ?!?.


Mora, jednostavno u rukometa mora da se organizira nesto novo. rukomet nema druga opcija osim PHL ako zele preziviti rukometa. mora da ima liga kojs e prati cijela godina. stavi prst na celo. kako ce rukometa kao evropski sport preziviti ako evropa se amerikanizira ? jedini nacina preziviti je popularizirati  rukometa u amerika.




Premier Handball League to become reality in 2019?


The idea of a Handball Superleague, acting with European Top teams only, shall become reality in 2019. The ambitions are big, the ‘Premier Handball League’ even wants to conquer the US-Market, writes Handelsblatt. The stock-company, registered at the commercial register of Zurich under the file CH-020-3.402.676-5 on 25th November 2015, is only known by a couple of insiders up to now. The new company, called ‘Premier Handball League’ (PHL), could change the balance of power in the handball. The core of the project is the creation of an international professional league, with PHL organizing the competition and expoloiting the rights on behalf of the clubs. President of the board is Wolfgang Gütschow. The 53-year-old is well-known in handball business for years, starting 1993 as manager of the Russian National team, later acting as players agent. He is working behind the scenes on the idea of a ‚Handball NBA‘, aleague copying the North American Basketball system. As of the year 2019 the PHL shall replace the current Champions league, organized by the European Handball Federation (EHF) since 1993. ‘Handball has no marketable premium product’, explains Gütschow. The sport needs to be modernized urgently. How serious and how concrete the ambitions of the PHL are, is underlined by the change of personnel: Peter Vargo, 45, the long-serving EHF-Marketing boss, has cancelled his contract with EHF and will join the PHL project. A further outstanding motivation is the perception of the initiators that in numerous matches on highest level not all things are running properly. ‘We need a complete restructuring of the refereeing system. The international federations are not able to provide neutral officiating. But especially this is the basis of every sportive competition’, says Gütschow. The administrative framework of the PHL has been set up already. The stock company in Zurich acts as a holding, owning the marketing rights and taking the responsibility for finances. The league shall be operated from Berlin: The PHL Licence GmbH&Co KG is in incorporation. The protagonists plan a franchise-system with twelve licensees from 12 European metropolitan areas. This means a pure license based league, organized without promotion and relegation. ‘The participation of big cities like Berlin, Paris, Barcelona or Moscow is a precondition for our partners and investors which intend to position handball on the US-market at a later stage’ says Gütschow. ‘Why not to play some day Dubai vs Chicago, Munich vs Tokyo and Vienna vs Amsterdam? We need to learn, how to dream handball!’ Clubs from smaller cities are not excluded at all. A team like, ie Kadetten Schaffhausen, could join as Zurich based ‘Swiss Cadetts’, according to Gütschow, but also a german-danish joint-venture of Copenhagen and Flensburg is thinkable. ‘If something like this will happen, we are approaching the level of the NBA. The market leaders have to say good-bye to the provincial image. The playing year shall last from February to December. Two clubs shall participate. ‘This would reduce the calendar problems of the German Bundesliga. We intend to have a fair partnership with the national leagues’, underlines Gütschow. Gütschow and Vargo are dreaming about building up the clubs as sustainable brands. Furthermore, this the PHL will work with a pool of professional referees, simplify the rules, allow video proof, establish a shot-clock to avoid passive play and make the game faster. Financing is already settled by taking over TV- and Marketing rights, says Gütschow, but a start of the PHL is not possible before 2019: ‘Such a project needs serious preparation with experienced top officials in the management.’ And beside this, one has to expect serious resistance of International Handball Federation (IHF) and EHF. ‚Such a league is possible‘, says Frank Bohmann, the Managing Director of Handball-Bundesliga which is regarded to be the strongest national league in the world. ‘In any case this league will strengthen the competition. But the federations will oppose.’ He expects disqualification of PHL-professionals, also severe juridical conflicts. ‘It is understandable, that the federations will try to defend their monopoly on organizing Handball events by all means’, also Gütschow is expecting resistance. Whether the world league will become reality or not, ultimately will depend on the opinion of the big clubs from Paris, Barcelona, Veszprem, Kiel, Berlin or Flensburg, clarifies Giorgio Behr, the decision taker of the Swiss Championsleague participant Schaffhausen. Germanies most successful team THW seems to be willing: ‘Like others we have been informed by the initiators about the project and see a big chance’, says THW-Managing Director Thorsten Storm to Handelsblatt. A decision hasn’t been taken yet, but the frustration is big. In the current Champions league many things are improvable – ie the small number of marketing rights and the exaggerated workload for the players, complains Storm. The clubs want to change this: ‘We are paying the players, the players are scoring the goals, but the rules are determined by others.’



Jesper “Kasi” Nielsen prepares AG Amazing Copenhagen for Premier Handball League!


One of the guys who made earthquake in handball world in last decade by supporting Rhein Neckar Lowen and AG Copenhagen, Jesper “Kasi” Nielsen announced possible come-back in handball inspired by the project of World Handball League – Premier Handball League, planned to start in 2019. Nielsen project is named as “AG Amazing Copenhagen”, the team who should represent Denmark in Premier Handball League which will consist 16 teams from all over the world. – The objective is to handball to become Europe’s second largest sport. The football is of course impossible to touch. Handball should become the leading arena sports. I believe that there can be big money to be made both on the TV and advertising agreements, says Jesper ‘Kasi’ Nielsen for TV 2 SPORT. – Much of what Federations are doing goes up in politics and exploitation of the players and not commercial things. If we are to succeed with such some sports leagues, we have seen in the American model, so it must be very commercial. And that is what the aim of this league. It must be commercial and extremely attractive for spectators, sponsors and TV stations, says Jesper ‘Kasi’ Nielsen and adds about EHF Champions League. – It is incredibly exciting and a nice arrangement. But I think there are too many competitions for players. They will both play in the European Cup, they will play in the Cup and the national tournament. And then there are the international championships every year. I therefore think that the product is diluted. Players become too overexposed and tired. Aim is you don’t play very many matches, but when you do, it is of extremely high quality. National teams competition won’t be in danger… – It is certainly one of the things that we will not stop, because I think that the international championships like the Olympics and the World Cup is really important for our sport. If not every year, then at least every second. This private league should be seen as a way to protect players and enhance the quality of the handball, we must look at – concluded Jesper Nielsen.



Ryale Arena u Copenhagen bi bila rasprodana svaka utakmica 12.500 gledaca.


Stramota je za kakav novac igraca igra ! Berlin igra 10 utakmice za 3 sedmice. Igrace zasluze PHL igraca zasluze novcu. Bolji nvac.


A ovako umesto igraca EHF zarade novcu preku svoi premium produkt EP.

[uredio Stefan84 - 13. studenog 2023. u 16:55]
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 27.10.2012.
Poruka: 3.179
10. prosinca 2023. u 19:39

I šta...ima li što od te lige ili umrla?

Na web stranici ništa....nigdje ništa

[uredio B-var - 10. prosinca 2023. u 19:40]
Nedokazan i sumnjiv
Pristupio: 23.03.2023.
Poruka: 30
10. prosinca 2023. u 21:27

Poštenjačino ima li negdje post bez tvog komentara   Daj odmori past češ na pod od težine poštanskog sanduka koje nosiš na leđima


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I šta...ima li što od te lige ili umrla?

Na web stranici ništa....nigdje ništa

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