Anders Behring Breivik.. definitivno nije tipični luđak, više kao politički luđak ekstremene desnice, mrzi Muslimane i Islam i ima neke teorije da će Muslimani pokoriti Europu sebe vidi kao nekog spasitelja, križarskog viteza koji će osloboditi Europu od zla, fan body buidlinga, lova, član freemasona (već vidim teorije urota). Zanimljivo onda da nije išao ubijati Muslimane već je napao politički skup mladeži gdje su uglavnom bili Norvežani, sve skupa oko 85 mrtvih što je 'rekord' za jedan pokolj ili shooting spree.
Po svemu to je jedan planiran događaj i to godinama, na kraju se mirno predao i njegov odvjetnik je rekao da će se njegov klijent izjasniti na sudu. E da i on je odgovoran za onu eksploziju, kupio je neko gnojivo preko neke poljoprivredne firme, trebalo mu je puno para i par godina, na kraju 'samo' 7 mrtvih od bombe a 85 puškom.
Dokument koji je navodno on napisao Manifesto koji se zove 2083 što predstavlja godinu, naime 2083-400 daje 1683 ili 400 godina od Bitke kod Beča, kako je on objasnio u dokumentu: "
John III Sobieski i Holy League su uspješno obranili Europu od 150 000
Muslimana u Bitci kod Beča."
"Novi europski kulturni konzervativni Dan neovisnosti bi se trebao slaviti 11. ili 12. rujna kao obilježavanje uspješne obranu Zapadne Europe. Bitka kod Beča u 1683 bi trebala slaviti kao Dan neovisnosti za sve zapadne Europljane jer je to bio početak kraja drugog vala islamskog Jihada."
Neke stvari koje je pisao u manifestu, piše da je fan Karadžića (koji se borio protiv Islama), inače junaci su mu svi koji se bore ili su se borili protiv Islama:
Emblazoned with a red Iron Cross and calling itself "2083: A
European Declaration of Independence," the 1,518-page manifesto alleged
to have been written by the suspect in shootings and bombings that left
at least 92 people dead in Norway rambles from ways that "Justiciar
Knights" can avoid detection by police to relatives' sexually
transmitted diseases.
Here are key points from the document, which CNN has not independently confirmed was written by suspect Anders Behring Breivik:
writer describes himself as "Justiciar Knight Commander for Knights
Templar Europe (službena titula) and one of several leaders of the National and
pan-European Patriotic Resistance Movement."
--He anticipates a
European civil war taking place in three stages, ending in 2083 with the
execution of cultural Marxists and the deportation of Muslims.
--The first stage runs through 2030 and includes "open source
warfare, military shock attacks by clandestine cell systems (and)
further consolidation of conservative forces."
--Between 2030 and
2070, the author predicts "more advanced forms of resistance groups
(and the) preparation for pan-European coup d'etats."
--The final
stage -- when the author anticipates Europe being 30%-50% Muslim by
country -- features the "execution of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist
... traitors," deportation of Muslims and "implementation of a Cultural
Conservative political agenda" following the overthrow of existing
governments across the continent.
--The author says he personally
has been attacked repeatedly by Muslims: "I've 'only' experienced 8
assaults, attempted robberies and multiple threats. I've never actually
been severely ravaged, robbed or beaten my Muslims (a broken nose is the
worst thing that occurred) but I know more than 20 people who have. I
know at least 2 girls that have been raped my Muslims and I am familiar
with two more cases in my broader network (1 gang rape). One girl though
was cut badly in the face by Muslims."
He lists accused Bosnian
Serb genocide suspect Radovan Karadzic among the people he would like to
meet, denying that Karadzic is "a mass murderer and a racist," saying
instead that "for his efforts to rid Serbia of Islam he will always be
considered and remembered as an honourable Crusader and a European war
--The author accuses Norwegian Prime Minister Jens
Stoltenberg and his Labour Party of perpetuating "cultural
Marxist/multiculturalist ideals" and indoctrinating youth with those
--"The situation is just chaotic," the author writes,
noting that "thousands of Muslims" are coming into his country annually.
"These suicidal traitors must be stopped," the author writes.
manifesto speculates about what would happen if the author were to
survive "a successful mission and live to stand a multiculturalist
trial.... When I wake up at the hospital, after surviving the gunshot
wounds inflicted me, I realize at least for me personally, I will be
waking up to a world of shit, a living nightmare. Not only will all my
friends and family detest me and call me a monster; the united global
multiculturalist media will have their hands full figuring out multiple
ways to character assassinate, vilify and demonize."
--The author
says he prefers fantasy video role-playing games to ones where the
player sees through the eyes of someone shooting enemies, writing: "I'm
generally more the fantasy RPG kind of person -- Dragon Age Origins etc.
and not so much into first person shooters."
--The author states
that he was moved to action dating to "my government's involvement" in
NATO's 1999 strikes during the Kosovo campaign, claiming this wrongly
targeted "our Serbian brothers (who) wanted to drive Islam out by
deporting the Albanian Muslims back to Albania."
--"Be extra
careful when researching for bomb schematics (fertilizer bombs), as many
terms will trigger electronic alerts," he writes, one of several tips
that include using an "anonymous laptop and browse free to your local
McDonalds" in order to "avoid ending up on any watch list."
hands-on instructions, the document also functions as a running diary.
It also includes references to his relatives' sexual indiscretions,
entries on some of his friends' personal lives, and his own off-and-on
steroid use.
--From July 2 on, though, the author becomes more
business-like and complains that going off his testosterone supplements
had ramped up his "aggressiveness." He then digs up his guns and
prepares the bombs. It all leads up to July 22, the date of the attacks.
old saying 'if you want something done, then do it yourself' is as
relevant now as it was then," he writes. "In many cases; you could do it
all yourself, it will just take a little more time. AND, without taking
unacceptable risks."
Brievik says he wants to see a Europe modelled on
the nations of Japan and South Korea, which he says represent a system
“not far from cultural conservatism and nationalism at its best”.
He declares: “Celebrate us, the martyrs of the conservative revolution, for we will soon dine in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
--The last entry is dated the day of the attack: "I believe this will be my last entry. It is now Fri July 22nd, 12.51."
Filmić koji je on napravio
Ima još toga, ne znam šta više reći, ima ljudi koji se slažu s njim, navodno u Engleskoj im je puna kapa Muslimana, da se baš sprema neka 'tiha' invazija mislim da je paranoja, najveći pokolj ikada a napravio ga je smireni i pre-kalkulirani hladni Norvežanin, Norveška nikada neće biti ista to je sigurno. Sućut obitelji poginulima.
[uredio madmax17 - 24. srpnja 2011. u 18:24]