
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.120
31. svibnja 2024. u 16:15

Šta Crna Gora nema ceste? 🤪

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 16:21

imaju putevi 😁 ali nemaju autoban. 


tesko je tamo u crna gora graditi. planine na saki krak. isto kao u makedonija. cijeli put stip-demir kapija-smokvica-grcka mostovi i tunili. skupo je.



[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 16:24]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 16:56

skopje airport





u 2023 godina imao 2.9 milion putnika. u 2024 ocekuje se nad 3 milion.


ima gradski prevoz buseva. bolji nego taxisti. ims tav surade sa mariott hotel u skopje





ohrid airport st paul the apostol.


266.000 putika u 2023 godina. nade se 300.000 ova sezona. prakticno je otvoreno samo 3 meseca juni, juli i avgusti te i 2 sedmice za nova godina.


sharteri iz holandija i amsterdam ima mnogu.





turisti se nosi u gradi od airport sa dubbel decker to vole turisti.




ovakav gradski prevozi u skopje.


inace tav planira graditi airport i u stip.



[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 16:57]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 17:09

belgrad airport nikola tesla


8 milion putnika 2023


zagreb airport frajo tudjman 


3.7 milion putnika 2023


split airport


3.3 milion putnika 2023


dubrovnik airport


2.3 milion putnika 2023


sarajevo airport


1.3 milion putnika 2023


skopje airport


2.9 milion putnika 2023


ljubljana airport 


1 milion putnika 2023


tivat airport crna gora


850.000 putnika 2023


ohrid airport


266.000 u 2023 godina





Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 19:13

imao samchat sa ai. vestarcka intelegencija.


do modern macedonians have same dna as alexander th great.


The short answer is that modern Macedonians do not have the same DNA as Alexander the Great, but rather, they share a significant amount of DNA with him. Here's why: Alexander the Great was born in Pella, Macedonia, and his family was part of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. The DNA of Alexander's ancestors, including his parents and grandparents, would have been influenced by their genetic makeup as Greeks and Macedonians. Modern Macedonians, on the other hand, are a mix of various ethnic and genetic groups that have contributed to their ancestry over the centuries. The modern Macedonian population is a result of the interaction between ancient Macedonians, Slavs, Greeks, and other ethnic groups that have settled in the region. Studies have shown that modern Macedonians have a significant amount of genetic continuity with ancient Greeks and Macedonians. For example: A 2010 study published in the journal "European Journal of Human Genetics" found that modern Macedonians have a higher percentage of Greek DNA (around 25%) compared to other Balkan populations. A 2017 study published in the journal "PLOS ONE" found that modern Macedonians have a significant amount of genetic admixture with ancient Greeks and Macedonians, with an estimated 30-40% Greek ancestry. A 2020 study published in the journal "Scientific Reports" analyzed DNA samples from ancient Macedonian individuals and compared them to modern Macedonian populations. The study found that modern Macedonians have a significant amount of genetic continuity with ancient Macedonians, with an estimated 20-30% shared DNA. These studies suggest that modern Macedonians do not have the same exact DNA as Alexander the Great or his ancestors, but rather, they share a significant amount of genetic material with them. This is due to the fact that modern Macedonians are a mix of various ethnic groups that have contributed to their ancestry over the centuries. It's worth noting that the concept of "DNA" has changed over time, and our understanding of genetics has improved significantly. Therefore, it's possible that future studies may provide more nuanced information about the genetic makeup of Alexander the Great and modern Macedonians.


wos alexander the great macedonian


Yes, Alexander the Great was indeed a Macedonian king. He was born in Pella, Macedonia, around 356 BCE and was the king of the ancient Helenic kingdom of Macedon from 336 BCE until his death in 323 BCE. Alexander's father was King Philip II of Macedon, who unified the fractious city-states of Greece under his rule. Alexander's mother was Olympias, a princess from the royal house of Epirus. Alexander's claim to Macedonian descent was significant because it connected him to the ancient Greek tradition of heroic kingship. He was educated in the arts and sciences, including philosophy and literature, and was trained in the art of war by his father and the great general Antipater. As king, Alexander expanded his empire through a series of military campaigns, conquering a vast portion of the known world, including Persia, Egypt, Babylon, and parts of Asia Minor. His conquests spread Greek culture and language throughout his empire, creating a vast network of cities and trade routes that connected the Mediterranean world. Alexander's legacy as a Macedonian king is still celebrated today, and he is remembered as one of the greatest military commanders and leaders in history.



have modern greeks same dna as alexander the great


The question of whether modern Greeks share the same DNA as Alexander the Great is a complex one. Alexander the Great was born in Pella, Macedonia, around 356 BCE, and his ancestry was a mix of Greek and Macedonian royal blood. Modern Greeks, on the other hand, are a mix of various ethnic and genetic groups that have contributed to their ancestry over the centuries. Studies have shown that modern Greeks do not have the same exact DNA as Alexander the Great or his ancestors. However, they do share a significant amount of genetic material with ancient Greeks and Macedonians. Here are some key findings: A 2017 study published in the journal "Scientific Reports" analyzed DNA samples from ancient Macedonian individuals and compared them to modern Greek populations. The study found that modern Greeks have a significant amount of genetic continuity with ancient Greeks and Macedonians, with an estimated 20-30% shared DNA. A 2019 study published in the journal "European Journal of Human Genetics" analyzed DNA samples from ancient Greek and modern Greek populations. The study found that modern Greeks have a significant amount of genetic admixture with ancient Greeks, with an estimated 40-50% shared DNA. A 2020 study published in the journal "PLOS ONE" analyzed DNA samples from ancient Greek and modern Greek populations. The study found that modern Greeks have a significant amount of genetic continuity with ancient Greeks, with an estimated 30-40% shared DNA. These studies suggest that modern Greeks do not have the same exact DNA as Alexander the Great or his ancestors, but rather, they share a significant amount of genetic material with them. This is due to the fact that modern Greeks are a mix of various ethnic groups that have contributed to their ancestry over the centuries, including ancient Greeks, Macedonians, Slavs, and other ethnic groups. It's worth noting that the concept of "DNA" has changed over time, and our understanding of genetics has improved significantly. Therefore, it's possible that future studies may provide more nuanced information about the genetic makeup of Alexander the Great and modern Greeks. In conclusion, while modern Greeks do not have the same exact DNA as Alexander the Great or his ancestors, they do share a significant amount of genetic material with ancient Greeks and Macedonians. This genetic continuity is a testament to the enduring cultural and historical ties between ancient Greece and modern Greece.



ocito je da makedonci i grci imaju najslican dna u regiona 😁😂


obja ima 30 do 40 procent takav dna.

[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 19:23]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 20:12

is macedonian language the same as bulgarian


Macedonian and Bulgarian are two Slavic languages that are closely related, but they are not the same language. While they share some amount of linguistic and cultural heritage, they have distinct differences in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


In summary, while Macedonian and Bulgarian are related languages with a shared history and cultural heritage, they are distinct languages with their own grammatical, lexical, and phonetic features.



Georgi Pulevski (1815-1896) was a Macedonian linguist, philologist, and scholar. He is considered one of the most important figures in the development of the modern Macedonian language.


Pulevski was born in Struga the year 1815, a town in southwestern Macedonia, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire. He studied theology at the University of Leipzig in Germany, where he became interested in the Slavic languages and linguistics. After completing his studies, he returned to Macedonia and began to work on creating a standardized version of the Macedonian language.


What do we call a nation? – People who are of the same origin and who speak the same words and who live and make friends of each other, who have the same customs and songs and entertainment are what we call a nation, and the place where that people lives is called the people's country. Thus the Macedonians also are a nation and the place which is theirs is called Macedonia.


Pulevski's work on the Macedonian language had a significant impact on the development of the language and its use in education, literature, and everyday life. He also played an important role in promoting the use of the Macedonian language in official contexts, such as government and education. Today, Georgi Pulevski is considered a national hero in Macedonia and is celebrated as a champion of the Macedonian language. His work has had a lasting impact on the development of the language and continues to be recognized and respected by scholars and linguists around the world.


why do bulgaria claime that goce delcev is bulgarian hero when he fought for a creation of a macedonian nation. in a best case scenario for bulgaria he would be an bulgarian traitor. so why do they claime him


Goce Delčev was a key figure in the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization (IMRO), a secret society that aimed to unite the Macedonian population under Macedonian leadership and achieve independence from the Ottoman Empire. He believed that the Macedonian people were a distinct nation with their own language, culture, and identity, and he fought to promote this idea and gain recognition for the Macedonian cause.


The legacy of Goce Delčev is complex and contested. Some see him as a national hero who fought for the rights of the Macedonian people, while others view him as a Bulgarian nationalist who sought to impose his own identity on the region. The Macedonian government has officially recognized Delčev as a national hero and celebrates his birthday on February 4th as a national holiday. In recent years, there has been some debate among historians about the extent to which Delčev and IMRO actually represented the interests of the Macedonian people. Some have argued that their actions were motivated by Bulgarian nationalist ideology rather than a genuine desire for Macedonian independence. In conclusion, while Goce Delčev is widely regarded as a hero of the Macedonian struggle for independence, his legacy is complex and subject to interpretation. His actions were motivated by a desire to promote Macedonian national identity and achieve independence, but his methods were often violent and controversial.


Metodija Andonov-Čento (1902-1957) was a Macedonian revolutionary and leader of the Macedonian struggle for independence 1942-1945.


macedonians and bulgarians do not have he same dna


You're right, Macedonians and Bulgarians do not have the same DNA, although they share a common Slavic ancestry and are geographically close. Studies have shown that the genetic makeup of the two populations has been shaped by different historical events, migrations, and cultural influences. Here are some key differences: Ancient DNA: Research on ancient DNA from the Iron Age and Medieval periods suggests that the Macedonians were more genetically connected to ancient Thracians and Greeks, whereas Bulgarians were more closely related to ancient Slavs and Proto-Bulgarians. Y-DNA: Studies on Y-chromosome DNA (passed down from father to son) have found that Macedonians have a higher frequency of Haplogroup R1b, which is common in Western Europe, while Bulgarians have a higher frequency of Haplogroup R1a, which is common in Eastern Europe. mtDNA: Research on mitochondrial DNA (passed down from mother to child) has found that Macedonians have a higher frequency of Haplogroup H, which is common in Greece and Turkey, while Bulgarians have a higher frequency of Haplogroup U, which is common in Eastern Europe. admixture: Both populations have undergone significant genetic admixture with other groups throughout history. For example, Macedonians have been influenced by Greek and Turkish genetic heritage, while Bulgarians have been influenced by Slavic and Ottoman Turkish genetic heritage. These differences reflect the complex and diverse history of the region, including the migrations of various ethnic groups, the rise and fall of empires, and the cultural exchange that has shaped the modern-day populations of Macedonia and Bulgaria. It's worth noting that while there are genetic differences between Macedonians and Bulgarians, there are also many similarities and shared genetic heritage. Both populations share a common Slavic ancestry and have been influenced by similar historical events and cultural exchanges.




ovo sa svijetski deep state rade makedonaca je nista drugo nego lakardija i geo politika jer im odgovara ekonomski i geo strateski ali nema veze sa istine. samo dokaz kakve ljudi vlada svijet. grka se 20 milion sa diasporaca a mi smo 2 miion shurim svijet a diasporaca.


a spomenik aleksandar veliki, ima i to kakva smisla sta ga ima na plostadu u skopje. koliko sta pripada grka toliko on pripada i makedonci po dna. sta je dokazano u laboratorije crno na belo.

[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 20:41]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 23:33

pitao sam dali makedonija bi osvoio euro u fudbal bar jednom posledni 25 godina okoliko sve diasporaca igrao za makedonija.




ovi igrao za rerezentaci usa, australia, svicarska, njemacka, srbija, ceska, itd.. ubscao jos dejan kulusevski, arijan ademi, sasa ciric i goran pandev.


What an interesting question! The Macedonian diaspora football players are a talented group of individuals who have made significant contributions to their respective clubs and countries. While it's difficult to say with certainty whether they would win the European Championship (Euro), let's look at some of the top Macedonian diaspora players and their achievements:


[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 23:36]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
31. svibnja 2024. u 23:45

did cyril and methodius slavonize macedonians


Cyril and Methodius, as I mentioned earlier, worked in Moravia and developed an alphabet and liturgical texts in Old Church Slavonic for the Slavic people. However, the question of whether they "Slavonized" the Macedonians specifically is a matter of debate among historians and scholars.



In summary, while Cyril and Methodius did not directly work with the Macedonians in the classical sense, their work had a broader impact on Slavic culture and language throughout the region. The Macedonian people have their own unique cultural and linguistic heritage, which was shaped by various historical influences.



do russian culture come from ohrid macedonia



Another intriguing question! The question of whether Russian culture comes from Ohrid, Macedonia is a topic of debate among historians and scholars. While there are some connections between the two, the idea that Russian culture directly originates from Ohrid is not widely accepted by scholars. Ohrid, Macedonia, was an important center of Orthodox Christianity and learning during the Middle Ages, and it played a significant role in the development of Slavic literature and culture. The city was home to the famous Ohrid Literary School, which was established in the 9th century by Saint Clement of Ohrid and flourished until the 14th century. However, the cultural and linguistic ties between Ohrid and Russia are more complex and indirect. Here are a few ways in which Russian culture may have been influenced by Ohrid: The spread of Christianity: The Byzantine Empire, which was based in Constantinople, played a significant role in spreading Christianity to Eastern Europe. The Byzantine missionaries who worked in Ohrid, such as Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius, helped to spread Christianity to the Slavic peoples, including those who would later become Russians. The Kievan Rus': The Kievan Rus' was a medieval state that was founded by Prince Oleg in the 9th century. The Kievan Rus' was influenced by Byzantine culture, and it is believed that many Byzantine scholars and missionaries traveled to Kiev to spread Christianity and teach literacy. The influence of Old Church Slavonic: Old Church Slavonic was a liturgical language that was developed in Ohrid and was used throughout the Byzantine Empire. The language was also used in Russia, particularly during the Kievan period, and it had a significant impact on the development of the Russian language. The cultural exchange: During the Middle Ages, there was a significant amount of cultural exchange between Ohrid and Russia. Many Russian scholars and monks traveled to Ohrid to study and learn from the city's famous scholars and monks. In summary, while Russian culture may have been influenced by Ohrid, Macedonia, through various channels such as the spread of Christianity, the Kievan Rus', Old Church Slavonic, and cultural exchange, it is not accurate to say that Russian culture directly originates from Ohrid.

[uredio Stefan84 - 31. svibnja 2024. u 23:45]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 9.954
01. lipnja 2024. u 12:42

suma sumara ovo sta sam naucio od AI sinoc i danas je da bugarska teza da smo bugari se odnosi na cinjenica da bugari okupirao makedonija 3 puta kros istorie. gradio bugarski skoli po solun, stip, itd. 


kao da rusija okupira finska i 1000 godina kasnije tvrditi da finci se rusi.


dok genetska DNA razlika izmedju makednac i bugarin je ista kada usporedis finci i bugari 😂jednostavno nisu isto pleme i to je to.


goce delcev u svoja kniga 1905 pisuvao u teza da makedonci se pitomci alek veliki a tada nije imao laboratorije ko danas. 


neki istrazuvacki pronasli 40 procent ista DNA ko staro makedonci. znaci dominantan dna. ostale elwenti nemaju ni 15 procent pojedinecno.


onoj kojrazume DNA zna da 40 procent je ogromna kolocina i to da ostao u telo 4.000 godine.


cinjenica je da makedonci i grci se najbliski plemena u regiona. svidjalo se to moderni makedonci i grci ili ne, taj je cinjenica.