Obzirom da Miru (i Gorana) ne samo poznajem vec su mi bliski prijatelji, to nije uputno a ni pristojnio da ovde bilo sta komentarisem.
Podrazumeva se da je neizmerno volim i cenim. Ostati citav nakon svega sto je ona prozivela je nemoguce, pa otuda i mozda poneki "lazni" ili "neiskreni" osmeh. Meni je jedino vazno da su joj srce (i razum) na pravom mestu. Sta god to vama znacilo.
Cisto, radi "trivie", jedan isecak iz web intervjua u kojem je Mira govorila i o CD projektu na kojem smo skupa radili (nasao sam ovo na googleu!!!):
MODERATOR: presents the speaker with question #44 from Bruckner: "How did you select the songs that you've incorporated in your new CD?"
MF: I worked with three musicians. One on them was the main author, Dejan Trickovic, and he is a very talented musician who also did music for Goran's production of "Antigone", that we did two years ago in Los Angeles. He authored most of the songs... #1, 5 and 11 were done by another musician, Koya, and who is the King of Alternative rock and roll in the former Yugolsavia. He has a very very radical band. Now he is working in London with parts of his former band. Song number 4 is written by a third musician. It's an eclectic combination of different musical approaches, which corresponds with my very eclectic taste in music.
Hehehe, main author, nego sta, BRE!
A Koya koji se takodje spominje je naravno onaj iz legendarnog banda iz 1980ih, "Disciplina Kicme"
[uredio NYC - 04. ožujka 2008. u 05:30]