Draza na Trgu Bana Jelacica????!!!!!!

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 03.11.2005.
Poruka: 2.907
26. studenog 2004. u 11:29
[QUOTE] Ima, ima samo se kriju. Plase se ovog famoznog zakona.
Ili su isuvise ozbiljno shvatili ono sto sam napisao.
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ozbiljno?niko tebe ne shvaća ozbiljno !!!
Samo ja delam!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.10.2004.
Poruka: 339
26. studenog 2004. u 11:30
Silna Budalo,pa jel tebi jasno da i tvoja majka cijeli život žali jer nije abortirala nego rodila budalu poput tebe???
A za onog genijalca,koji misli da su u srbiji parni i neparni datumi uvedeni zbog prevelikog broja automobila hahahahaha a koji idiot,pa to je prestrašno... Budalo primitivna,jel vi nazadujete il napredujete??? Po tvom, vi nazadujete,jer sad nemate gužve??? Stvarno si me nasmijao....stvarno si ili dijete od 13 godina il ti je inteligancija na razini pileta!!!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 13.11.2004.
Poruka: 84
26. studenog 2004. u 11:38
Drago mi je da se kapiramo.

@Vozacu bez dozvole, cija je majka abortirala
Zar ti nikada, prepametni debilu, nije palo na pamet da se Beograd kao grad prosirio i izgradio. 50% ulica je prosireno i produzeno, autoput je povecan za 30%, a gradski prevoz se doveo u red poslednjih 4 god. Zato su i guzve manje na ulicama Bg-a. Shvatas ima vise prostora za vozila pa zato nije guzva kao nekada.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.11.2004.
Poruka: 75
26. studenog 2004. u 11:46
[QUOTE] Zar ti nikada, prepametni debilu, nije palo na pamet da se Beograd kao grad prosirio i izgradio. 50% ulica je prosireno i produzeno, autoput je povecan za 30%, a gradski prevoz se doveo u red poslednjih 4 god. Zato su i guzve manje na ulicama Bg-a. Shvatas ima vise prostora za vozila pa zato nije guzva kao nekada.
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Guzve su u Beogradu i ostalim europskim metropolama puno vece nego sto su bile u osamdesetim godinama jer je broj auta na ulicama veci i to je problem za koji trenutno ne postoji pencilin,pa ipak sve jos nekako funkcionise i bez parnih i neparnih brojeva.
Ti i hitman bi mogli pronac rijesenje za te probleme srusis sve stambene objekte i prosiris ceste da te pitam nesto al ovaj put ozbiljno,jesi ti mozda nekakav profesor saobracaja?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.10.2004.
Poruka: 339
26. studenog 2004. u 11:48
Silna Budalo, prošili su vam ulice NATO zrakoplovi!!!! A jel tebi Silna Budalo palo napamet da unatoč tome šta su vam zapadnjaci proširili ulice na način da su srušili pola Beograda,da je i iz Hrvatske doselilo još nekoliko desetaka tisuća takvih silnih budala kao šta si ti,da su vam sa Kosova doselili junaci,takvi kao šta si ti... Il vi ne znate niti ***ati pa se ne kotite nego se broj povećava tako da vas *** albanci???
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.11.2004.
Poruka: 75
26. studenog 2004. u 11:48
E pa ti ocevom linijom vezan za Srbiju.
Lepo, lepo. Jos mi samo reci da ti je striko bio vojno lice.

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bato ja sam u begesu zivio dok si ti po ogulinu Karo komsijske kokoske,al ti meni malo sad drzi predavanje o beogradu
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 23.08.2004.
Poruka: 5.064
26. studenog 2004. u 11:50
Što se tiče parnih i neparnih dana, o tome više neću da komentarišem, jer sam rekao šta sam imao i dalje ostajem pri tome.

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Hvala ti što se brineš za moju inteligenciju, ona je na sasvim zadovoljavajućem (čitaj: visokom) nivou. Provereno!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 13.11.2004.
Poruka: 84
26. studenog 2004. u 11:51
Sta ti to znaci sad ozbiljno?
Znaci da je do sada sve bilo neozbiljno!
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.11.2004.
Poruka: 46
26. studenog 2004. u 11:54
Dragoljub "Drazha" Mihailovich (also Cica, Draza Mihajlovic or Mihailovic)
Mihailovi} first organized detachment of Yugoslav Army which become Military-chetnik detachments and finally Yugoslav Army of the Homeland.
The first Chetnik formations led by Mihailovic were recorded around Ravna Gora on June 14th , making them the first organized resistance against the Nazi occupiers in Yugoslavia. The goal of Mihailovic''s Chetniks was the liberation of the country from the fascists forces which included the forces of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and (the fascist regime of ).
The British Special Operations Executive were being sent to aid Mihailovic''s forces beginning with the autumn of 1941. Mihailovic rose in rank, becoming the Minister of War of the exile government in January 11, 1942. and General and Deputy Commander-in-Chief on June 17 the same year...
...In 1943, the Germans decided to pursue the Chetniks in the northern zone, and even offered a reward of 100.000 gold marks for the capture of Mihailovic, dead or alive. ..
After the war, he was captured by the Communist government on March 13, 1946. Trialled for high treason between June 10 and July 15, he was sentenced to death on July 17th, shot to death and buried in an unmarked grave near . His main prosecutor was Milos Minic, later minister of foreign affairs for the government of and ethnic . His execution was a sticking point in -Yugoslav relations and Charles de Gaulle refused to visit Yugoslavia on account of refusing to meet Mihailovich''s murderer, Marshall Tito.

Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 24.11.2004.
Poruka: 46
26. studenog 2004. u 11:57
US-President ! Ronald Reagan: Draza Mihajlovic is a HERO
In telling about General Draza Mihailovic, Ronald Reagan said:

" I believe that the spirit in which you have gathered here to honor the memory of General Mihailovich, the faithful allied commander and the first anti-Nazis leader in Europe, is shared by the great majority of Americans

The ultimate tragedy of Draza Mihailovic cannot erase the memory of his heroic and often lonely struggle against the twin tyrannies that afflicted his people, Nazism and Communism He knew that totalitarianism, whatever name it might take, is the death of freedom He thus became a symbol of resistance to all those across the world who have had to fight a similar heroic and lonely struggle against totalitarianism Mihailovich belonged to Yugoslavia; his spirit now belongs to all those who are willing to fight for freedom

I wish that it could be said that this great hero was the last victim of confused and senseless policies of western governments in dealing with Communism The fact is that others have suffered a fate similar to his by being embraced and then abandoned by western governments in the hope that such abandonment will purchase peace or security

Thus, the fate of General Mihailovich is not simply of historic significance--it teaches us something today, as well No western nation, including the United States, can hope to win its own battle for freedom and survival by sacrificing brave comrades to the politics of international expediency

it has been demonstrated beyond doubt that both freedom and honor suffer when firm commitments become sacrificed to false hopes of appeasing aggressors by abandoning friends"



IPresident Truman awarded Mihailovich the Legion of Merit, the highest combat award the US government can give to a foreign national, but it was kept secret for decades because of pressure from the State Department /
President Richard Nixon said about General Draza: General Draza Mihailovich was a patriot, a brave soldier and a gallant ally of the United States and every nation that went to war in the early forties to destroy the tyrannies that sought to enslave our world

BHundreds of American pilots owe their lives to General Mihailovich and his forces and, the American people will never forget that debt /B

As long as there are patriots in any nation, the name of General Mihailovich will be remembered and revered"

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