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U sjeni (uvjetno rečeni)izmjene objesenih jaja u ovalnom uredu koja je u konačnici sve samo ne bitna, dogodila se jedna stvar koja bi mogla ubrzate neke promjene na financijskim tržištima.
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Da i nakon što je RobinHood zabranio trgovanje dionicama, Google je danas izbrisao oko 100 000 negativnih ocjena na RobinHood aplikaciju za trgovanje dionicama sa Google Play Store...
"Tech giant Google is actively removing negative reviews of the Robinhood trading app from the Google Play Store after users expressed their anger over the trading platform’s halt on buying certain stocks yesterday"
Screenshot of Robinhood’s Google Play Store page yesterday which showed a one-star rating from almost 275,000 reviews.
Since the deletion of reviews, Robinhood’s rating has increased significantly, to just over 4 stars from 176,414 reviews.
Ovo mi je najbolje : Google’s policies explicitly prohibit app reviews intended to manipulate an app’s rating and the firm has previously stated that it has a system that “combines human intelligence with machine learning to detect and enforce policy violations in ratings and reviews