Ovdje nije pitanje sto je meni dovoljno, nego sto je ispravno.
Ponovit cu opet ono sto sam nasao:
"Imposition of the sentence is the final judgment which paves the way for the defendant to appeal. The defendant has the right to file post trial motions attacking the verdict (and must do so to preserve issues for appeal). But he lost a jury trial and its harder to overturn a jury verdict than a bench (judge only) verdict. He may have screwed himself on this one. To be super technically accurate, he was found guilty of 34felonies by the jury. The judge will enter the conviction (or not) when it imposes a sentence. If for whatever reason he isn't sentenced or the court throws out the jury verdict, then he won't be convicted. He still would have been found guilty of all 34counts by a jury of his peers."
Dakle, nije tako kako kazes. Ali sve cinjenice su iznesene, pa neka svatko donese zakljucak za sebe.
I da, slazem se, dovoljno smo privatizirali temu...