začudio sam se kad sam vidio komentari na službenoj stranici eurosonga, uglavnom svi hvale pjesmu, ali naslov bi obavezno trebalo mijenjati, evo nekoliko komentara iz europe:
"I think is one of the best songs this year. There are so many bad ones this year, so far I think its between Croatia, Denmark and Netherlands"
"I like it! Gonna vote for it!
In fact last year Croatia deserved to be among top five in the final! What a shame!
good luck from TURKEY!"
"And I thought "Break a leg" was a joke... OMG
Let's hope they're gonna change that title into "Breakaway" or something. Jacques Houdek would have been a far better choice, but I stopped trying to understand what's going on on Croatian televoters mind."
"So nice !
Good luck, Croatia !"
"amazing song "
"Take this Sweden!!! Ha,this song is so swedish ,Swedes will go nuts for it!"
Pax vobis. Memento mori qui. ludetis pilla