Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.757
28. studenog 2024. u 16:53



congratulations to all of us.


he shouldnt be anywhere near the white house. mental hospital a better place.


how come that only crazy people get mega rich in usa ? anyone thought about it ?.

[uredio Stefan84 - 28. studenog 2024. u 16:56]
Pristupio: 28.08.2011.
Poruka: 23.107
28. studenog 2024. u 19:07

Imat nekog kraj sebe ko ima 5000 godina bi bilo blago, taj je vjerojatno nadišao ljudsku glupost, ego i sl.  😁

Osijek nikada nece biti Ocek // Slavonijo ko te nije volio ne zna sta je izgubio
Dokazano ovisan
Pristupio: 10.10.2018.
Poruka: 11.757
28. studenog 2024. u 22:09

moguce sa se zaebavao u ovoj slucaj. ali on tvrdio nedavno da pyramidi u egipat gradio vanzemljeni. bio je ozbilan, googlaj.


zasto bi vanzemljeni gradio nesto tako primitivno ko pyramida. make no sense.


vanzemljeni nikada nisu posjetio ova planeta zato sta je nemoguce graditi takav spacecraft. bending space i wormhole nemoguce. verujem sa postoi intelegantan zivot negde but just no way how to get here.


ufo postoi. but made by humans not by aliens. vidio sam taj nekoliko puta izgledaju ko star, moving star. prob made in area51. crash landing in roswell je istine. ljudi iz armija raportirao novinara ono sta vidio i citavi dan na radio objavio taj vest. onda stize cia i sledece dan druga verzija na radio.


ovoj moving star. brzina ko avion ali aviona nemaju ta svijetlost u nebe. niti ovaj objekt ima zvuk. glas.

[uredio Stefan84 - 28. studenog 2024. u 22:11]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 14.03.2010.
Poruka: 5.055
28. studenog 2024. u 22:26

Kao sto politicari znaju nakon nekog vremena na vlasti izgubiti dodira s realnoscu i postaju bahati tako i lik koji tezi nekoliko stotina milijardi dolara moze pasti pod istim utjecajem. 

To u kombinaciji s teskim kompleksima i mid life crisis dobijes to sto je danas Elon. 

Ne zelim da se hvalim sam sebe nie moj stil, ali ipak. Ja sam jedan od najveci rukomet expert/analiticar u atmosveri. Pratim 15 evropski ligi a 5 pratim detaljirano. ---- by Bastion. (Stefan84)
ian wright
ian wright
Pristupio: 19.05.2005.
Poruka: 61.885
29. studenog 2024. u 12:38

zlikovac iz 007, kažem ja

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 04.09.2010.
Poruka: 2.531
29. studenog 2024. u 18:43

Vrlo vjerojatno je full ozbiljan, da. Dalo bi se isčitati da je.

I Rogan vjeruje u zmajeve. Potvrdio je to na svom profilu. Ozbiljan je, sto posto.

Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 04.09.2010.
Poruka: 2.531
29. studenog 2024. u 18:55

Tu na forumu svi profesori sarkazma, ali nedaj Bože da netko na nekakvoj poziciji bude sarkastičan/ironičan/baci glupu foru.

Niti slučajno.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.558
29. studenog 2024. u 20:20

Christian Nationalism’s First Item on the Agenda: Repeal Women’s Right to Vote

"Trump supporters’ calling for an end to women’s suffrage may be the canary in the coal mine for further drastic changes to the electoral system."

"Right after the election, Pastor Joel Webbon, president of the Right Response Ministries, said that half of his vote was stolen from him by the 19th Amendment—that would be the 1920 amendment that enshrined women’s right to vote. As Webbon noted in his podcast, he does “allow” his wife to vote so that half of his “stolen” vote can be returned to him.

“My loving, wonderful, godly wife—what we’re practicing is not hypocrisy, what we’re practicing is restitution—my loving wife said, ‘Wicked people stole half of your vote, husband, and I would like to give it back to you.’”

Webbon was in fact one of several influential Trump supporters who expressed disdain for women and women’s rights this month. Most of the others threatened women’s bodily autonomy, including at least one threat of rape. But even before the election, one of Trump’s former aides—co-founder of the conservative dating app The Right Stuff, John McEntee—posted a video in which he said, “I guess they misunderstood. When we said we wanted mail-only voting, we meant male: M-A-L-E.”

“If we had a Christian nation tomorrow, and women did have the right to vote, we would not have a Christian nation within 50 years because the husband has been appointed by God as the head of his home.”

In a 2024 episode of his own podcast Theology Applied, Webbon argued that the repeal of the 19th Amendment is actually “not [about] trying to take away the female vote, but it’s trying to say, no, there’s a family vote,” and that he believes this because “that is the Christian position.”

On the same episode of The Standard, Webbon uses the same argument that late 19th- and 20th-century anti-suffragists used: that women’s right to vote is a moral issue in that it impinges on men’s rights and interferes with women’s predestined roles as wife and mother.

Webbon and others rely on misogynistic themes that they argue are rooted in the Bible. Two years ago, Webbon tweeted that “women are more easily deceived than men,” alongside his argument that the 19th Amendment was a “bad idea.” Anti-suffragists used the same argument that women neither have the knowledge nor the minds to serve as well-informed voters; that tending to their families and households prevented them from staying updated on politics.

Women’s suffrage is only the beginning as Project 2025—a far-right transition plan for Trump’s second presidency, undermines additional voting rights and democracy more broadly under the banner of Christian nationalism. The agenda outlines allowing aggressive prosecution of voters and election officials as federal offenders, ending federal efforts to provide context for online misinformation and threats and allowing federal access to state and local voter rolls—which would make it easier for the federal government to disenfranchise voters.

Webbon’s allusion to a permanent Trump presidency is one shared by other Christian nationalists, who see this election in apocryptal terms as the final one before the actualization of a Christian nationalist nation, one which Webbon argues women voters would destroy

Samo muškarac u kući treba glasati jer ga je Bog postavio ✔️
Ne želimo da žene glasaju jer podržavamo Trump✔️
Žene ne bi trebale glasati jer ih to čini manje ženstvenim ✔️
Žene su previše glupe da misle svojom glavom, a kamoli da glasaju 🍆 ✔️
Političari lakše prevare žene nego muškarce ✔️
Žena ne može biti u tijeku s politikom jer čuva djecu ✔️



"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Potencijal za velika djela
Pristupio: 04.09.2010.
Poruka: 2.531
29. studenog 2024. u 20:29


I kaj sad s tim? Ljudi nisu normalni. Konkretno ti iz članka. 

Žene će i dalje normalno glasati.

Idemo dalje.

Sljedeći članak.

Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.558
29. studenog 2024. u 20:30

Ne znam, Trump je više puta rekao da žele smanjiti broj glasača, ako to ne napravi republikanci neće dobiti izbore.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
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