Doping u tenisu

Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
10. lipnja 2017. u 22:33
Ima tih "o" ohoho...
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
14. lipnja 2017. u 01:13
6/12/2017 8:48 AM GMT+0200
@ Brian 
The current testing regime in Tennis is an ABSOLUTE JOKE 
When they get an approved by the anti doping agencies testing program in place  
then we can talk about which players have parlayed natural talent and an unbelievable amount of hard work into victories!


Brian Keeley
6/12/2017 7:31 AM GMT+0200
JavaJunkie88, you have no support for your position that Nadal is on any type of banned substance. If he was taking some type of banned substance it certainly would have been detected at some point in his career. Sharapova was not a minor player and she tested positive for substance that was not even considered to be illegal until recently. You clearly can't accept the fact that some players outwork others though a combination of practice, nutrition, weight training, conditioning and mental toughness. Do you think that Federer is on drugs because he is still playing at such a high level at the age of 35? 20 years ago most professional tennis players' careers were over with by the age of 30. I guess you don't believe in the steady forward march of science.


6/12/2017 9:14 AM GMT+0200
If you are so certain that Rafa is using PEDs then it's even more obvious that Federer has a better PED program. In any event, if you follow tennis at all you will know that a former French Minister of sport accused Nadal of doping - without any evidence - and she will stand trial in July this year. In addition Nadal requested that the ITF release the results of all of his drug tests. Every athlete should be so open.


6/12/2017 5:24 PM GMT+0200
The ITF testing regime is a joke 
Put in Place a REAL TESTING PROGRAM which is sanctioned by the world anti-doping org i.e. WADA 
with a "whereabouts" requirement i.e. 1 hour per day 7 days a week for 52 weeks per year you have to be available for random testing... 
Then lets see what the results are...


Clelia Mattana
6/12/2017 1:17 AM GMT+0200
I read all that before, watched Armstrong's documentaries and on top of that my brother started to ride a bike at age 41 (after 20 years of inactivity) and even if he obviously didn't compete at the Tour the France, he was able to get ahead of guys half his age in many races. He is simply gifted and he is not even a professional athlete. And now he is 45 and still beating youngers guys. Definitely not on PEDs. I can't say about anyone else but I'm 1000% sure about him, so your argument is totally inconsistent, not to mention that riding a bike and climb mountains like Armstrong did, is with all due respect for that sport, mostly due to endurance and physical strength. Have you ever played tennis? Every athlete nowadays can run like there is no tomorrow. It takes great focus, presence of mind, mad skills and technique to achieve what the greatest have achieved. People like you are POISONING this sport. Such a shame, as I find it one of the most fascinating sports ever. Sharapova was taking a substance that was not illegal until recently. Her mistake, she admitted it, case closed. It's like saying that one day ITF bans...I don't know, let's say "Gatorade" because of course it helps the athlete so they are all cheaters! This is just an example. They also banned melatonin, which stunned me, as I take it regularly and does nothing to my physical performances. If anything, I think they are way too strict with all the banned substances, but that's just my opinion.


6/12/2017 8:30 AM GMT+0200
All were heard when the Tour de France times started getting significantly better in the late 90's was  
New and Improved Training methods 
Ask Greg Lemond about it... He'll go off on that for 10 minutes easy 
All were heard when Baseballs started flying out of MLB ballparks at a record pace in the late 80's early was 
New and Improved Training methods 
All we heard when Roger Clemens and other pitchers kept pitching and winning games into their 40's in MLB was 
New and Improved Training methods 
Joker was a FAT BOY when he came out on tour then 
New and Improved Training methods and he slimmed down and started winning 
5 HOUR MARATHON sets still going full speed at hour 5 in a semi on a hot day - No problemo for JOKER 
All I want is TESTING then when they pass we can all say WELL DONE!


6/11/2017 10:38 PM GMT+0200 [Edited]
Just put in a REAL i.e. the best science can come up with TESTING PROGRAM 
Everytime its brought up all the fan boys of Serena and Rafa and the Joker all go bonkers and attack anyone who asks for TESTING 
Wasn't it your boy Ronnie Reagan who said "Trust BUT Verify!"  
etc etc


6/11/2017 9:10 PM GMT+0200
If PEDs could make someone great at tennis, then bodybuilers would win all the tournaments.


6/11/2017 9:34 PM GMT+0200 [Edited]
You need to learn about PED's  
In general the benefit isn't that you get huge muscles  
The benefit is the endurance they give you to repeatedly train hard DAY AFTER DAY (a result of which is that should you be lifting weights you get really large really quick) 
Sharapova wasn't taking medicine for heart disease because she had heart disease...


Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
14. lipnja 2017. u 23:48
Za sve ove koji su ubeđeni da je Rafa čist jedno pitanje. Šta bi sa onom Rafinom tužbom protiv one francuske ministarke? Žena javno rekla da se Rafa dopinguje, strikan Toni i netjak besneli, najavili tužbu rečima da neće niko više nekažnjeno da blati Raficu, i gde su sad, šta sad? Prave se blesavi, šta? To nije sumnjivo?Evo la decima euforičari, čekam odgovor.

Nešto mi govori da ćete ćutati.
 (.., 14. jun 2017 18:13)
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.06.2011.
Poruka: 2.125
15. lipnja 2017. u 00:18
za razliku od 90'ih danas čistih - nema.
zato tenis i je promjenio svoju fizionomiju a igrači prešli sve granice atletizma.

Znam za neke igrače iz HRV koju su bili izbačeni zbog 'ozljeda', znam iz prve ruke i za Đokovića.

Recimo da je jedan od rijetkih čistih Karlović.
Među poznatijim je i sada već bivši Hewitt.

Taj doping je ubio svu raskoš tenisa 90'ih.
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 12.06.2011.
Poruka: 2.125
15. lipnja 2017. u 00:23
postoje oni koje se dira i oni koje se ne dira. Samo budale misle da je doping privilegija Argentinaca, a samo njih šalju na hlađenje (Canas, Puerta, Coria...).

Čilićeva mama također nije kupovala sladoled jer je ovom debosu pao šečer.

ATP je vrlo elegantan po tom pitanju.
Od ovih bitnih okreće glavu, od ovih manje bitnih koji služe za opomenu drugima također okreće glavu, ljudi prva 2 puta dogovaraju s ATPijem čak i vrstu ozljede prije nego ih direktno izbace nakon druge opomene.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 28.04.2007.
Poruka: 28.490
15. lipnja 2017. u 00:52
Agassi je bio na nečemu 90-ih, speed ili tako nešto.
"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!" 🎸⚽🏀🎨
Obrisan korisnik
Obrisan korisnik
Pristupio: 08.11.2012.
Poruka: 2.425
15. lipnja 2017. u 10:40
madmax17 je napisao/la:
Agassi je bio na nečemu 90-ih, speed ili tako nešto.
Vidi cijeli citat

i šta bi mu speed pomogao? sa jedne strane daje ti energiju i svježinu, al sa druge strane uzima koncentraciju i mirnoću koja je važna u tenisu.
Većinski vlasnik Foruma
Pristupio: 16.06.2013.
Poruka: 23.719
15. lipnja 2017. u 11:19
Na čemu je Čilić, dopu?
Hala Madrid!
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
15. lipnja 2017. u 12:42
revolver7 je napisao/la:
postoje oni koje se dira i oni koje se ne dira. Samo budale misle da je doping privilegija Argentinaca, a samo njih šalju na hlađenje (Canas, Puerta, Coria...).

Čilićeva mama također nije kupovala sladoled jer je ovom debosu pao šečer.

ATP je vrlo elegantan po tom pitanju.
Od ovih bitnih okreće glavu, od ovih manje bitnih koji služe za opomenu drugima također okreće glavu, ljudi prva 2 puta dogovaraju s ATPijem čak i vrstu ozljede prije nego ih direktno izbace nakon druge opomene.
Vidi cijeli citat

Todorića se ne dira, male se dira.

Isto vrijedi i u tenisu.

P. S.

No moram te upitati zašto su onda Šarapovu tako drastično kaznili?
[uredio Dar - 15. lipnja 2017. u 12:43]
Mali dioničar
Pristupio: 06.03.2013.
Poruka: 7.137
18. lipnja 2017. u 00:48

Ha, Rumnj tvrdi (u pravu je) da je meldonij izumljen u Letoniji. A Jeljena Ostapenko dolazi iz Letonije. I nije mu samo ona sumnjiva. Na popisu su Rafa, Serenica i Venus, Svitoljina...


Alexandru Chis
 •  13 Iunie 2017, 18:03

Nu-l agreiez pe Banciu, dar si eu sunt sceptic in ceea ce privesc performantele unor jucatori si jucatoare precum Nadal, surotile Williams, Svitolina, Ostapenko si lista ar putea continua. Sunt chiar atat de "curati" acesti sportivi sau sumele care se vehiculeaza in asa-zisul "sport alb" si influenta sposorilor determina ca WADA sa inchida ochii si sa faca analize superficiale? Este mult prea graitor cazul de dopaj al lui Luis Armstrong pentru a nu suspecta astfel de metode negale prin care se "imbunatatesc" performantele unor indivizi. Degeaba se constata ca Sharapova s-a dopat cu meldonium de zece ani daca nu i s-a retras cel putin trofeul de la Roland Garros din 2004! Degeaba se va constata ca Ostapenko - din tara care a inventat meldoniumul, Letonia - s-a dopat. Cu ce se alege Simona?
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