Kauboj je napisao/la:
Some could barely remember a time when Niyazov, known as Turkmenbashi (leader of the Turkmen), had not been in charge -- Niyazov became head of the Soviet-era Communist party here in 1985.
Murad, a 27-year-old businessman, said the country had suffered a terrible blow.
"I felt awful when I heard on the television. We have suffered a loss. We feel we ourselves have been orphaned," he said, alluding to Niyazov's own orphaning in early childhood -- much mythologised in his poetic texts.
"I'm in shock," said civil servant Annagul Byashimova as she visited Ashgabat's Russian bazaar, where stall-holders followed the news of the death on state radio and television.
State television in Turkmenistan is always distinguished by a golden profile of Niyazov displayed in a corner of the screen, but on Thursday an extra black border had been added, framing the images of news readers clad in black and funereal music played by black-clad performers.
"It's so unexpected -- I can't believe it! I've been sitting in front of the television crying. What will we do now?" demanded Byashimova, 36.
Pensioner Ovez Baimukhamedov, 59, said she too was stunned.
"I can't believe it -- that this could happen," she said, quickly adding: "In Muslim tradition if a person dies on a Thursday it's a good day and he will be considered a saint".
Vidi cijeli citat
Neki jedva da se i sećaju vremena kad Nijazov nije bio na vlasti. On je još 1985., u vreme SSSR, bio partijski šef.
Murad, 27-godišnji biznismen, kaže da je ovo težak udarac za naciju.
"Užasno sam se osećao kada sam na čuo na TV. Ovo je veliki gubitak... kao da smo svi odjednom postali siročad", čime je aludirao na detinjstvo Nijazova bez roditelja, već opevano u tolikomitskih poema.
(... preskačem malo...)
"Ovo je bilo tako nenadano! Šta ćemo sad?", pita Anaguil Bjašimova.
Penzionerka Ovez Baimuhamedov, 59, je takodje u šoku.
"Ne mogu da verujem. Ali, kod Muslimana, Četvrtak je dobar dan i čovek koji umre na taj dan će postati svetac".