Koje gluposti stavljaš čovječe, ne bio znali da su Hamas teroristi da nije bilo tebe
radi se o Izraelu i običnim Palestincima, što je IDF ako su pobili i više civila od Hamasa, super teroristi? Teroristi 2000? Kako njih zvati?
Ako Amerika i Izrael nemaju šta skrivati nema razloga da ne stave svoje vojnike i generale pod nadležnost suda za ratne zločine no svi znamo da imaju krvi na rukama.
Evo o čemu sam pričao:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/jan/13/gaza-israel-war-crimesThe UN's senior human rights body approved a resolution yesterday
condemning the Israeli offensive for "massive violations of human
rights". A senior UN source said the body's humanitarian agencies were
compiling evidence of war crimes and passing it on to the "highest
levels" to be used as seen fit.
Some human rights activists
allege that the Israeli leadership gave an order to keep military
casualties low no matter what cost to civilians. That strategy has
directly contributed to one of the bloodiest Israeli assaults on the
Palestinian territories, they say.
John Ging, head of the UN
Palestinian refugee agency in Gaza, said: "It's about accountability
[over] the issue of the appropriateness of the force used, the
proportionality of the force used and the whole issue of duty of care
of civilians.
"We don't want to join any chorus of passing
judgment but there should be an investigation of any and every incident
where there are concerns there might have been violations in
international law."
The Israeli military are accused of:
• Using powerful shells in civilian areas which the army knew would cause large numbers of innocent casualties;
• Using banned weapons such as phosphorus bombs;
• Holding Palestinian families as human shields;
• Attacking medical facilities, including the killing of 12 ambulance men in marked vehicles;
• Killing large numbers of police who had no military role.
Human Rights Watch has called on the UN security council to set up a commission of inquiry into alleged war crimes.
leading Israeli human rights organisations have separately written to
the country's attorney general demanding he investigate the allegations.
critics remain sceptical that any such inquiry will take place, given
that Israel has previously blocked similar attempts with the backing of
the US.
Amnesty International says hitting residential streets with shells that
send blast and shrapnel over a wide area constitutes "
prima facie
evidence of war crimes".
Rovera has also collected evidence that the Israeli army holds
Palestinian families prisoner in their own homes as human shields.
"It's standard practice for Israeli soldiers to go into a house, lock
up the family in a room on the ground floor and use the rest of the
house as a military base, as a sniper's position. That is the absolute
textbook case of human shields.
While there are growing calls for an international investigation,
the form it would take is less clear. The UN's human rights council has
the authority to investigate allegations of war crimes but Israel has
blocked its previous attempts to do so. The UN security council could
order an investigation, and even set up a war crimes tribunal, but that
is likely to be vetoed by the US and probably Britain.
international criminal court has no jurisdiction because Israel is not
a signatory. The UN security council could refer the matter to the
court but is unlikely to.