ian wright je napisao/la:
nesto ti valjda govori "Winter of Discontent", a to je samo jedna stvar sedamdesetih u UK
da je UK bila "Sick Man of Europe" nisam ja izmislio:
During the 1960s and 1970s, the main parties competed to reverse Britain’s relative economic decline. There was a growing awareness that the economic league tables showed that Britain was at the wrong end for figures regarding strikes, productivity, inflation, economic growth and rising living standards.
Virtually all European countries, except for Britain, had so-called 'economic miracles'. Britain was often described as the 'sick man of Europe'. The targets for blame included: failure to invest in new plant and machinery; restrictive working practices and outdated attitudes on the shop floor ('us and them'); amateurish management; loss of markets; and rise of competition.
Vidi cijeli citat
Napisao si da je Britanija bila bolesnik Europe i da je bila država na rubu nestajanja, a zaboravio si napisati da je u toj istoj Europi krajem 70-tih (kad se održavao sporni referendum u Škotskoj) u istočnom bloku bila ebola valjda, počevši od Solidarnosti u Poljskoj pa nadalje. To sve ekonomska čudesa, a u Albaniji ekonomski David Copperfield. I još, država na rubu nestajanja u kojoj ne prođe referendum u Škotskoj... Jesi našao koga ćeš zajebavati.
Samo vjera, nada i ljubav, a najveća od njih je ljubav. Merčep, Praljak, Prlić, Petković, Ćorić, Pušić, Stojić - velikani hrvatskog naroda