Australian Open 2016

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 18.06.2011.
Poruka: 5.177
19. siječnja 2016. u 15:36
IKPSRDUKZ je napisao/la:
sa ovim rapidnim propadanjem Rafe se samo moze jos vise cijenit ovo kako se Fedjo jos dobro drzi u poznim godinama.....nije to lako u modernom tenisu
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Nemoj tako, po nolesnicima Rafa još nije ni došao u dobre godine za moderni tenis.
Growing up means choosing how you're gonna live your life.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
19. siječnja 2016. u 15:41
Pogledah Rafa uopce nije lose kuzim cemu toliki napadi na Anando je odigra brutalno. I da ne kuzin ove natpise vezane uz publiku...publika je bodrila oba igraca. Nema uopce govora da su bili protiv njega. Svasta.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.09.2015.
Poruka: 1.612
19. siječnja 2016. u 15:42
Zinedine_Zidane je napisao/la:
Znao me je Rafa i gore naživcirat, ali nema veze. Ja stvarno ne razumijem što on radi na treninzima. Jel on uopće pogledao koji meč iz boljih dana pa da vidi kako je igrao nekad.

Čak ne mora ni to, ali mislim da je svakom jasno kako je morao neke stvari promjenit kroz sve ove mjesece. Imam osjećaj da je kod njega situacija kao i kod Borne gdje ga jedan, rezultatski solidan turnir, povede u mišljenje kako je na pravom tragu iako je igra loša.

Da nije mogao u 3-4 zadnja mjeseca radit na tome da igra duže lopte, agresivnije i izbori se za situaciju gdje može forhendom kontrolirat poen umjesto toga da ga svi napadaju i iskorištavaju njegove kratke lopte i balone, to mi nije jasno.
Ok, nema servis i to ga jebe, al nije njemu servis kriv ako prva dva normalna reterna on vrati čovjeku još mlitavije i dozvoli napad. Još je i muda negdje doma ostavio pa sve to izgleda tak kak izgleda.
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Hvala Bogu da nisam gledao ovaj meč. Do ovog turnira sam bio optimist i nikada nisam gubio vjeru,ali Nadal je pao na toliko niske grane da mislim da povratka više nema. Vjerujem da on još uvijek ima igru za sve igrače osim Đokovića u ovom trenutku,ali bojim se da su ovakvi porazi ostavili preveliki trag na njegovom samopouzdanju. On je igrač koji je uvijek trebao pobijediti puno mečeva da bi se ostao smiren u ključnim trenutcima. Čini mi se da nažalost više nije u stanju vezati takvu seriju pobjeda.

Spomenuo si njegov trening pa moram dodati da ga ja nikada nisam razumio. U svakom sažetku njegovog treninga kojeg sam ja vidio,on je uvijek udarao forehand potpuno ravno (flat) da bi onda na meču maksimalno odigrao 5% takvih udaraca. Ja to nikako ne mogu shvatiti. Najveći problem koji ima u igri i stvar koja ja uglavnom glavni razlog njegovih poraza su jako kratke lopte koje udara forehandom. Da li je stvarno moguće da on ne vježba topspin forehand na treninzima i kada napada i kada je pod pritiskom od strane jake i duboke lopte? Ja se stvarno nadam da nije tako.

Vidio sam samo sažetke i moram reći da i ja mrzim njegovu preplašenu igru. Igra se minimalno 3 seta i nije mi jasno da on nije u stanju ući u meč agresivno i probati graditi poene servisom ako već nije u stanju zabijati puno aseva. Ako vidi da nije njegov dan uvijek može zaigrati opreznije i ići na sigurnije servise. Svi pričaju o novom treneru,ali ja mislim da tu pomoći više nema. To je trebalo napraviti puno ranije,a definitivno ga je i Toni trebao bolje naučiti nekim osnovama kada je još bio klinac. Return mu je bio najveća mana u cijeloj karijeri,a do 20. godine nije niti pokušavao napraviti bilo kakvu prednost servisom. To su izuzetno važni udarci na brzim podlogama i glavni razlog zašto on nema više Slamova van zemlje. Uz sve lijepe trenutke,njegovu karijeru ću najviše pamtiti po ozljedama koje su ga uvijek zadesile kada je bio na vrhu. Šteta.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 06.06.2013.
Poruka: 199
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:00
N. Đokovicu i R. Nadalu jedna stvar je zajednička - ne vole Federera. Đokovic je hiljadu puta javno rekao da najvise cijeni Nadala, a Nadal ne uvlaci jezik dok prica o Novaku kao teniseru sa najvisim nivoom tenisa koji je gledao. I to ne prvi put. Oni su jednom, čini mi se, čak i zajedno igrali parove?! Đokovic se ne mirise sa Federerom (obostrano je) odavno, valjda je ljut na njega sto ga je prozivao zbog predaje meceva, dok je Srbin tvrdio da je to morao da radi, a onda je u zadnjim godinama nanio nekoliko stvarno bolnih poraza Federeru koji se smiješi, ali iznutra bi mu....sve po spisku...Rafa, pak, moze da mahne Rodzeru sa međusobnim skorom. Zapravo, misteriozno je zasto Rafa vise gotivi Srbina od Švajcarca. Stvar naravi, južnjackog prijekla ili ono što neće da prevale preko usta - ne misle da je Fed bas toliko najbolji?
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:02
Nije istina da ne radi na novim stvarima. Najveci problem je taj fh, kojeg nikako da vrati na stare staze. Otkad ja trubin da je fh nesta-nesta. Da mi je neko reka da ce Rafin bh bit bolji od fh, zavarila bi mu od smija.


RAFAEL NADAL: The match is five sets. There is not only last set. He was playing amazing in the last set. If you decide everything in one set, the opponent is ready to hit all the balls at hundred percent, then you are in trouble.

He had a lot of success hitting all the balls full power in the fifth. I have to congratulate him.

But I am not happy about the way that I played the first. In the fourth I was not very bad, but he played better than me, too. I had my chances in the fourth, too, with that Love-30 that he played well. That’s it.

He played better than me. He played more aggressive than me. He taked more risks than me, and he won. Probably he deserved.

Q. What do you think you would have done differently? Do you have any regrets regarding your own game through this match?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. The match is a tough lose for me obviously. Obviously is tough, especially because is not like last year that I arrived here playing bad and feeling myself not ready for it.

This year was a completely different story. I have been playing and practicing great and working so much. You know, is tough when you work so much and arrives a very important event and you’re going out too early.

Is tough, but at the same time, I know I did everything that I can to be ready for it. Was not my day. Let’s keep going. That’s the only thing.

No, no, there is no more things to do than keep practicing hard, keep practicing the same way that I was doing the last four, five months.

Today I was not ready to compete the way that I was practicing, so not happy with that. That’s it. I hope the next time I can compete better than what I did today, because I was playing good.

Q. How do you explain today you didn’t compete as well as you thought you would?
RAFAEL NADAL: In terms of being competitive, I was competitive. In terms of creating damage to the opponent with my forehand, I didn’t. So I was hitting forehands, and he was able to keep hitting winners.

Cannot happen when I am hitting my forehand. The opponent, if he wants to hit a winner is because he take too much risk. In my opinion was not the case of today. I was hitting winners. I was hitting forehands. He was able to keep going for big shots in a not very bad position.

That was the biggest issue for me today. I don’t know a hundred percent the reason, to be honest. I was doing that good on the practices and the previous tournaments. Was not the case today.

Q. Do you feel that you deserved a bit more support from the crowd, especially towards the end in the fifth set?
RAFAEL NADAL: No. The crowd is great.

Q. Seems like a lot of times in Grand Slams guys have been playing freely against you, with more confidence, Kyrgios, Brown, Fognini. Do you sense in these matches that players are playing more aggressively and more confidently against you than it used to be, or is it something that’s different on your side of the court?
RAFAEL NADAL: The game is changing a little bit. Everybody now tries to hit all the balls. There is no balls that you can prepare the point, no? Everybody hit the ball hard and try to go for the winners in any position. Game become a little bit more crazy in this aspect.

But the real thing is my mission is make them play with difficult positions. So if they want to go for lot of winners with very difficult positions, the chance of having success is not very high. If I let them hit from good positions and they obviously wants to go for winners, then the chances for success are much higher.

So that’s the mistake for me today. Last year was different story, no? Don’t want to compare last year, because last year was a different issues.

But this year, the real thing is I was not enough aggressive with my forehand during the whole match. I didn’t feel it. I tried. I fighted. I was ready to do it, and I didn’t. So I am sad for that.

Q. We’re a year on from you saying you were lacking that confidence from a year ago. Is there a different way you’re approaching the majors? This is the third one where you’ve lost fairly early compared to the other tournaments.
RAFAEL NADAL: I play majors same way I play other tournaments all the year. All my life I played every tournament putting all that I have there.

When I am playing in a 250 or 500 or Masters 1000 or Grand Slam, when I go on court, I am not more focused. Nothing in general when I am playing the bigger tournaments. I try my best in every single match of the year. That’s it.

Sometimes you have success; sometimes you do not. Today it is obvious that I didn’t.

Q. Your coach was telling us yesterday that you’re trying to change some things in your game to advance it more. Do you think because it’s still early in the season you’re going to need a few more months to actually see these changes make a difference?
RAFAEL NADAL: You never know what’s going on in the future. I felt myself that I was practicing great, playing very good.

I was practicing little bit different, trying to be more inside the court. It’s obvious that all the changes are not easy and especially are difficult to make that happen when you are competing.

But the real thing is if I am not doing that, then I am dead. I can play defensive or offensive. But if you stay in the middle, finally, at the end of the day, you are not doing nothing.

You cannot be in the middle of being offensive or defensive, because it is obvious that finally you don’t have a consistent strategy, then you are lost.

Q. When you are in a long match, like, do you feel when you’re not playing aggressive enough, do you push yourself to be more aggressive or you realized that you were not aggressive only at the end of the match?
RAFAEL NADAL: No, I detected that before the end of that match. I tried. I was playing a little bit more aggressive after the first set. I won the next two. Then in the fourth the real thing is he had the break in the first game of the fourth. He played amazing that game.

I was able to be back, and I put myself in a position to win the match. But then he played amazing in the last four points of that 6-5. In the tiebreak, he hit all the shots bombs, no?

So the biggest problem was the first set, in my opinion. He was not playing that well in the first set. I should take advantage there, but I didn’t. Then you lose the first. You play against a player that has a good potential and he’s able to hit the ball so hard and take risk, then you are under pressure the rest of the match.

I could win the match, but I lost because he felt great. In my opinion, he played better than what he was doing the last couple of months, especially in the last two sets. He played so aggressive, and the serve was huge for him today.

I just can congratulate him because he deserved, and I wish him all the best for the rest of the tournament.
Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 06.06.2013.
Poruka: 199
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:07

Što se tiče Rafinog ispadanja, kada nekome das da zabije imbecilan broj vinera (nevjerovatan bolje rečeno), to znači da si mu dizao loptice na - izvolte. Rafa više nema živaca da igra taktički, što je nekada izvrsno radio. Žuri da završi poen, a on tako ne zna da igra. Beton ionako nije njegova omiljena podloga, a jos tri seta...On mora da mijenja svoj stručni štab. Toni mu je dao ono što je mogao iznao. Stisni petlju i probaj nesto drugo. Drugaciji treninzi , promjena nekih akcenata u igri (servisa na primjer itd)...Šlaja mu uvijek ostaje. Možda će  podloga biti i na Olimpijadi? Đokovic je procvjetao sa servisom tek sa Bekerom. 

A Verdasko i njegovi vineri? Sačekajmo prvog ozbiljnog rivala koji će da ga razvuce na bekhend i da mu vrati pod patike par servisa pa cete da vidite koliko brzo će da izleti.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:08
agassi je napisao/la:
Ispao Nadal,  propao nekima dejt sa fatalnom Dalmatinkom :)
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Hahaha....najbitnije je da tebi nije propala kava na Firama ;)

Željan dokazivanja
Pristupio: 06.06.2013.
Poruka: 199
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:11
"Ispao Nadal,  propao nekima dejt sa fatalnom Dalmatinkom :)"

Ugusi se njom! (kafom).

Salim se. Mene nisu vaspitali da drugima želim zlo. Ali, ajde, mogla bi da ti se ta kafa prospe po pantalonama. 
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 15.04.2012.
Poruka: 6.715
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:11
Vi koji Rafu osudjujete jeste li uopce pogledali cili mec? Nije istina da nije igra uopce agresivno. U drugom i trecem setu je napada masu. Najveca zamjerka mu je prvi set-dupla u kljucnom momentu. Peti set je Anando jednostavno odigra fenomenalno i tu se nista nije moglo. Triba bit fer i korektan i rec onako kako je, ehhhh.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 07.05.2011.
Poruka: 701
19. siječnja 2016. u 16:15
Nista od kave na rivi    Ne odustaj Aga, jos nije gotovo
[uredio laka pobeda - 19. siječnja 2016. u 16:15]