One night in Bangkok and the world's your oyster
The bars are temples but the pearls ain't free
You'll find a god in every golden cloister
And if you're lucky then the god's a she
I can feel an angel sliding up to me
One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night in Bangkok and the tough guys tumble
Can't be too careful with your company
I can feel the devil walking next to me
ovi klasični low-cost airlines (Ryanair i takvi) ne lete
transkontinentalno, koliko ja znam. Jedino ako nađeš low-cost kartu na
običnim kompanijama... al tu već vidim imaš i pomoći, a i prohtjeva.
I am going to space, and when I come back I have to pick up poodle crap.