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Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.03.2005.
Poruka: 8.459
04. lipnja 2007. u 00:02
amsterdam danas
zakasnio samCry
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 11.03.2006.
Poruka: 8.638
22. lipnja 2007. u 22:54

nije iz hrvatske al je žalosno i ovo ispod je istinito a sve sam vidio na svoje oči
[uredio rizvo - 22. lipnja 2007. u 22:55]
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 09.06.2003.
Poruka: 12.931
23. srpnja 2007. u 18:17
Macedonian villagers unearth vintage French cognac left by WWI troops

The Associated Press
Sunday, July 22, 2007
GRADESNICA, Macedonia: Ninety years ago, a German artillery shell exploded in a battlefield trench in this remote mountain village, killing a band of French soldiers during World War I.

But their spirits live on in Gradesnica: A liquid fortune in vintage cognac and wine — army rations that since 1916 have matured into an exquisite elixir — lies buried in the old trenches.

Villagers unearthed the first case about 15 years ago. Since then, digs have yielded several cognac caches, usually containing about two dozen bottles each.

"At first, we were afraid to taste the dark, thick liquid," said resident Stefan Kovacevski, 64. "But ... this must be what people mean by the nectar of the gods."

Some have been discovered by farmers plowing fields while at least two batches came to light after a glint in the sand of an old trench caught a villager's eye.

There's more to it than a good tipple. The old-fashioned cognac bottles can fetch up to €5,000 (US$6,800) from collectors, according to Mihail Petkov, professor of viticulture and oenology at Skopje University.

"What the villagers drank was probably a cognac, not a wine. The wines were intended to be consumed immediately ... and not to last for a long period of time," he said.

"But with cognac the situation is different — the older, the better," Petkov said.

He explained that wine producers in France were obliged to pay a military tax by preparing certain amounts of wine and spirits for the army.

Gradesnica lies in the heart of the Mariovo region, near the border with Greece, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) south of the Macedonian capital, Skopje. There is no asphalt road, and during the harsh winters, the village is cut off from the rest of the world. Only army vehicles can get through with necessary supplies.

"This is probably the most beautiful part of the country, forgotten by all," said Dano Popovski, 64, owner of the only shop in the village.

But in 1916, Gradesnica was at the heart of the fighting during a drive by Allied forces to support Serbia and stop the advance of Axis troops.

"On this side were Germans and Bulgarians. On the other side of the front line were the French and their Serbian allies," said Najdo Koleskovski, 56.

He said it was in the nearby village of Gruniste, where he lives, that villagers unearthed the first case of 15 bottles.

Holding up three empty bottles of WWI wine and cognac, he reminisces about how he and three friends drank all the bottles he found over several days.Confused

"It was the best drink I ever had in my life," he said.

Gruniste, without electricity and home to four cattle farmers, lies on what was the French side of the front.

Villagers say foreigners — including many French — are scouring the area for cognac, maps in hand. None of the villagers said they had sold any of the bottles.Confused

"Nothing tastes better, and that is why the French come here," said Petar Sindevski, 73, from the village of Staravina.

"There must be a lot of stocks of cognac or wine buried in this area," he said. "It is a real treasure."

When Sindevski dug up a bottle of cognac in a former trench, he couldn't believe his eyes.

"When I heard the sound of glass while digging in the land, the last thing I could imagine was that I would excavate an old bottle of cognac," he said.

jos ga budale piju. mogu se obogatit od jednog sanduka...
Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 01.08.2006.
Poruka: 11.344
17. kolovoza 2007. u 09:42
Domoroci se ispričali zato što su pojeli misionare

SYDNEY - Potomci ljudoždera na Papui Novoj Gvineji ispričali su se zbog postupka svojih predaka koji su 1878. pojeli četvoricu misionara s Fidžija, izvijestile su jučer australske novine.

Predstavnik Fidžija na Papui Novoj Gvineji, Ratu Isoa Tikoca, prihvatio je ispriku domorodaca. Na svečanosti u pokrajini Papue Nove Gvineje, koja nosi ime Nova Britanija, tisuće ljudi obilježilo je obljetnicu smrti misionara, piše australski list Daily Telegraph.

"Duboko smo dirnuti i želimo vam veliku radost oprosta, jer smo sad napokon prevladali ovaj nesporazum", izjavio je Tikoca. Paulias Matane, guverner Papue Nove Gvineje, na istoj je svečanosti naglasio da cijeni rad misionara koji su donijeli kršćanstvo na pacifičke otoke.

Englez George Brown doveo je 1875. metodističke misionare i učitelje s Fidžija na Papuu Novu Gvineju. Tri godine kasnije, pripadnici plemena Tolai s poluotoka Gazelle ubili su i pojeli trojicu učitelja i jednog svećenika.

Nakon toga, Brown je osobno poveo kaznenu ekspediciju, tijekom koje su ubijeni brojni pripadnici plemena, a njihova sela uništena. Metodistička crkva, kojoj su pripadali ubijeni misionari, osudila je Brownovu osvetničku akciju. (H)
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 02.02.2007.
Poruka: 6.831
11. siječnja 2008. u 13:26
24SI - Jučer je saopšteno da je predsjednik Rusije Vladimir Putin potpisao odluku kojom se za novog ruskog ambasadora u NATO savezu imenuje Dimitrij Olegovič Rogozin. Ovaj 45-godišnji političar kojeg nazivaju "sibirskim tigrom" izuzetno je zanimljiv za BiH. Zbog čega i ko je on?

Porijeklom je Srbin i praunuk je srpskog dobrovoljca u ruskoj carskoj vojsci. Otac mu je bio general, a majka viša medicinska sestra. Diplomirao je žurnalistiku na Univerzitetu Lomonosov i ekonomiju na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Moskvi, da bi 1996. doktorirao na Filozofskom fakultetu na temu nacionalne bezbjednosti u 21. vijeku.

U bivšem SSSR-u obavljao je brojne političke funkcije u omladinskoj organizaciji, a nakon raspada SSSR-a osnovao je političku organizaciju "Međunarodni kongres ruskih zajednica". Godine 1997. postaje član Dume i izabran je za člana Specijalne komisije za provjeru zakonitosti rada tadašnjeg predsjednika Borisa Jeljcina. Dvije godine kasnije, ponovo je biran u Dumu i postavljen je za šefa ruske delegacije u Vijeću Evrope. Prije tri godine izabran je za potpredsjednika Dume, a 2006. napušta stranku Rodina i formira dvije svoje političke partije - Pravedna Rusija i Velika Rusija. Napisao je deset knjiga, govori engleski, španski, italijanski, francuski i njemački jezik.

Već se ocjenjuje da će njegovo prisustvo u NATO-u itekako uticati i vrlo je moguće promijeniti odnos snaga.

Za nas je zanimljivo da je Rogozin na raznorazne načine prisutan na ovim prostorima već godinama. Sa Slobodanom Miloešvićem je redovno održavao kontakte i stalno mu je prebacivao da ne brine dovoljno o Srbima u BiH. Upućeni kažu da ima jak uticaj i na političku situaciju u Srbiji i oštro se protivi da Kosovo dobije  nezavisnost, a ima uticaja i bh. entitetu Republika Srpska gdje je nekoliko puta boravio i tokom rata. Sastajao se i razgovarao sa Radovanom Karadžićem i posebno Ratkom Mladićem. U nekim izjavama naglašavao je da na Bošnjake gleda kao na "bivše Srbe koji su izdali svoj narod i vjeru". Govoreći o Bosni i Hercegovini, svojevremeno je našu zemlju uporedio sa Jugoslavijom u malom:

"Ako tolika država nije uspjela da se održi, kako će to uspjeti Bosni i Hercegovini?!".


Triple H
Triple H
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 10.09.2003.
Poruka: 1.806
17. travnja 2008. u 09:49

Digitalni Andjeo

Zig Zveri

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Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 09.06.2003.
Poruka: 12.931
17. travnja 2008. u 17:58

Girl, 8, granted divorce in Yemen

SAN'A, Yemen (AP) -- A Yemeni judge dissolved the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a man nearly four times her age, and the girl's lawyer said Wednesday that the court also ordered the youngster removed from the control of the father who forced her into the wedding.

The lawyer, Shatha Ali Nasser, said the girl is just one of thousands of underaged girls who have been forced into marriages in this poor tribal country at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula.

The girl's story has drawn headlines in Yemen because she took the unusual step of seeking out a judge on her own to file for divorce.

The girl said her father forced her to marry a 30-year-old man she identified as Faiz Ali Thamer. She charged that her husband constantly beat her and forced her to have sex.

"I used to run from room to room to escape from him. But he would catch up with me," the girl said, her tiny frame swallowed in an oversized robe and head scarf, standing with her lawyer.

In issuing his ruling Tuesday, the judge said he was terminating the marriage because the girl "had not reached puberty."

A provision in Yemeni law allows parents to sign marriage contracts for children younger than 15. However, the article states that a husband can only consummate the marriage when the wife reaches puberty.

There are no provisions for any punishment for a husband in such cases.

She said that when she told her parents of the abuse, they refused to help her. Her parents testified they ignored her complaints about the marriage.

The girl's family was ordered to pay $250 as "compensation" to Thamer, although the judge did not specify the reason.

pa koje je ovo stoljece yebote...
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 18.09.2004.
Poruka: 18.593
17. travnja 2008. u 22:04
Mislim da s 8 godina curica ne može biti dovoljno zrela da samostalno odlučuje treba li se razvesti ili ne.
Ceterum censeo HNLem esse delendam
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 30.12.2003.
Poruka: 22.210
17. travnja 2008. u 22:42
coobah je napisao/la:
Mislim da s 8 godina curica ne može biti dovoljno zrela da samostalno odlučuje treba li se razvesti ili ne.
Vidi cijeli citat

LOL  Koji crni humor.
I am going to space, and when I come back I have to pick up poodle crap.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 20.02.2006.
Poruka: 35.530
18. travnja 2008. u 01:12
genijana opaska